
Thalasburough, an eccentric town nestled within the borders of Avalor, is unlike any other settlement in the kingdom. Its identity is deeply intertwined with the art of fishing, to an extent that might raise eyebrows among outsiders. This unique community draws its inspiration and sustenance from the bounties of the sea, and its residents share an uncanny connection to the aquatic world.   The town's patron deity is none other than Omakhar, the god of dim light, courage, self-control, the sea, and knowledge. In Thalasburough, Omakhar's influence is palpable, permeating every aspect of life. The people, regardless of their ancestral heritage, seem to exhibit fish-like features, a remarkable testament to the deity's profound impact on their lives. These features include characteristics such as scales, webbed appendages, and glistening, aquatic eyes. It's as though the inhabitants of Thalasburough have been touched by the essence of the sea, embodying the very creatures they rely upon for sustenance.   Fishing is not merely an occupation in Thalasburough; it is a way of life. The townsfolk have honed their skills over generations, mastering the art of casting nets and navigating the treacherous waters with the expertise of seasoned mariners. The town's economy revolves around its fishing industry, as it supplies fresh catches of fish, crustaceans, and other marine delicacies to the surrounding regions, including the bustling markets of Avalor.   Thalasburough's connection to Omakhar is evident in its deep-rooted traditions and rituals. The townsfolk hold regular ceremonies and festivals in honor of their divine patron, seeking his blessings for fruitful catches and safe voyages. These celebrations are marked by vibrant processions, mesmerizing sea shanties, and elaborate offerings to the god of the sea.   Visitors to Thalasburough often marvel at the town's unique architecture, which incorporates elements inspired by the ocean. Buildings are adorned with intricate seashell motifs, and the streets are lined with colorful banners depicting marine life. The town's proximity to the coast ensures that the scent of saltwater and brine lingers in the air, creating an atmosphere that is unmistakably maritime.   However, Thalasburough's peculiar way of life and its deep-seated connection to the sea may raise concerns among outsiders. Some wonder if the town's devotion to Omakhar and the profound transformation of its people are indicative of a deeper, mystical influence. Rumors persist of ancient sea rituals performed beneath the moonlit waves, whispers of encounters with mysterious underwater entities, and legends of hidden treasures buried in the ocean's depths.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization