Tyrannical Era in Oros | World Anvil
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Tyrannical Era

"The legacy of Sieghardt echoes as the harbinger of hope, the conqueror of gods, the scourge of the undead, and the peacebringer. Yet, in an instant, his son, bearing the same name, besmirches that very legacy. The world trembles at his capricious rage. The offspring of a legendary hero emerges as the most formidable villain—such is the irony of fate." - Ur Yu - Lord of the Dao
  The Tyrannical Era is a period following the Great God War in which Prince Sieghardt son of the ender of the war Sieghardt- God Emperor ruled The Empire of Man with callous, ecstasy and atrocities. His cruel demeanor was not isolated merely to his own lands, and he would spread his evil ways across the globe. 

This Era lasted from 2000AC-2304AC and ended with the defeat of Prince Sieghardt.

The Terrible Times

With the demise of Babel- God of War at the hands of Sieghardt- God Emperor, the epoch of the Great God War drew to a close, heralding the dawn of the Second Age. Sieghardt had conquered the continents of Vlunia and Aedorica in order to defeat Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God and Babel. This vast empire had lost it's founder and were left with his only son. This son named after him inherited his father's divine mantle but not his virtuous spirit. Prince Sieghardt as he would later be called ascended to power, marking the inception of a dark chapter known as the Tyrannical Era, which endured for 304 years. Under Sieghardt's despotic rule, The Empire of Man, spanning vast territories across Vlunia and Aedorica, became a realm shrouded in fear, tyranny, and unspeakable atrocities.

  After the Great God War, the world was left with the Zine Empire in Continent of Empires/Paros, the Han Empire in Ur, The Empire of Man in the north and thousands of Immortals nations and tribes in Paros. But the world was controlled by three massive empires. As the largest among the three remaining empires the Empire of Man exerted its influence over the world, fueled by Prince Sieghardt's insatiable appetite for domination. Wars ignited between the empires, with Sieghardt orchestrating conflicts to expand his domain and quench his thirst for power. 

For the first two centuries Prince Sieghardt maintained his vast empire and exerted his influence upon the world. But the vastness of the empire and Prince Sieghardt's arbitrary ways would lead to constant rebellions within the empire. And after a string of defeats and successful rebellions in Aedorica, Prince Sieghardt's demeanor shifted from assertive governance to indifference, indulging in lavish revelries while neglecting his imperial duties. For latter years of the era, when a rebellion sprung up, Prince Sieghardt would care little and focus more on his decadent parties rather than ruling. Prince Sieghardt only caring to rule when he was in a good mood, and due to his long life span this could take years. In one instantance Prince Sieghardt was in a foul mood for 47 years straight due to a servant stepping on his foot, and so for these 47 years, any rebellion would meet little to no resistance from the empire, and any unlucky servants that dared talked to him while he was in foul mood could be met with death or endless torture.

In the year 2297, the Empire found itself stripped of its Aedorican and most Vlunian territories, save for the Rodinian subcontinent, as rebellions proliferated against the despotic reign of Prince Sieghardt. Despite the Empire's diminished stature, Sieghardt's tyranny still cast a pall over the world, even as he indulged in extravagant revelries and debauchery. The Imperial heartland remained an oasis of compliance, shielded from rebellion by Sieghardt's arbitrary enforcement during his hedonistic feasts.

The populace's fear of challenging the god-like Prince stemmed from the scarcity of Immortals in the wake of the Great God War, leaving Mortals vulnerable and powerless against his rule. Yet, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Ghal Maraz, the legendary hammer of the god emperor, which held the potential to counter his reign of terror. However Prince Sieghardt would always have the hammer by his side, having it atop him while he sits on his throne, beside his bed while he slumbers, it was impossible to obtain. But if they could acquire the hammer, they could stand a chance against Prince Sieghardt. Recognizing this opportunity, An intelligent noble by the name of Klaus devised a daring plan to seize the hammer and weaken Sieghardt's grip on power. 

  With Klaus's scheme enacted successfully, a coalition of rebels, emboldened by the possession of Ghal Maraz, rose up against Prince Sieghardt's tyranny. Allies from neighboring realms and former territories flocked to their cause, united in their determination to rid the world of the tyrant's oppression. The War of Freedom as it was called, Klaus with Ghal Maraz in hand alongside his allies, defeated Prince Sieghardt and deposed him, however he would escape execution and flee into obscurity. But with his global position gone the world was victorious and an end to his despotic rule, which ushered in an era of newfound freedom.

  Klaus would be hailed as Klaus the Savior and made the new Emperor of Man of The Empire of Man, new nations would form and the world breathed a huge sigh of relief with getting rid of the most terrible of tyrants.

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