Botanical District

The botanical district is a massive sprawl of ordered chaos in an otherwise lawful territory. They are purposed as a way to hospitalize the other layers within the city. Outside the obvious notable locations this district has whole neighborhoods dedicated to each other layer of hell and some housing for it.   Gardens of Delight: Blocks wide untamed foliage overgrows this section of the city. If it were not for the large dome sealing it off the Abyssal breach would be a problem. Fortunately do to the vigilance of its ward the would be breach has turned into a chaotic artwork of infernal beauty.    Parks of Hell: Nine parks each simulating a biome of one of the fragments of Hell. The parks are often used by visitors from other layers for various means.   The Innfernal: A large stack of buildings run by a slothish Amnizu.    Nightmare Stables: Hellish mounts are bread and cared for in the Nightmare stables. They also host many events involving their breeds along with supplying other major events or mount needs.   Zugre Apothecary and Asylum: This facility commits the most tormented of souls ready for their transition to Devilhood in an attempt to eject some of the excess weight. The facility is operated by a bitter Fallen Angel trying with futility to purify the lost committed souls.   Alter to Hamartia A small temple dedicated to the goddess of sin resides here. While it is not the main one by any means it is a popular place of worship.   Rare Botanicals: A scavenging imp has collected a large assortment of botanicals and potions for sales with his 2 siblings.
Large city
Location under


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