
The Underdark is a vast network of underground caverns and tunnels underneath the surface. It was home to a host of evil beings driven deep into the caverns at the end of the First War between gods and primordials.


The Underdark was not one giant cavern under the surface, but rather, many huge networks of caverns and caves. As a result, it was not always possible to travel from one end of the Underdark to the other. The Underdark was divided into several domains that were similar to continents of the world above. While it was possible to travel from one place to another within a domain, separate domains tended to have very few passages linking them. Domains include the Darklands, the Deep Wastes, Earthroot, Glimmersea, and Buried Realms.


The Underdark's environment varied vastly from the surface world, making adventuring through it a dangerous expedition. Just like trekking through a desert, adventurers traversing the Underdark's passages needed to be well prepared.   The Underdark was mainly without any source of light save for the occasional luminous rocks or fungi. Large portions of it were also without food or water, making well-stocked food supplies a must-have when exploring uncharted terrain underground.   Lack of light combined with a tomb-like silence made traveling something only for the strong-hearted. The nerve-wracking silence made even experienced adventurers grow agitated after a few days.   Just like deep dungeons, the air could grow stale and even poisonous in the Underdark. It could contain explosive gasses from underground volcanic activity or other deadly gasses bubbling out of deep fissures in the rock. Bad air and poisonous fumes could collect in portions of tunnels and caves more or less isolated from the main vaults and caverns. Siphon-like tunnels holding water could also trap these gasses for a long time.


The temperature underground varied according to depth and the proximity of thermal activities in the area. Throughout the year, the temperature remained stable and moderate in most regions, usually slightly clammy or chilly. The water underground was extremely cold and posed a hypothermia risk.

Fauna & Flora

The Underdark was extremely dangerous, especially to those not native to it. There were the usual dangers associated with caverns: claustrophobia, occasional poor air circulation, and getting lost. There was no light except for occasional patches of fluorescent fungi; most Underdark inhabitants either had highly developed senses other than sight or had developed darkvision. Food could be extremely difficult to find, and much of the natural vegetation was poisonous.   In addition to those dangers, the Underdark was also the home of many predators and often-hostile races, including drow (dark elves), deep gnomes, druegar (dark dwarves), and various forms of monstrosities.   Many inhabitants of the Underdark worship the goddess Lolth.


  • Underdark
Underground / Subterranean
Location under


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