
Underlying the City is a District that spans the entire underbelly. Functionally cut off it serves as a penal colony prison keeping the most dangerous prisoners away from the citizens of Dis. Mentiri is a favored torcher ground for many of Hells Devils. Unlike the rest of Dis. those who live in Mentiri are truly lost and effectively dead. A festering abyssal wound lies on its southern border allowing chaos to over run the law that could be.   Fort Darkstar: A massive pentagram fortress, designed to make it impossible for a fiend to escape, marks the main entrance to the super prison of Mentiri, and the district of Wrath. It operates as a headquarters, and military training ground for Oxidious, and occasionally Ira upon frequent visits.   Desert 66: Detached from the city proper, This desert facility is kept secret from the other nobles at the highest order. It is used as an independent research testing and torcher grounds.   The Scab   Yard   Tunnels   Ward A-J   The Colosseum Gladiat: Frequent shows pit off Dis's prime prisoners for entertainment with the promise of freedom. These regular tournaments help sate the blood lust of the wrathful. The colosseum has been lovingly named Blood Tear  by its prisoners.   1. Fort Darkstar (military training grounds) 2. "Gridlock" (the main prison) 3. "GladiaTEAR" the arena below the prison 4. Desert 66 (rumored area for military testing, torturing of enemies, etc.)
Large city
Location under


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