Borthon's Stone Accessories Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Borthon's Stone Accessories

Warehouse and Stone Goods Shop

Quality: Average

Prices: Average

Specialty: Stone Gnomes and Gargoyles.

Owner: Borthon Tragor.

Staff: 5 (currently 4 staff have been killed).

Borthon has a licence from the Miners and Mercantylers guilds and stores and on sell cut stone blocks and ornamentations. This business is based in Kuseme to avoid Coranan’s high taxes.


22 Ilvin 720TR - Borthon was harboring the known murderer and renegade Stone Sorcerer Ankannor. Ankannor and much of Borthon's staff were killed when some citizens attempted to arrest Akannor. Borthon, although the guilty of knowingly harboring a murderer, has been convicted and paid a fine for his crime.

Shop, Generic
Parent Location

Cover image: by Attacus


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