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One by one the party woke up in a dark room, each separated from one another and held in rusted shackles. With no light, it was impossible to make out any figures that might have been lurking in the shadows surrounding them. Raiden was the first to act, calming himself before quickly breaking the chains binding their hands before lighting a torch he found next to himself. As the dim corner came into view, so did another character, Hika, a pale kunoichi from the Hidden Snow, her silver hair resembled the flames lighting the torch as it reflected the lights and colors of it faintly. The two looked at one another in a state of surprise and confusion at seeing one another. "Who are you?" Asked the girl, nervously.   "Raiden Hayashi." He answered her before asking his own question. "Do you remember how you got here?"   "No, I don't." She spoke softly and looked up at the towering figure in front of her. "Do you think there's anyone else here?" She asked.   As this was happening, Khepri, a member of one of the temples of Sunagakure awoke. Oddly, he seemed unphased by his misplacement. If anything, he even seemed almost excited. It took him no effort at all to summon a small horde of locusts that devoured the rusted bindings holding him back. Afterwards, he jumped to his feet energetically and began rummaging in the depths of the darkness until eventually, by dumb luck perhaps, he found a torch as well. After quickly lighting his torch Khepri, a young man covered in bandages, sat underneath his torch and waited.   Raiden stood with the lit torch he found above his head slightly as he stood beside Hika, making idle chatter when suddenly the sound of another torch setting fire directly behind him caused them to both frantically turn their attention towards the strange figure. Khepri's grin was even more unnerving in the orange light provided by both torches, now. "What the hell!?" Raiden yelled out.   The two then watched as Khepri took the torch he had in hand and sat down against the wall beside him. When they tried to talk to him any further, he simply waved his hand dismissively, holding that creepy smile all the while. Meanwhile, on the other end of this dark room, Shirohebei Kaguya and Hasashi Kitamura each managed to break free of their restraints on their own, somehow avoiding each other narrowly as they maneuver in the darkness on their own paths.   Shirohebei tried using force to break through her bindings, but found they were too strong to be broken by normal means, instead she would have to utilize her kekkei genkai, the bone style, to manipulate the bones in her hands and wrists to allow her to slip from her bindings, though it was uncomfortable to do so. Shirohebei kept to the shadows, analyzing her situation in silence from a distance. As she crept through the shadows another candle was lit, illuminating a large candelabra with several white candles and various colored candles placed around it. Well I'm not fucking with that. She thought seeing a couple of other people standing around it.   Instead she would wander around trying to peer through the darkness to avoid the others, she eventually found herself near a cage. "The cage of sacrifice. Thats dumb, who puts a suicide chair in a dark room?" She asked herself, reading off a small nameplate on the end.   She thought about exploring more of the area around the cage but as she did she was approached by Hika. "Hey, I'm trying to find a way out of here, think you could help me look around?" She asked softly.   Shirohebei grimaced. White hair, blue colors, furs, kind disposition. No doubts, this was a snow ninja. "If you need help looking around, you should quit wasting time talking to me." Shirohebei snapped at her before moving away from the other woman.   "Rude." Was all Hika said in response.   As she was walking away Shirohebei noticed Khepri light another torch before suddenly a quarter of the room was brightly lit, too bright to be coming from the torches. With the new lighting Shirohebei had to shield her eyes briefly. Bright lights, snow ninja, dumb men, am I in Hell? Shirohebei thought to herself before ultimately deciding there was only one way to find out, though this may have been rushed by the sounds of arguing coming from the fools with the candles.   Upon walking back to the cage Shirohebei would find and open the door before sitting in the chair. Immediately the door closed, leather bindings wrapped around her wrists and ankles, and a sealing formula began spreading over her body. Shit. Was her only thought. She tried breaking through the bindings but found they were too powerful, she cursed her weakness as she continues her struggle. She soon found others outside of her cage. "Hey whats going on?" Asked a stranger she believed was Raiden.   "I'm stuck, what does it look like?" She snapped back.   Raiden began swinging his scythe at the cage rapidly, thought it seemed not to do much damage at all. He groaned in annoyance as Hika fired a blast of ice at the cage. "You control Ice?" He asked her.   Hika shrugged in response. "Sometimes." She responds before sending the scythe on her kusari-gama towards the chilled steel bars.   It, of course, did little more than the scythe before it and though the bars were scratched it would take far too long to break through them at this rate. A boy white white hair that was dressed in nearly all black named Hasashi Kitamura began attempting to open the gate door. When this didn't work he slipped through the bars on the cage to attempt to help Shirohebei. "Why would you even sit in this chair? It was clearly going to kill you!" He yelled at her.   "I know! I was hoping it would so I could go from this hell to the next one!" She yelled back.   "Alright guys so I have an idea, and don't hate me if this doesn't work." Raiden spoke before sending a wave of chakra into the cage using the Zone of Death technique, that caused the stone floor tiles to crumble to dust under the steel mesh of the cage.   As this wave hit Hasashi and Shirohebei the two of them felt immense pain before falling unconscious, bruises and scrapes appearing over their bodies. Hika and Khepri would find their ways into the cage before suddenly the room lit up entirely and a visible blue gas moved through the room rendering all of them unconscious.   ------------------------------------------------------------------   Session date: 08-06-195.
Report Date
21 Apr 2023
Primary Location


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