Sloth's Borough

Sloth runs rampant across the luxury upper class. The region is slow moving and fast paced. Energy is a big deal here. Thusly The upper class district is dedicated to entertainment. In addition to the high end luxury, those of the sloth persuasion have a firm grasp on the cities media. Fabricated stories run rampant manipulating those around into benefiting Xenartha and her comrades.    Anima Track Station: One of the most pivotal inventions within the city of Dis is the Anima Track. Reserving the convenience of teleportation to the rich, and powerful, a network of lines powered by soul magic carries massive vehicles across the city. This technology has proven extremely unreliable and unethical in its methods and thusly is a unique feature of the city.   The Malign Manticore: A popular club in the district of Sloth. Designed to sap the energy and ambition from its participants to suit the needs of its owner.   Blue Root Asylum: A massive hospital ward of inmates gone mad and drained of identity. Their loss of identity creating a breeding ground for violence and bodies for use.   The Experience Bank & Exchange: A rather unique bank that pedals in stolen memories and magics rather than material wealth.   Sloth News: A major news organization with a side hustle in espionage and information brokering. They spin tails of falsehood in exchange for political favor, and control.   Baker Tailor Luxury Furnishings   The Pit Stop: One of the many location of Dis' resident Super Store. They sell almost everything for very low prices. All it will cost is your soul.
Large city
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