'Underboss Kali' Kalina Yokiga

Underboss Kalina Yokiga (a.k.a. Kali)

Name: Kalina Yokiga. Known Aliases: Underboss Kali. Rank: B-3. Bounty: 75,000 ryo. XP: 10,000.   Wanted by: Kusagakure, Takigakure. Crime: Treason, human trafficking, bootlegging, illegal use of a prohibited substance, 7 counts of murder of a government official. Specialty: Assassination. Nationality: Takigakure. Last seen: Kusagakure.   Description: ???.   Companions: ???.   Known Allies: Nezu Mafia.   Known Enemies: Kusagakure.   Weapons: (B) Great fan, 10ft reach, +15, 4d12+15 bludgeoning. Armor: (B) Nezu Suit, +5 AC, resistance to piercing, +15 chakra per round. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: Kenjutsu, wind style, taijutsu. Chakra nature: wind AC: 28.   Max HP: 357. Hit die: 19d10+205. Chakra die: 18d8+205. Max chakra capacity: 331. Speed: 100ft. Initiative: +10.   Actions: 4 Major, 4 minor, 4 reaction, 5 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 38.   Power: 15, +3. Dexterity: 20, +5. Charisma: 18, +4. Wisdom: 15, +3. Intelligence: 20, +5.   Fighting style: Close combat. Save DC: 14 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Mental, slashing, toxic. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 3.   Intimidating Presence: The user can make an intimidation check as an action to activate this ability, all within a 50ft radius must make a DC 10 + intimidation, wisdom or charisma save. On a fail all targets are afflicted with either the fear or taunt effect of the user's choice.   Jutsu Master: The user gains +10 available techniques. Techniques that are made can add their Intelligence modifier to damage for any techniques that are performed by the user.   Temptress: The user knows how to confuse and tempt their targets into doing things they typically wouldn't. When the user makes a charisma check against another, the target rolls with a -3 penalty.   Techniques known: 87.   E: 16, Ball of light technique, Blade of Wind, Chakra Needle, Ensnaring Explosive Trap, Fan Dance Air Slice, Gale Fist Technique, Hurricane Uprising, Repulsion jutsu, Shadow Shuriken Technique, Silent Gait, Sonic Boom, Sonido, Substitution Jutsu, Tearing Blade Drop, Wind Gust Jutsu, Wire Attachment Technique,   D: 17, Air Bullet Jutsu, Art Spying Technique, Bare-Handed Blade block, Beast Wave Palm, Blade of Wind Barrage, Blinding Technique, Chain Pull Technique, Crescent Moon Slice, Gale Kick, Jutsu Eating Technique, Manipulated Shuriken Technique, Ninja Art Minor Beast Scroll, Pimp slap jutsu, Stitch Removal Technique, Substitution Strike, Surface Walking Technique , Weighted boulder strike   C: 28, Afterglow Technique, Air Current Slash Jutsu, Altering Terrain Technique, Amputation Punishment, Armor Eater Technique, Character Bind Jutsu, Avalanche Dance, Chakra Shockwave Slash, Cherry Blossom Blizzard, Continuous Stitch Removal, Dance Performance Third Step, Early Sacrifice, Fox Hunt, Hip Drop, Hurricane Gale Technique, Ink Clone, Low blow, Ninja Art Beast Scroll, Scroll Communication Technique, Substitution Flurry, Shuriken Wire Trap, Thigh crush technique, Tornado Blade Dance Technique, Twin Beam, Water Walking Technique, Whirlwind Drop Jutsu , Wind Scythe jutsu, Wire Cage Jutsu,   B: 26, 20 hit combo, Beast Wave Gale Palm, Blade Manipulation Jutsu, Brutal Slash, Chakra Blade Slice, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Cyclone Scythe Jutsu, Dance Performance 4th Step, Falcon drop, Flying Swallow Technique, Gonzui, Great Slashing Tornado Technique, Kagutsuchi, Mental Resistance Technique, Ninja Art Super Beast Scroll, Nutbreaker, Overwind Raid Barrage, Paralysis Jutsu, Rotating Shuriken Jutsu, Shuriken Shadow Clone, Silent Killing Technique, Super weighted boulder strike, Tornado Blade Slice, Whirlwind Barrage Technique, Wind Dragon Jutsu, Wire Bind Jutsu, .   A: ???.   S: ???.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kalina Yokiga grew up in the home village of her clan and lived a relatively normal life, up until her parents were killed by a rogue ninja. This led her to dedicating her life and training to tracking down and executing the rogue whom had taken her parents. She got her chance when she was sixteen years old, while on a mission for her home village. There was an opportunity in which she came into contact with the rogue who had since been adopted by another village. She attacked and killed them against her team's orders, which in turn, led to her village marking her as a rogue and foresaking her. She spent the next five years living as a rogue and taking on any odd jobs she could, until coming into contact with a man who ingratiated her into the nezu mafia. But from the point of joining them, Kalina proved herself useful with every assignment. Though, some of the jobs she has to do, and some of her coworkers are against her liking, Kali is very grateful to the mafia for the new life they have given to her. Roughly a year and a half ago, the mentor who brought her in was murdered and has since been replaced with 'Boss Zera'.

Gender Identity





Underboss to the Nezu Mafia

Mental Trauma

Lost her parents at a young age   Lost the mentor who ingratiated her into the Nezu Mafia.


'Underboss Kali' Kalina Yokiga

friend (Trivial)

Towards Shirohebei Kaguya



Shirohebei Kaguya

friend (Trivial)

Towards 'Underboss Kali' Kalina Yokiga




Underboss Kali first met Shirohebei Kaguya whenever Shirohebei was presented to her as one of Koji Madnaps' slave workers. They would be playing a vital role in the Nezu mafia infiltrating the Kusagakure ranks. Out of all of the individuals brought before her, Shirohebei was the one that Kali enjoyed most. While many of the others seemed less useful, there was an immediate attraction between the two, and Kali could tell that Shiro would be one to work well within the organization. It wouldn't be until their second meeting that Kali would successfully seduce Shirohebei, sharing a moment of intimacy and lustful passion. The two have continued to work well together as business partners to this day, not allowing themselves to come to terms of endearment beyond the occassional one night stand. Through their many meetings, Kali has begun to form a stronger bond with Shirohebei than many of her other workers or coworkers, though she would never say the words aloud, Kali considers Shirohebei a close friend whom she can let her guard down around.

Nicknames & Petnames


Relationship Reasoning

Shirohebei was a slave for one of Kali's workers.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy alcohol and get off on hurting others. Both are observant types.

Shared Secrets

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Kali intends to replace Capo Madnaps with Shirohebei when the time is right.
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Takumi Jikoro once saw them engaged in a lustful act. When told that he could not keep quiet about such things, Kali quickly murdered him. Shirohebei is the only one who knows the reason behind his disappearance.

'Underboss Kali' Kalina Yokiga

Superior (Trivial)

Towards 'Capo Madnaps' Koji



'Capo Madnaps' Koji

Underling (Important)

Towards 'Underboss Kali' Kalina Yokiga




Capo Madnaps began working for Underboss Kali roughly four months ago. He was immediately smitten with her upon their introduction and has since then done everything he can to earn her approval. Though, he believes he is doing well, Kali despises Madnaps on near every level.

Nicknames & Petnames

Madnaps   Dumbass   Reject   Scum Bag

Relationship Reasoning

Madnaps was assigned as a Capo to Kali.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy alcohol and women

Shared Secrets

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Capo Madnaps knows that Takumi Jikoro had private information about Underboss Kali, and that he was killed for this information. Madnaps has no idea as to what it was specifically that Takumi was killed for regarding the unknown information held by them.

Lawful Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
Long, Deep Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Will of the Sage
Aligned Organization
Related Reports


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