Gylidder Patrons in Myzelis | World Anvil

Gylidder Patrons

Gylidd Island has been populated since before the construction of Gylidd Syn Aethri in 23,998 AI. In that time, hundreds of thousands of entities have been created by the Incari and Inaethri to serve as conduits for their magic, and some of those that have survived to present day are listed below as potential Otherworldly Patrons for Warlock pacts.   Some of these Patrons serve as potential warlock Patrons for multiple kinds of warlock; this is intentional, and reflects the often nuanced nature and variety of powers those entities can bestow.

Gylidder Patrons by Type

Archfey Patrons

  Bruidwyddir Dauddraig
Izzithsicoria Dauddraig
Tzokouda, the Dwarf Star
The Itokuni

Celestial Patrons

  Arseth, the Grand Star
Symudlaw Dauddraig

Fiendish Patrons


Genie Patrons

  Bruidwyddir Dauddraig
Izzithsicoria Dauddraig
Symudlaw Dauddraig
Vykdramir Dauddraig

Great Old One Patrons

  Arseth, the Grand Star
Murak, the Dark Star
The Anticipations
The Potential
Tzokouda, the Dwarf Star

Hexblade Patrons

  Murak, the Dark Star
Vykdramir Dauddraig

Undying Patrons

  The Shrike of Hsira (Successfully ascended to Inaethri in Falka, 0 AE)
The Master (Destroyed in Kethra, 0 AE)