Spectacular Trouble

"Spectacular Trouble is about the only reason to go to Sacqueline. It's too close to the Blackspiral Hexamid for my tastes, but it does seem to do fun things to the potions."   ~Medea Vuthakorna

Purpose / Function

The Spectacular Trouble Alchemist Shoppe was built to take advantage of both the strange energies of the Blackspiral Hexamid to the southeast and the fungal forest to the northwest. As a result, it boasts the most unique potions, poultices, and supplies in Maecodia.


Spectacular Trouble started as a dirt-brick hut, but when the original builder's home burned down it was torn down and revamped repeatedly. It now boasts a laboratory, a massive storage cellar, a small library of recipes, and potions racks that are never empty.


The walls of the shop are solid stone on the outside. The inner walls are proprietary, nearly invincible poured concrete reinforced by long, thin bars of adamantine. The doors are balanced disks of adamantine designed to ride explosions to slam and lock shut should they occur. The point of this reinforcement is to contain any disasters to a single room instead of losing everything; a design philosophy hard learned through the generations.
Founding Date
Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
  Wealth: 2d6   Wild -1   Economy +2  


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