Executive Assistant

"The important thing to remember about the role of Executive Assistant is that it's not just a single role. The clue is all there in the title. They may be the Assistant to the Head of Peacekeeper Command, but they are also the Executive in charge of the Bureaucratic Departments that the Alliance runs on. For this reason, never get on the wrong side of the Executive Assistant. They can very easily make your life not worth living."  
— Extract from Commanding, Commandeering, Influencing and Leading
by Peacekeeper M'Plisk


The Executive Assistant has two key areas for their responsibilities; firstly the management of Bureaucratic Departments and secondly assisting the Head of Peacekeeper Command (not necessarily in that order).  

Executive of Bureaucracy

Manage Departments
Managing the Bureaucratic Departments, and ensuring they run efficiently and effectively to the benefit of Peacekeeper Command and the whole of the Peacekeeper Alliance.  
Ensure Training
Ensuring that the entire team within the Bureaucratic Department is fully trained and constantly improving.  
Distributing Discipline
Properly disciplining anyone within the Bureaucratic Department who steps out of line or does not perform to the expected standard.

Assistant to Command

Managing the scheduling of meetings and events for the Head of Peacekeeper Command and keeping their calendar as clear as possible.  
Receiving all incoming coming communications on behalf of the Head of Peacekeeper Command and ensuring safe delivery of outgoing communications.  
Ensuring the Head of Peacekeeper Command is not bothered by inconsequentialities.


In order to qualify for consideration as Executive Assistant, a person must have completed the following qualifications and positions:

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Organisations Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Academy, P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Integrity, Peacekeeper Efficiency
People Peacekeeper, Pachian
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Prime, Space Station One
Civic, Professional
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
Peacekeeper Alliiance
Length of Term
Once appointed, potential for a life term
Reports directly to
Related Organizations


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