Borough of Greed

The corporate structure of greed encompasses this massive borough. Wealthy corporate devils live snug in their towers. Misers of power, they will do what ever they can to stay in power. Buildings made of gold that reach impossible heights make up the city sky line here. One notable quality of this borough is the distinct disproportion of wealth. Many of the denizens who live here suffer in poverty under the promise of joining the mighty one percent. Others are drawn in to this realm through the allure of gambling and luxury. The Borough of Greed doesn't go small. Their businesses are rarely small favoring large money grabbing chains. On the lower reaches many market stalls and stores swarm the poverty stricken streets.   Anima Track Station: One of the most pivotal inventions within the city of Dis is the Anima Track. Reserving the convenience of teleportation to the rich, and powerful, a network of lines powered by soul magic carries massive vehicles across the city. This technology has proven extremely unreliable and unethical in its methods and thusly is a unique feature of the city.   The Towers of Greed: Massive towers reaching up into the sky. Ramshackle ruins converted into spectacles of wealth and privilege.   Eren's Yesary: A magic bazaar that will give you almost anything. Be careful a lot of her items are dangerous or cursed. In return no questions asked.   Grand Dragon Casino: A massive casino built to draw in a massive economy for the people of Greed. Hags pedal margins behind its walls, while an aura of misfortune lingers its halls.   Market Square: A large bustling maze of mark buildings. Countless devils, and mortal dealing in wares to boost their standing in Dis.   Nine's Indulgence: A leisure house for the corporate elite.   The Forum: An amphitheater of hellish academics discussing their new ideas, and sanctioning unholy exercises.   Annasus: An annus Hag selling her baked goods.   Yeenog's: A cult of Gnolls operate a this butchery serving all sorts of exotic meats   Fallen Fancies: A trio of Aasmiars run this shop Barbed Iron: A smithy run by a half barbed devil who has become blind but remains extremely talented.   The Tailor: This Tailoring goods shop seams to be alive and self functional.   The Drowned Dretch: This inn is solely for mortal occupancies. Planar Bank & Exchange: A massive bank designed to maintain the wealth of Dis. It emanates with the power of greed. The bank has extremely high security.   Scizzors and Sis: Two succubus sisters run a salon.   The Pit Stop: One of the many location of Dis' resident Super Store. They sell almost everything for very low prices. All it will cost is your soul.   Artist: Cobbler: Magic Shop:
Large city
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