Ruins of the Reverent Chapel

"That old place? It was trafficking criminals so I got a posse together and burned it down. Some folks say it's haunted, but what do they know? They get too hung up on their guilt. Sad, really."   ~Oskar Bürkli, Sheriff of Sacqueline

Purpose / Function

Originally a chapel of the Reverence of The Three Virgins, the Reverent Chapel is now a burned out ruin, its grounds overgrown and wasted. Rumor has it that it is the haven of criminals and a popular meeting place for illicit lovers.


From its building to its conflagration, the Reverent Chapel was largely the same; a modest and understated structure of wood and brick seemingly too small to serve the number of Reverents that were in attendance in its heyday.   After its destruction, the inside of the walls have become something of a shanty town, with cloth and scrap wood lean-tos being set up to guard against the weather. A small band of Murlynders operate a soup kitchen that feeds the hungry. Charred, dead trees surround it, though there are signs of life evident in the spring and summer; recovery is slow, but it is happening.


The hollow walls of the building are brick-based with charred wood rising up above them. The roof did not survive the fire, nor did any of the stained glass windows.


Originally built to service a growing population of Reverents, the Reverent Chapel served its purpose and its community well for most of a century. Shortly after the rise of Oskar Bürkli to the position of Sheriff of Sacqueline, the priests of the chapel began granting sanctuary to suspected or accused thieves due to Oskar's harsh treatment.   Only a few short weeks after this practice began, Oskar Bürkli, working together with an itinerant Witchfinder, convinced an angry mob that the church had been corrupted by demons and was harboring criminals. They burned and sacked it on the 24th of Newinter in the year 987. No priests survived, but it's not known how specifically they died.   Oskar actually got the crowd to burn the place to cover up the fact that his sister slaughtered the priests and those seeking sanctuary in the form of a Lycanthrope, a fact that she is not aware of. 
24 of Newinter 987
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Husk
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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