Nord Fluss

This river flows out of the Kriegshugels and down upon the Nordfelds and exits into the Vestkjolig Sea at the extreme north of Frisia. Iron deposits from the hills sometimes gather and flow this way, so prospectors who do not want to pay the coin for permits in the hills or work in the mines, can be seen during the day pan handling the river for whatever iron they can dredge from the river.


The river is pretty fast moving, which helps carry the iron down stream. It is too unpredictable to have any significant barge travel going down it.

Natural Resources

Specks and flecks of iron are carried out of the hills down this river.
It may not be much, but it's a living. I bring my pan and my horse and spend the day in the water. What better way to spend your day than knee deep in a freezing cold river.
— Hubert, prospector
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