Long Wall

"That Long Wall of the Sacquene was built to annoy the bandits preying on the silver trade, so they say. I don't know what kind of bandit warrants a wall that size or the sheer number of murder holes, but I personally feel flattered by them."   ~Ellayne Warbough, Sheriff of Alcedene

Purpose / Function

The Long Wall was built after the Hugo Trade Route had been established giving Sacqueline access to the Grasping River, and then to Krezzym, and then to the rest of the Confederation.   The trade route brought bandits attracted by the fat purses and easy coin. While the Bounty Hunter's Lodge and the Caravaneer Mutual Defense League both offered to contribute to the defense with Bounty Hunters and mercenaries, but the Stonecutters Society decided to defend its own hub its way: by building an enormous and objectively beautiful wall with mindbending architecture techniques. They initially hired a band of mercenaries to man the walls, but these were rapidly folded into the Unified Guard Force of Saqueline and Hugo.


The wall is built of irregular 1-ton blocks, crafted from marble, granite, and wardstone. The walls are fitted together so precisely that a blade of grass can't fit between them at any part, and the irregularity means that even an earthquake does minimal damage. The whole interior of the wall as well as the wall itself is an area of low magic, which has made the roadside markets one of the most trusted trade hubs in Maecodia.   The Long Wall is actually two walls side by side. They are each around 26 miles long, protruding from the city walls of Sacqueline and encompassing not only Port Hugo, but the river itself along with about thirty yards of dry land on the other side.   The wall is perfectly level, even a marble placed on it at any point will not roll. The ground itself is not, sloping gradually and imperceptibly towards the river. The wall consequentially grows taller towards the river, going from the height of the Saquene Walls, about 6 ft. to over 20 where it towers over the waters of the Grasping River.   Over the water, the Long Wall becomes more of a dual stone bridge, with bronze cage gates that can be raised or lowered by guards on the catwalk. The Stonecutters Society has been collecting tolls for passage ever since, a cause for a number of violent clashes with other settlements and entities but also a source of large amounts of wealth.
Alternative Names
The Sacquene Wall
Wall section
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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