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Isabella Ekker

Saint Isabella Ekker- Kappel

Isabella Ekker is an immortal saint and the leader of the Order of the Righteous, an influential cult based in Cavédra. She is from the Riverlands, and is married to Marius Ekker.  


Born into poverty in the countryside, Isabella moved to Straaten with ambitions of becoming an adventurer, eventually finding a job working for the Ekker family. There she met Marius, whom she dated for eight months before gathering enough money to leave the country on her first adventure with the Children of the Dawn.   After years of adventuring, she grew cynical of the abuses of power within the Children of the Dawn, eventually leaving to found her own holy order. Around this time, she crossed paths with Marius once again, and took his hand in marriage after just a few months. Some time after, she is said to have achieved immortality thanks to the devotion of her followers.


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