Summer Camp 2023 - The Article with Articles

It's that time of the year again, when with no preparation whatsoever (homework who?) I dive head first into the prompts hoping everything goes well. This is just a small guide as a presentation to my articles.  

Prompt 1 - Unequal Conflict

You might know that tomato farmers are outlawed in Doujate. This Summer, you can read more on the kingdom's hatred for tomatoes: I present to you the Tomato Defeat. Did they even know tomato is a fruit?  

Prompt 2 - Letter

You are likely not going to understand much of this, but it's fine: today's 21th of July and I've basically just begun writing. The Last Token of Friendship.  

Prompts 3, 4 and 5 - Wi'a Hus Cycle

May I present to you the last settlement before the edge of Nys: Wi'a Hus; it even has a monument Wi'a Hus Obelisk. To go anywhere from there, I recommend waiting for a Phiaro Ferryman. I am experimenting this year: most of the articles will be presented with "actual" Nysian documentation, not through my external description of whatever it is. They will also be very short: how I am going to finish anything otherwise?  

Prompts 6, 7, and 8 - Thas Yaruth Cycle

Expanding on Thas YarutÄ«h, first Head Merchant of his Western Phiaro Company.  

Prompts 9, 10, 11 - Erve-Eute Cycle

A refreshing change of scenery in the elven forests! Go see one of their main Summer events, as seen through the eyes of Erve-Eute uf Yenlque, also narrating the catastrophic event that ruined one year's the festival!   NEW: we have an interacting table with the documents quoted throughout the Summer Camp here!  

Prompts 12, 13, 14 - Desolate Lands

Moving westward again, we reach the extreme Desolated Lands, home to powerful and weird critters, like the Xirtachi and the Kels: neither has predators, but for very different reasons...  

Prompts 15, 16 - Yul'i

What a suprise, more articles in the same day! This time we circled back in eastern Doujate, exploring shadows in the Kingdom's history... and a species of big birds.  

Prompts 17, 18, 19 - Empire

Moving around again we are in the Empire this time! You can explore the history of its shady organization, or look at how their predecessors were faring... or maybe you just want to know how they move stuff around their huge territory spanning hundred of kilometers...  

Prompts 20, 21, 22 - Dark Lands

Three articles in a day. Wow. Visiting the Dark Lands, where law doesn't exist, plants eat wasps that kill bug that eat other plants that sorcerers need to make potions to enable people to fight demons (that want to kill you), and people dying is sometimes a good thing.  

Prompt 23 - Lurking Character

Lurking in the shadows one of the most mysterious (and powerful) entities in Nys.  

Prompt 24 - Truth

Truth or myth? On Nys we have very few certainties, especially when it comes to the Abyss... Who knows what this tale is?


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