Head of Peacekeeper Efficiency

"The primary goal for the Head of Peacekeeper Efficiency is innovation. No one ever got anywhere by standing still and The Alliance relies on regular reviews and improvements of all areas to maintain its forward momentum."  
— Extract from Understanding Peacekeeper Efficiency
by Peacekeeper M'Plisk


The Head of Peacekeeper Efficiency is the most senior role within Peacekeeper Efficiency, one of the three pillars of the Peacekeeper Alliance. Reporting only to the Head of Peacekeeper Command, they are responsible for ensuring the constant improvement of the people, processes and products within The Alliance.  

Direct Reports

  • Director of Analysis - Finding Problems
  • Director of Innovation - Discovering Solutions
  • Director of Refactor - Reviewing Usability
  • Director of Renovation - Overhauling Outdated


Speed and Strength
  Peacekeeper Efficiency is the organisation which deals with the processes, systems and technology that keep the Peacekeeper Alliance and those within it functioning.   This may include handling infrastructure needs, developing new communication methods or debugging outdated processes.


As well as managing their four direct reports, the Head of Peacekeeper Efficiency is responsible for:  
Overseeing Priorities
Deciding on and overseeing priorities for the entire department, particularly which problems need to be solved first.  
Facilitating Innovation
Providing the Director of Innovation with the resources required to maximise innovation for the Peacekeeper Alliance.  
Representing Efficiency
Being the public face of Peacekeeper Efficiency both at events and in the media.
Process Management
Ensure the efficiency of processes across Peacekeeper Command and the Three Pillars.  
Reviewing Products
Facilitating the regular testing of all products used by The Alliance to identify potential for improvements.  
Cross-Pillar Collaboration
Meet regularly with the Heads of the other Pillars to discuss how they can support one another, and work with the Head of Peacekeeper Command to define cross-pillar goals.


In order to step into the position of Head of Peacekeeper Efficiency, there are several routes a person could take. These include:  
Orthodox Route
Min 10 years working as one of the following:
  • Director of Analysis
  • Director of Innovation
  • Director of Refactor
  • Director of Renovation
Unorthodox Route
Min 20 years working at a Director level within one of the following areas:

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Academy, P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Integrity, Peacekeeper Efficiency
People Peacekeeper, Pachian
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Prime, Space Station One


Speed and Strength
Civic, Professional
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
Peacekeeper Alliance
Length of Term
Once appointed, life term
Reports directly to


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