
1367 AF

Created by: Garun Wulfhart
Credits for ideas to Dallasen and Njal

Nespiere a world wrought into the darkest age it's ever known. War, bloodshed, tyrants, and petty lords reign supreme on this divided continent. Conflicts ignite all across the world while the most powerful nations attempt to keep hold of their borders, their holdings, and even their own people...

In the turmoil and uncertainty that has followed, mercenary work, banditry and thievery across the land is abundant, as honor has long since become an almost entirely forgotten virtue by most. It is the perfect time for men and women with even the slightest talent to forge their own destinies...

Nespiere is...

A dark medieval fantasy setting set within the high medieval ages, with its own dark age twist.

After a great cataclysmic event known as The Fracture shook the foundations of the world the main focus of the narrative in 1364 AF is a world rife with turmoil, war, and religious strife.

The People Are...

It is the time of the common man to rise. The world is predominantly ruled by Humans leaving other races begging fror scraps from the table of humanity. Prejudice against other races, places, and religion is common place in this world. With superstition a ruling factor in many societies...

The vast Empire of Sturn is a highly religious and militaristic nation that holds the most territory in The Northern Realms.
The free city state of Tulaire is the birthplace of democracy on Nespiere.
From the Aegir Isles come a savage group of humans stuck with centuries old traditions and ancient gods.

Only two dwarven kingdoms remain, Kar'Idran and Kar'inorn. Both on the cusp of being of being over taken to human presence.

The Elves are all long gone, killed off by wars with mankind. Only their bloodlines remain, intertwined with that of humans, to leave Half-Elves in a world that dispises them with no memory of their past.

Whether they be a commoner or of noble birth, the distrought nature of Nespiere leaves windows open for almost all to take means to advance in Nespiere...

A Day of Crimson Tears

Map of Nespiere