Corey's Table

"DON'T ASK ME ABOUT THE NAME"   ~Sign hanging on the front door of Corey's Table

Purpose / Function

Corey's Table is a large general store and the only such permanent establishment. Farmers that fail to sell their goods at market will sell them to Corey's Table at a discount to be preserved and resold. Corey's Table also offers a host of tools and clothing, as well as the occasional secondhand item of interest. Agents from Corey's Table scour the markets for anything that might be undervalued that could be sold at a markup.


Corey's Table is also sometimes called "the stack" because of its odd construction. Each floor is a shallow bowl, with a spiral staircase in the center. As the shop becomes more prosperous and needs more space, another bowl is added to the top, resulting in a strange, claustrophobic design of parallel sloping ceiling and floor. The building started as one such bowl, but now sports six.


Each layer is made of thick planks of wood, shaped into a shallow bowl held only 7 feet above the floor below by clay brick columns. Thin boards of pressed sawdust painted teal and blue protect those inside from wind and weather. A spiral staircase ascends the center of the layers. There are currently 6 such layers, with the roof consisting of a smooth bowl accessible via a trapdoor at the top of the staircase. As a result, there is a large reservoir of fresh water on top that is channeled down in a waterfall on rainy or windy days.


Harver Comemet arrived as a wealthy refugee from Shelor sometime in the early 600s. He established the first layer of the Stacks in 634, and he quickly established a reputation for shrewd, savvy business acumen that bordered on cutthroat sociopathy. Ever since, the establishment has grown steadily more wealthy, every few generations the family adds another stack to accommodate more inventory and a slowly growing clan.
ykind] +1
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Stacks
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
  Wealth: 2d8   Economy: +2   Wild: -1   Control: -2   Trust: +1   Religion: Mythos of the Scalykind   


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