
Trádáil, often referred to as "The 4 Kingdom City," is a bustling metropolis situated at the crossroads of Avalor , Trà Bo, Lycera, and The Infernal Dust. It serves as a vital hub for trade, commerce, and cultural exchange among these diverse regions. Trádáil is characterized by its lively streets, grand marketplaces, and a constant influx of merchants, artisans, and travelers from the surrounding kingdoms.

Guilds and Factions

One of the most influential entities in Trádáil's economic landscape is The Silver Fox Traders Guild. Originally hailing from the continent of Aelotas, this guild has rapidly expanded its reach throughout the city. It has embedded itself in various facets of Trádáil's economy and government, overseeing the inspection of imported goods for any contraband materials before they are shipped to their respective destinations. The guild also collaborates with The Maeon Archeological and Encyclopedist Society to identify and manage unique artifacts encountered during trade. Their presence ensures the integrity and legality of the city's commerce.   Trádáil boasts a significant presence of smaller mercenary companies that offer their services to traders and travelers venturing into the perilous desert to the south. While some merchants choose to hire these mercenaries for protection, many opt to rely on their own guards, expressing skepticism about the reliability of these groups. Nevertheless, these mercenary companies are a visible part of the city's landscape, catering to those seeking safe passage through the harsh desert terrain.
Alternative Name(s)
The 4 Kingdom City, Merchant's Respite, Deserts Mouth
Trade post
Location under
Owning Organization