Borough of Pride

The Crafts district, otherwise known as Pridetown, is a reflection of Cania. This district is dedicated to the creation and distribution of various wares. It is also home to many Hellish beings who have graduated their embraced their sin, and celebrate freedom. The crafts district is largely middle class. The Pride district is well known for its innovation and class. They are politicians and creative types. Many of its occupants claim responsibility for the strength of the city, and are often sprawled out across multiple districts to uphold their control.   Anima Track Station: One of the most pivotal inventions within the city of Dis is the Anima Track. Reserving the convenience of teleportation to the rich, and powerful, a network of lines powered by soul magic carries massive vehicles across the city. This technology has proven extremely unreliable and unethical in its methods and thusly is a unique feature of the city.   Hellfire Smithy: A large smithy that works in blacksmith and artifice.   Carpenters Guild: A group of devil who go around the city patching up any damage after it has been caused. Often looting it in the wake of disaster.   Fissure Prices: A general goods store located in a small fissure in the middle of the district.   Durdocs Tailory: Durdoc offers the best tailoring in town. Durdoc will make clothes out of all skins.   Gnosticars Mystical Mall: A large building filled with many hellish magical goods. undefined Tavern of Ego: This small shack crammed between large buildings turns out to be an infinitude of rooms crammed in a disorderly but logical perfection.   The Pit Stop: One of the many location of Dis' resident Super Store. They sell almost everything for very low prices. All it will cost is your soul.     A bit of flavor for craftsmen district (if it fits the dms vision). Prides district has a significantly higher percentage of "just folk". Normal people who are talented craftsmen. Many of these people Or their previous generations were either brought to dis by Tobias, or lured there by his reputation. The prideful independent attitude of the craftsmen combined with their individual weakness in a city of magical denizens led to an odd society. One where the denizens squabble and fight among each other to prove who is the smartest, most talented, and most ambitious inventors, but also a fierce militia attitude toward outside threats. Due to the prideful competitive independent attitude of the denizens it's nearly impossible to get them all pointed in the same direction, but poke the district and it will erupt into a buzzing hive of hostility. In this dangerous city, Nealy all craftsmen have a side hobby of weapon development, and some truly horrifying creations have been made, the problem is they are all one of a kind masterpieces, with no uniformity or standardization. Pride functionally can not field any kind army due to either the independent type a personality of most of its citizens or the logistical nightmare of everyone bringing their own special custom toy to the fight. Fight they can however, with every craftsmen looking to show off to his neighbors and competitors how deviating his invention is. Bring it 5 miles from his workshop however and it's bound to break or run out of special ammunition or magical juice.
Large city
Location under


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