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Materia 44: "The Gathering Storm"

General Summary

In the wake of events in Regnum Solas, Hanako confides in Kazuyuki and Akari, lamenting her death at the hand of the Dark One. Kazuyuki legitimizes Myriell Anzai, and promises that the instability in the Nishikawa Dynasty will soon be settled. Planning her dowry party, Hanako invites Isabella for saving her life, and Isabella immediately calls the party to attend a sermon in Straaten.   After arriving in Straaten and attending Isabella's sermon, Mari finds that she has increasing trouble in using her magic. After heading to Kappel's Abbey to discuss more, Marius tells her that there may be mitigating circumstances in Dis, and that she should speak to her master. After gazing through Isabella's crystal ball of true seeing, the party sees Feyrith Elro upon Oberon Nikolic's throne in Prijka, that the Tarrasque has begun to move from its resting place in Volaris, and that the Dark One's forces march upon Dis. Speaking to her master, Mari is told she must come to Dis to swear fealty and defend the city, lest she lose her magic. As the night winds down, Mari finds herself increasingly interested in Isabella, who reciprocates along with Marius.
Report Date
17 Mar 2024
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