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Kingdom of Astaroth

"Thou hath been warned time and again, yet in thy arrogance, thou didst turn a deaf ear to our counsel. The omens were clear, the portents unmistakable, but thou didst choose folly over wisdom. Now, behold the ruin that thou hast brought upon thyself and thine own. As the heavens foretold, as the stars did whisper, so commeth predicted thy fall. This be the natural fate of those who spurn the warnings of the wise, and thus art thou rightly undone." -King Liebe, speaking to the King of Valcelona after his defeat.

The Kingdom of Astaroth, also known as the "Land of White," is a powerful and influential nation on the continent of Rodinia, with a history that spans thousands of years.

  Around the year 8100 AC, a significant divine event occurred in the nation of Mordhau, in a small village along the Brimnora River. An Archon, the highest-ranking Celestial beings, descended upon the world amidst the aftermath of Khaine- God of Murder's Campaign and the prelude to Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God's return. This Archon was Astaroth, a celestial who had risen to the rank of Archon towards the end of The Celestial War.

  Astaroth wandered the land until he arrived at the village, where he met a young human woman. Instead of moving on, he stayed, deeply falling in love with her. Astaroth did everything he could for her, but he despised the poor state of the village where she lived. Vowing to create a better home for her, he conquered the village and then the entire nation of Mordhau. Over the next century, he expanded his dominion by conquering neighboring nations, ultimately establishing the Kingdom of Astaroth.

  Astaroth extended the life of his lover, who became his wife, and together they had divine-born children. For approximately a century, Astaroth ruled his kingdom with the divine wisdom of an Archon, emerging victorious in any war he faced. However, after his mortal wife passed away a hundred years after they met, Astaroth either due to sadness or boredom, chose to leave the world and return to the celestial plane, leaving the kingdom to his divine-born children.

With divine blood coursing through their veins and powers beyond those of ordinary mortals, the offspring of Astaroth were indisputably the lords of the land. Possessing the wisdom, powers, and knowledge of an Archon, they ruled with unmatched authority. For nearly 7,000 years, every king and queen of Astaroth was a direct descendant of the celestial Astaroth, solidifying the kingdom's status as a formidable power on the continent of Rodinia. The Kingdom of Astaroth was renowned for its warmongering, having waged thousands of wars throughout its long history. This relentless aggression made it a nation feared by all and hated by many. Its rulers, imbued with divine prowess, were powerful enough to smite down any opposition, ensuring that their dominion remained unchallenged.

Towards the later years of the Kingdom of Astaroth, the monarchy had grown mad with power and increasingly tyrannical. The people's suffering went unnoticed by the nobles, as it remained contained. This tenuous balance lasted until the reign of King Exarellion, who would become infamously known as the "White Lunatic." In his later years, King Exarellion descended into madness, conducting increasingly absurd and reckless actions. His most notorious act was appointing a horse as the kingdom's chancellor, granting the animal a fiefdom and a wife. While such eccentricities were somewhat manageable for the nobles and generals, they foreshadowed more severe consequences. The tipping point came when Exarellion declared war on the Kingdom of Gaelem, a long-time rival of Astaroth. Demonstrating his madness, he ordered the army to march through the perilous Marshes of Death, resulting in the deaths of thousands of his own men. During this conflict, he also waged war on other neighboring nations. Though some campaigns were successful, they took an extreme toll on the nation. This series of conflicts became known as the Lunatic's War. The strain of the Lunatic's War ultimately led to the Black Rebellion. Generals and a few courageous nobles, alarmed by the king's self-destructive rule, rose against him. The rebellion culminated in the killing of King Exarellion and his entire family. This violent upheaval marked the end of the Kingdom of Astaroth and the birth of the Kingdom of Mordred.


At the center of all affairs, all laws, all things that effect the kingdom, is the king. Since the time of Astaroth this has remained unchanged.


The Astarothians were a fiercely devout and zealous people, with their entire society centered around the Holy Church of Astaroth. Their faith was not just a personal belief but a way of life that influenced every aspect of their culture. This extreme devotion made them highly rowdy and war-hungry, always ready to take up arms in the name of their divine heritage. They were notoriously unfriendly towards non-believers, viewing them with suspicion and disdain.

  The Astarothians had a deep love for the arts, particularly those that portrayed angels, divine events, and most importantly, paintings of Astaroth himself. Their literature and architecture were rich with divine symbolism and reflected their many conquests and storied past. Grand monuments dedicated to their archon ancestor and intricate architectural designs were common, showcasing their sophisticated tastes and complex history.

  Their pride was immense, stemming from their belief in their superiority due to their divine ancestry. This sense of pride permeated their interactions with others, often making them appear haughty and arrogant. They believed themselves to be inherently better than all others, a conviction that was reinforced by their historical dominance and the divine blood that flowed through their veins.

  In everyday life, Astarothians were a passionate and vibrant people, their zeal manifesting in both their religious practices and their pursuit of glory in battle. They had a strong sense of community, united by their shared faith and heritage, and were always prepared to defend their way of life against any perceived threat.


The Founding of Astaroth(8126-8228AC)

In the year 8100 AC, a divine event occurred that changed the fate of the continent of Rodinia. In a modest village, along the tranquil banks of the Brimnora River in the nation of Mordhau, an Archon named Astaroth descended from the celestial plane. Astaroth, a Celestial being of the highest rank who had ascended to Archonhood towards the end of The Celestial War, found himself drawn to this humble place.

  During his time in the nation and soon the village, Astaroth encountered a young human woman whose grace and kindness captured his heart. Though her name and origins remain shrouded in mystery, it is known that she was a poor village girl who, despite her hardships, charmed the Archon with her pure and gentle spirit. Tragically, she was burdened with a deadly sickness that tormented her daily. Heartbroken by her suffering, Astaroth used his divine powers to heal her, extending her lifespan far beyond mortal limits.

  With her sickness cured, Astaroth and his beloved spent every waking moment together, their love growing stronger with each passing day. However, the Archon lamented the harsh conditions of her life in the impoverished village. He realized that without his intervention, she would have perished long ago. Determined to provide her with a life of comfort and security, Astaroth vowed to create a home where she could live in peace and prosperity. Looking deeply into her eyes, he asked her to be his wife, and she accepted.

  With a renewed sense of purpose, Astaroth embarked on a monumental campaign to build a kingdom worthy of his beloved. He began by conquering the village, then swiftly moved on to subdue the entire nation of Mordhau. Driven by love and fueled by his divine powers, Astaroth's conquests continued as he expanded his realm, uniting neighboring nations under his rule.

  Over the course of a century, Astaroth established a powerful and prosperous kingdom, which he named in his honor. His beloved wife, blessed with an extended life, stood by his side as they raised children who carried the blood of the divine within them. The Kingdom of Astaroth became a beacon of power and wisdom.

The Great War of Undeath(9112-9192AC)

    Approximately 900 years after the founding of the Kingdom of Astaroth, the divine lineage of Astaroth had flourished, and the kingdom had prospered under the rule of his descendants. However, a cataclysmic event would soon test the strength and resilience of the entire continent of Rodinia: the Great War of Undeath.

  The dreaded Liche Lord Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God, master of all undead, returned from his dark exile and unleashed his endless hordes upon the lands. His armies, composed of skeletal warriors, zombies, Vampires, and other nightmarish creatures, landed in the Gobi Rainforest and quickly began their march south and west, annihilating everything in their path. Even The Empire of Man, a bastion of strength and civilization, was reduced to a single city. Astaroth, with all its divine heritage and might, was not spared from this onslaught.

  Years of brutal warfare ravaged Astaroth, leaving its once-great cities in ruins and its proud nobility decimated. The kingdom's spirit seemed shattered, its people reduced to a mere shadow of their former glory. All hope appeared lost, save for the last two remaining children of the late king of Astaroth: King Liebe & Queen Taldara.

  These two noble siblings, the brother and his elder sister, were the final bastions of hope for their people. They ruled jointly, each taking on a critical role to ensure the survival of Astaroth. Queen Taldara managed the domestic affairs within the safety of the walls, maintaining the morale and support of the beleaguered populace. She was a beacon of hope, her divine leadership inspiring the people to endure despite the overwhelming odds.

  King Liebe, on the other hand, took command of the military, leading the defense against the relentless undead hordes. His strategic brilliance and unyielding courage on the battlefield were legendary, and his divine lineage gave him the strength to stand against the seemingly endless tide of enemies. Together, these two siblings formed the heart and soul of Astaroth's resistance.

  In the region of Menia, surrounded by the massive Ava River on all sides and the formidable The Acades to the flank, the last bastion of Astaroth's people held firm. This natural fortress provided the perfect stronghold from which to resist the undead onslaught. For decades, King Liebe and Queen Taldara maintained their defense, their divine leadership preventing the collapse of their kingdom.

  The heroism of King Liebe and Queen Taldara was unparalleled. They were hailed as the saviors of Astaroth, their names etched into the annals of history as symbols of courage and perseverance. For many years, they held the line against the undead, their combined efforts preventing the fall of their kingdom.

  As the other nations, such as the Empire of Man and Holy Order of Outremer, began to turn the tide against Nebuchadnezzar's hordes, Astaroth too went on the offensive. The kingdom reclaimed its lost lands, slowly but surely pushing back the undead. After 80 years of relentless war, the allied forces of the world finally defeated Nebuchadnezzar, ending the Great War of Undeath.

  With the undead scourge vanquished, Astaroth emerged from the ashes, battered but unbroken. The kingdom's spirit was rekindled, and its glory restored, thanks to the unwavering resolve of King Liebe and Queen Taldara. Their legacy endured.


The Fall of Astaroth(14963-14992AC)

King Exarellion Monte Luther Astaroth, the final monarch of the Kingdom of Astaroth, was once a ruler of formidable presence and absolute power. His reign, marked by an iron-fisted authority and indulgence in grandiose whims, saw the kingdom bask in its own formidable glory. But as the years wore on, Exarellion's sanity frayed, and the kingdom teetered on the brink of collapse under his rule.

In the later years of his reign, King Exarellion’s decisions grew increasingly erratic. His once-shrewd strategies were replaced by reckless gambles that would lead Astaroth into ruin. In the year 14963 AC, He embarked on a series of aggressive campaigns against his neighboring rivals. The Kingdom of Gaelem, long a nemesis of Astaroth, became the target of a disastrous military offensive. The troops, unprepared for the inhospitable Marshes of Death, were met with overwhelming losses before ever facing a Gaelic soldier. This terrain, notorious for its undead denizens, became a graveyard for Astaroth’s soldiers only adding to the dead.

  Simultaneously, In the year 14967 AC, Exarellion sought to reclaim lost territories from the Empire of Hispania whom were in embroiled in civil war, and then in 14968 AC he waged war to reclaim lands from The Kingdom of Vermilla. The King’s ambition to seize lands from these nations further strained his kingdom’s resources. His decision to wage war against The Empire of Man, which was itself suffering from civil strife and external invasions, only compounded the disaster. Though these wars initially seemed favorable for Astaroth, the cost in lives and resources was exorbitant.

  The relentless wars, combined with the king's unyielding tyranny, soon took a severe toll on the kingdom. The populace, once loyal and proud, began to suffer greatly under the weight of Exarellion’s madness. The military, stretched thin and demoralized, found itself at the mercy of an increasingly detached ruler. As the kingdom’s infrastructure crumbled and its people despaired, the seeds of rebellion began to take root. The discontent first surfaced on the eastern front, where generals and disillusioned nobles, weary of the king’s ruinous rule, began to mobilize against him. These rebels, led by determined generals, sought to overthrow the tyrant and restore order to the beleaguered kingdom. Their revolt, known as the Black Rebellion, gained momentum as it spread throughout the kingdom.

  The conflict escalated as a general from the western front, initially loyal to Exarellion, turned against the king. This general, who would become known as Mordred, betrayed his monarch and seized the opportunity to strike at the heart of the kingdom. His forces stormed the capital, leading to the butchering of King Exarellion and his entire family.

  Mordred, now in control of the capital, declared himself the new ruler. His rise marked the end of House Astaroth and the beginning of a new era. He founded the Kingdom of Mordred, solidifying his power and dismantling the old regime. Under his leadership, the remnants of the old forces were crushed, and the kingdom underwent a dramatic transformation.

  The Black Rebellion, with its brutal end, saw the final collapse of Astaroth. The kingdom that had once been a beacon of divine power and glory was replaced by Mordred’s new realm, forever altering the landscape of the continent. The tale of King Exarellion, the "White Lunatic," became a stark reminder of how unchecked madness and tyranny could lead even the mightiest of kingdoms to its downfall.


Destroyed during the Black Rebellion by King Mordred.


In the Kingdom of Astaroth, religion was not merely a part of life but the very essence of it. The central and sole faith of the kingdom was the Holy Church of Astaroth, a theocratic institution that governed both spiritual and temporal affairs. The Church was deeply intertwined with the kingdom’s identity, reflecting its divine origins and the celestial heritage of its rulers.

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom of Gaelem and Astaroth have been rivals for thousands of years, their wars always brutal and haunting. The lives lost in each of their wars was soo great that in birth the entire region of the Marshes of Death, a place filled with the dead warriors of these two nations.

The Kingdom of Vermilla is a another rival of Astaroth, as compared to the other nations, Vermilla is quite young, but they share the same distaste for Astaroth as the all the other nations. They have fought many wars with each other.

The Empire of Hispania and the Holy Order of Outremer have also been enemies of Astaroth and they have fought many wars against each other. Although Outremer no longer borders Astaroth, they still remember their bloody history.

The Empire of Man is a nation the Kingdom of Astaroth has fought the least. This doesn't mean they are on good terms however. The Empire is powerful enough to be a difficult fight with Astaroth, with their share of superior technology and divine weapons. But these two nations prefer to maintain a somewhat tense but neutral relationship, as trade between the two is of great profit for both. The Empire can only send land trade to the west through them and for Astaroth, the Empire is extremely wealth with influnence overseas. It is better for them to be trade partners, but war is not feared.

The Elven Confederacy hates Astaroth, as they have tried to invade many times, for they desire the rich magical forest in their possession.

Tenets of Faith

Foundational Beliefs: The Holy Church of Astaroth was founded on the worship of Astaroth, the archon who had established the kingdom. As both a divine being and a historical figure, Astaroth was revered as a god-like entity whose divine intervention had shaped the very foundation of the kingdom. The religion was monotheistic, centered solely on the veneration of Astaroth, and rejected the existence of other deities or spiritual entities.

  Dogma and Doctrine: The teachings of the Church emphasized the divine right of the ruling family, who were considered to be direct descendants of Astaroth and thus imbued with his divine essence. This doctrine reinforced the absolute authority of the monarchy, with the king or queen seen as the earthly representative of Astaroth. The Church's teachings promoted the belief in the kingdom's inherent superiority and divine mission, reinforcing the sense of divine destiny that guided the actions and ambitions of the kingdom.

  Religious Practices: Religious observance was a daily aspect of life in Astaroth. The Holy Church maintained elaborate rituals and ceremonies that were deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of the kingdom. Regular worship involved grand ceremonies in opulent temples adorned with intricate artworks depicting Astaroth and celestial events. The Church held festivals and holy days that celebrated Astaroth’s divine acts and the historical milestones of the kingdom.

  Temples and Monuments: Temples dedicated to Astaroth were grand structures, reflecting the kingdom’s architectural prowess and divine devotion. These temples served as centers of worship and community gathering, with towering spires and intricate carvings depicting celestial scenes and the divine history of Astaroth. In addition to temples, monumental statues and monuments commemorated the divine lineage of the royal family and celebrated the achievements of the kingdom.

  Clergy and Religious Hierarchy: The clergy of the Holy Church of Astaroth were highly revered, often possessing significant political and social influence. The highest-ranking clerics were known as the Archpriests and Bishops, who administered religious affairs and acted as intermediaries between the divine and the mortal realms. These clergy were expected to maintain the moral and spiritual integrity of the kingdom, guiding both the populace and the monarchy in accordance with divine will.

  Zeal and Fanaticism: The Church’s teachings fostered an intense zeal among its followers. The people of Astaroth were fervent in their devotion, and this zeal often manifested in hostility towards non-believers or those deemed heretical. The religious fervor was not limited to the populace; the monarchy and nobility also displayed a fierce commitment to the Church's doctrines, using their divine mandate to justify their actions and ambitions.

  Influence on Society: The Holy Church of Astaroth was the linchpin of societal structure, influencing every aspect of life from governance to cultural practices. The Church’s teachings justified the kingdom's aggressive expansion and conquests, portraying them as divine missions. The divine ancestry of the rulers was a core part of the national identity, shaping the kingdom’s pride and sense of superiority.

All that harms will burn, All that Pray will heal, All that worship the lord will find all that they need.

8128 - 14992

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Successor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Notable Members
Related Species
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