Session 3: "The Hive Market"

General Summary

We planned to return to the Gathering Dust Bar – to see Mortai Gravesend about Angyar's contract.   Arvid, as a dustman, talks with Mortai to ask that Angyar be released from his Contracted, he is successful and TNO learn the Persuasion skill. We return to Angyar and Lily, she weeps in gratitude, and Mae burns his contract in front of Angyar to free him.     We then sought out Candrian to talk about Ingress – he had helped her and aided her back to her homeworld, she had left us a felt bag with jiggling items inside as a reward. The jiggling items inside were teeth. We give these to Morte and they replace his old ones, inproving his 'junk munching' proficiency.     We then headed to the SW region of The Hive and found ourselves again staring down a group of 3 thugs. This time we managed to avoid conflict.     Nearby we notice a guy in ‘Collectors’ robes, named Ash-Mantle, who Arvid noticed as a fake and who was trying to pickpocket people. Arvid grabbed him and he tried to flee. We KO him and take him to Ed Creakknees for justice.     The party spies an old woman collecting nails from a pile of wooden boards. This teaches Eilana Carpentry tools skills. She is Iron-Nalls. She confirmed to us that Pharod is in Ragpicker’s square, and she tells us she knows some secrets (but will cost us 25gp).     The Ka-Tet then meet Reekwind for the first time nearby. He greeted us with the smell of faeces, but with the promice of a story for only 10cp.   "Cursed am I to emit foul smells from all orifices", he says then rambles on and then lets out a great fart.   He was hesitant to provide us with his real name. Tells me names are dangerous and allow you to be tracked and hurt. Quest – Help Reekwind.   Asking Reekwind about Pharod, he tells that he was once a man of respect, but became a liar. Was fated to go to a the Hells when he is dead, but found a way that he thinks will avoid this. Was told that ‘only in trash could he find that would let him cheat his fate’. Becoming the King of Rag’s through magical means.   We notice Iron-Nalls seems to be interested in this conversation.     We hear Craddock’s name called in the markets and head that way. We give him the message about the shipment and he becomes aggravated that Jelhai has not yet arrived asking us to find him. Quest: Find Jhelai     Market vendors:
  • Creeden (ugly young man) settling cooked rats on a stick
  • The fish vendor is Meir’am, is selling sea cucumbers.
She seems to know The Nameless One. Dak’kon eats one of the 'cucumbers' and feels sick, and is near to vomiting several times. She claims she sold me sea spiders 10 years ago. I had four others with me at the time, including Dak’kon, the skull (in the form of a skull), and Dieonarra. The 4th was a tall thin man who’s description is similar to a zombie in The Mausoleum, located on the lowest floor, the same floor where I saw Deionarra ( Find Former Drunk Companion of TNO ).     Nearby is a young man, Mar, who was holding a sulphurous smelling box, with fumes coming from under its lid and runes on its surface. He tries to give it to TNO who refused, then gave it to Esmae. She placed it in her basket and all of the flowers wilted and died.   Eilana senses the box contains a strong evil and that it was powerful.   ‘Take it to Ku'atraa’s warehouse’ the lad cried out as he flees. Quest: Free Esmae from Moridor’s box.   The box looks as if it was once fine, but now was age-worn, with a glowing red ruby on its front of it, and it emanated a sense of dread.     Nearby is Crier of Es-Annon who looks old and worn out from crying. He is covered by dirt and dust and is singing a poem of the fall of a city. He proclaimed Es-Annon was a city, once glorious, but was destroyed by the Horse peoples.   His task is to weep for Es-Annon to remember the memory of the city.   Eilana offers to place the name of Es-Annon on the memorial in the NE, and gives to him the city’s name. Death of Names says he will inscribe it for 3cp.   Returning to the Crier he rewards Eilanna with a bag containing 50gp. Solved the quest of the Crier of Es-Annon.     These proceeds provided us enough coin to buy some woodworkers tools and give them to Iron Nails. In return she tells us how to enter the Ragpicker's Square hideout, by inserting trash into a slot that opens a portal within a trash filled archway.   Session end
Report Date
13 May 2023
Primary Location