Town Round of Scarroh

"You like it? It's a work in progress, it may never be finished. Raise your hand if you want to be part of something pious and beautiful, okay?"   ~Oskar Bürkli, Sheriff of Sacqueline

Purpose / Function

The Town Round is the marketplace, public meeting place, and a place for public trials and punishments. In 992, a statue of Scarroh was erected, and is a central place of worship for Deminites focused on her worship. The stocks and gallows that she towers over, as well as the numerous severed hands nailed to her, serve as a harsh reminder of the draconian laws enforced by Sheriff Oskar Bürkli and Magistrate Beath Grunder.


When it was built originally, the central fountain contained a life sized, perfectly realistic statue of Ekatriax. When the town revolted, they pulled down and smashed the statue, and replaced it with an statue to Agasyl, patron of the Caravaneer Mutual Defense League. As her particular sect's influence declined in the city, the statue fell into disrepair. With the rise of Oskar Bürkli, he commissioned the statue torn down and rebuilt in masterly crafted wood, this time in the likeness of Scarroh in her Chastiser aspect; a tall, stately woman with a leather blindfold and heroically nude, holding up a poker in one hand and holding out a moistened cloth in the other. Her privates as well as random segments of her form are covered up by the severed hands of thieves harvested by Oskar Bürkli.


The Town Round is a mostly circular space of smooth flagstones. Typically, the market is ore or less filled by temporary stalls manned by farmers, caravaneers, trappers, and fishmongers.    The statue in the center has a 12 foot pedestal atop which stands a 9 foot expertly carved wooden statue of Scarroh. A wheeled ladder is attached to the pedestal, so it can be climbed from any angle but not removed. Around the base of the column is a stage for trials, stocks for minor infractions, and a chopping block next to a gallows for more severe punishments.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Town Round, the Market, the Circle
Market square
Parent Location
Owning Organization
  Control: +2   Trust: -2   Religion: Demiurgery +4  


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