
Jutvale is a sprawling metropolis that rises like an oasis in the harsh, arid expanse of the Xilian Desert. Known as the Jewel of the Xilian, the city is a marvel of engineering and magic, thriving in an environment where life would otherwise be impossible. At its heart lies the Xilian Star, an ancient and powerful artifact that provides the city with pure water and sustains its lush, green life amidst the surrounding desert.


Jutvale is a melting pot of cultures and races, a place where people from all corners of the world come to seek fortune, knowledge, or simply a new life. The Genasi, with their natural affinity for the elements, are among the most prominent inhabitants, often serving as elementalists, artisans, and scholars. Desert Elves, known for their agility and connection to the land, are skilled hunters, scouts, and guides, while Dwarves run the forges and workshops, crafting everything from weapons to intricate jewelry.   Humans, Gnomes, and Dragonborn add to the city’s diversity, each bringing their own traditions and skills. The city is known for its vibrant festivals, where music, dance, and storytelling play a central role. The people of Jutvale have a deep respect for the desert and the Xilian Star, and their culture reflects a balance between reverence for the natural world and a relentless pursuit of progress and innovation.

Industry & Trade

Jutvale is a major hub of trade in the southwest of Crestala. Its markets are filled with goods from across the continent, and its craftsmen are renowned for their skill. The city’s strategic location and the presence of the Xilian Star make it a vital stop for caravans crossing the desert, and its wealth is evident in the opulence of its buildings and the prosperity of its citizens.   The city’s economy is driven by trade in rare and exotic goods, including desert spices, precious metals, enchanted items, and artifacts from the ancient ruins found in the surrounding desert. The Xilian Star also plays a crucial role in the city’s wealth, as its water is not only essential for life in Jutvale but is also a valuable commodity traded with other cities and settlements in the region.


At the center of Jutvale, within a grand temple known as the Star Sanctum, lies the Xilian Star. This artifact is the lifeblood of the city, a radiant crystal that draws moisture from deep within the earth, purifying it and distributing it through a network of aqueducts and canals. Thanks to the Xilian Star, Jutvale is a lush, green paradise in the midst of the desert, with vibrant gardens, cool pools, and cascading waterfalls that seem almost out of place in such an arid environment.   The Tranquill Tears Bath House is a sacred place, guarded by an elite order of priests and warriors who ensure that the artifact remains undisturbed. The bath house itself is a breathtaking structure, with walls covered in intricate carvings that tell the story of the Xilian Star and the founding of Jutvale.

Points of interest

Surrounding Jutvale is a massive chasm, a colossal scar in the earth that encircles the city like a natural moat. This chasm was created long ago by a burrowing purple worm, and its depths are said to be filled with treacherous tunnels and the remains of ancient civilizations. The chasm serves as both a natural defense and a source of mystery and adventure, as brave souls venture into its depths in search of treasure or knowledge.   Bridges of stone and metal span the chasm, connecting Jutvale to the surrounding desert and allowing trade caravans to bring goods into the city. These bridges are heavily guarded, and the entrances to the city are fortified with watchtowers and walls, ensuring that Jutvale remains safe from the dangers of the desert.


  • Jutvale
Alternative Name(s)
The Jewel of the Xilian Desert
Large city
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
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