The City of Dis

Nearly 400 Km long, the city of Dis attracts multitudes of people seeking refuge from the harsh climate of Hell. The town is built from the genius of Cupidtas the Demigod of Greed. It is the largest city in the multiverse spanning for miles across its fragment of Hell. The city was founded in ancient times, it is drenched in magic existing sense the first Godswar, and fueled by the souls of the damned. Dis is located amidst an enormous desert, constructed from resources scavenged across lost worlds. Natural caves wind beneath Dis that are used as crypts as well as a massive Penal colony.   City stewardship of Dis is well disciplined. Though the occupants are most definitely evil, the city exists in a place of strict order and cleanliness. The city is magnificent, and seemingly endless with constantly shifting designs. Due to moral flexibility and limitless energy, Dis is centuries ahead of other mortal cities enabling massive sky scrapers and mechanical luxury. While its original ruler is in hiding 7 powerful Nobles vi for power across the city.   Those in power are very much ostentatious, living luxury and gloating about it. Each of the many nobles possess a palace, and live their lifestyle in full public eye. That is with exception of Envy who is afforded no such luxury. Dozens of Spies work for Dis nobles, heavily embedded within all governments. This experience has lead the counterintelligence to also become well equipped and paranoid.   Nobility is made from wealth and trade. 7 Nobels operate as native rulers of Dis, many of whom are tolerant but unfriendly towards their absent monarch. With that in mind they all have divergent relations with the populace. Denizens of Dis feel nobles do not distribute resources fairly, prioritizing plenty for themselves over making sure there is enough for all. As a result attempted cues and impromptu elections are frequent.   Culture within Dis is so diverse that it can't really be defined specifically. The city is colossal in size and the people are numerous. All and all the city is a mishmash of different ideals crammed together. Even so the population isn't crowded per se however it is dense.   Dis economy is polarized in favor of power. The city while wealthy is considered impoverished as nearly all the wealth belongs to half of the people. Many outsiders visit Dis during their travels giving way to a vibrant night life, and tourism. Generally speaking the majority of the populace enjoys visitors but usually as means to suit their evil minds.   urban encounter 5 organized crime district condition 4 Very Large: +6 districts Capacity x20


Dis is a city for the living. While many people go to Hell for death, their souls are sent to Mentiri for processing. Others however roam the streets freely. Many devils over the centuries have mixed their lineages with the Human population pathing the way for a high aasimar, tiefling presence within Dis.


Government: Merchent Monarch Cupidtas led as the cities savior and builder, this has long sense changed with the Nobles taking over. They keep the money flowing in his absence while he watches from behind the scenes. That said animosity flows within the governing limits of the city. The city is focused heavily on greed and economic exploitation, and the citizens are in a constant wary state of aggression and distrust


Behind the enormous was the city has a tight grasp on its internal order. Law enforcement is corrupt and unchecked. The city is so large that many districts are not covered by the centralized forces, while others are over clocked. Lawful crime is frequent, with criminal organizations in abundance often without any fear of concealment.   Strong and Standing Hellish armies, conscripted serve Dis. The legions are vast and a well known force to be reckoned with. For the most part disposable prisoners are used in combat, but powerful devils serving the upper class are frequent soldiers within the ranks.

Industry & Trade

The city of Dis is first and foremost a land of Greed. The city is very much self sustained and inwardly trading. Very little is done with regard to external trade at all. Each district fills a different purpose for Dis. Each enabling the city to expand and thrive.


The idea of Dis is centered around the fundamentals of the seven deadly sins. In particularly Greed. Dis is a safe haven within the realm of Hell, where free livers of Hell go to escape the absolute torment for a challenging yet meaningful life. While many souls go to Hell to die. It is a corner stone of success in an otherwise ending to a very dark story. Those who visit here often hope to make bank or pleasure in some variety.


Where other civilizations fall short Dis has a plethora. They have unique access to a the lost souls of Hell. Like tap water the city harnesses the damned like electrical energy. This has enabled the city an advantage akin to centuries of technological improvement. This tech level is not witnessed in other corners of the universe simply because the methodology relies heavily on physics unique to the plane on which Dis rests, and the moral leaps made to achieve it.

Guilds and Factions

  • Libidifling: The Lust Guild focuses their efforts on pleasures of all varieties. Including but no limited to fashion, flesh, and fancy. Libidifling are very curious leading them to have taken charge of the cities academic affairs.
  • Cupifling: The Corporate hierarchy of Greed are numerous and dominate in their field. They often find themselves in charge and with many enemies. Cupifling are the wealthy spenders, and business tycoons.
  • Gulafling: The Gluttony Union is often stereotyped as dumb strong oafs due to their stature. They are the blue color backbone that keeps the city running, often praised for their tolerance and endurance for any task.
  • Irafling: The Wrath Militia keeps the unjust order through out the city. They keep the military afloat and the crimes that don't suit their needs squelched. 
  • Schoufling: The Sloth Guild has weaseled its way into the upper class. They are an odd assortment of folk that express their life through energy. Schoufling have adapted to leading the city in both entertainment and transportation. They range on the edge of either high energy to low, often ending in over exertion for some involved party.
  • Invifling: Rif Raff, Street Rats, Underdogs, Envy are easily over looked and often find themselves in the lower class. Fortunately for them this has enabled a sizable criminal empire run by a mafia of sorts.
  • Superbifling: Be they the Just folk or the Superiors. Pride operates within casts, as they continuously create and inspire the shape of the city. They are free thinkers and creatives. Constantly pulling the world in a way suited towards personal gain.


Usually coming to Dis is a one way ticket. Once you arrive you its gonna be very tricky to leave. People migrate from district to district but Hell is an iron cage, and Dis is one of the safest spots within it.


The architecture of Dis is a mismatch of the many cultures that inhabit it. Traveling from one corner to the next will display many sudden changes in architectural styling. Furthermore the city is built from materials of shattered realities from the creation of the Abyss creating even deeper variance.


Dis is a massive city akin to corporate 80s United States. Once you leave the city you are met with a vast inhospitable desert.


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