Men About Town

"Men About Town? If you ask me, that's what happens when all the men are off to war or the quarries. Women get bored and it's either 'gals being pals' or rentboys. Plenty of both in Sacqueline, makes a great vacation spot."   ~Shenna Lia, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar

Purpose / Function

Men About Town is a brothel that caters to lonely women with disposable income; mainly the wives of quarry men and wealthy merchants that come through town. It also offers fine dining and a selection of Elvenkind wines that is the envy of any establishment in Cambreath.   As one might imagine, the employees aren't terribly popular with the local men. As a consequence, they are trained brawlers, a fact accentuating the amount of time they already spend exercising.


The original building was made of clay brick, but the whole thing was torn down and redesigned when the Stonecutters Society took over in order to display the talents of the new town masters.


The outer walls are now made of four massive marble slabs and granite pillars support the stone-tile roof. The whole thing is held together by tension; no mortar was used in its construction and the stones fit tightly enough together than no draft can squeeze between them.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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