Jumbo Shrimp

Mission: An elder from the land of waves requests help with a monster in the lake that keeps destroying the local ships. Rank: C-4. Reward: A small ship. Requested by: Village elder. Length: 1 week. Location: Land of waves.   Details:
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The party is expected to head to the land of waves, speak with the elderly shipwright about his mission request. Once the party makes it there they will find he is an irritable old man with memory problems. He will tell the party that a monster has been destroying any ship that tries to come in or out of town.   Within the sea are large mantis shrimp as well as many other dangers, these shrimp were left behind after their master was slain in battle protecting the people of the village. It seems that being left in the wild the shrimp had gone feral, guarding the water over their master's remains from any who neared it. 5 mantis shrimp, 5 jumbo shrimp, 1 giant mantis shrimp.
    Report: Team 1 of Shinobi United went on the mission in a 6 man squad comprised of the standard team with the new recruit Ijiri. The mission was led by Saiyuri Shima and is her first mission as a chunin. The team arrived at the mission location without incident and met with the elderly gentleman, though he proved to be more problematic to deal with than helpful. The team decided there was no option left but to investigate the waters and using Kiyoko's wood style crafted 3 rowboats.   After a discussion at length about different formations and options Saiyuri declared that formations for this mission would be with Ijiri and Yoro in the first boat, they would check the left side. Sabishi and Hanzo would be in boat 2 guarding the right flank and matching pace with boat 1. Saiyuri and Kiyoko would be in the rear while being in range to assist either teams while in a triangle type formation. This is henceforth known as Formation A.   Using Formation A the party advanced into the deep waters on their row boats where they discovered the bodies of burnt, partially eaten fish. As they done so a rumble was felt before a bowling ball sized hole appeared in the bottom of their ship. Yoro began using the water walking technique while Ijiri sank during his attempt at repairing the ship. Thankfully with Yoro nearby both Ijiri and the ship were rescued. There was little time to enjoy this minor victory however as Ijiri and Yoro were lifted into the air as a massive 20ft shrimp rose out of the water, their rowboat on its forehead. At this Ijiri and Yoro leapt out of the boat and simultaenously activated their 3rd gate, amplifying their abilities as they unleashed a grand combination attack. The Hellish Dragon Claw technique, Ijiri struck the foe's face with a powerful grip that inflicted high damage and left it unable to escape his grasp as Yoro, also cloaked in his lightning armor, delivered a Hell stab straight to the beast's neck. Though it cracked the beasts outer shell and angered the creature, it was far from finished.   Hanzo over in boat 2 was also walking across the water's surface as Sabishi threw a paper bomb near him in order to draw the attention of the creature, unfortunately this seemed only to agitate other shrimp that were roughly 8ft long, or young ones that were the size of small dogs or house cats. Hanzo was struck from beneath the water and sustained minor injuries but managed to retain control over his water walking technique.   Sabishi began battling the creatures that attacked him and his ship, though when it appeared he would sink along with the boat Saiyuri managed to deliver a series of Smoke clouds to Ijiri and Sabishi along with herself. Afterwards Kiyoko began attacking the shrimp that were assualting her own ship. Things looked dire for a brief moment as all members were attacked by the large number of enemies. (5 mantis shrimp, 5 jumbo shrimp, 1 giant mantis shrimp,)   Thankfully however, with teamwork the party was able to take the foes down one by one. Kiyoko, Ijiri, and Yoro were led through a successful assualt against the giant mantis shrimp called the Shattering Smoke Lorentz. Kiyoko kept the massive shrimp restrained with an impressive wooden stockade technique that expanded to ensnare the creature and leave it helpless to the barrage as Yoro put 2 lightning gates infront of Saiyuri who unleashed a powerful Smoke Shuriken technique, passing through the gates greatly amplified them and caused them to near instantly appear at the enemy, who Ijiri struck in the back with a shattering palm technique while in his 3rd gate, this shattered the shell of the creature, removing its armor as the smoke shuriken struck its vulnerable flesh and detonated in a flurry of explosions.   Seeing this Hanzo called out to Sabishi for a combination of their own. The hidden mist slaughter technique. Both users used the hidden mist technique in sync with each other to create a much more intense fog. Once the mist is cast all users begin rapidly striking any targets in the area with their weapon of choice, leaving targets helpless against the barrage of attacks. With his Sewing Needle's steel string soaked in oil Hanzo managed to pierce each of the enemies in his area and bound them together before Sabishi launched a great fireball at the remains.   After the assualt of techniques from the team the shrimp were defeated and the party returned to the elder who gave them a small, bland ship named Unity in liue of payment for the mission, though he was distressed as to the shrimp suddenly attacking boats claiming they had been peaceful for years.   Having claimed their ship the team sailed it back to the land of rivers where they stationed it at the private dock for headquarters and returned to the building to inform team leader Aki of their results.  
by Vivi
    Mission Success, signed Aki Hiro.
Completion Date


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