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Cassie Rayes

Cassandra Cassie Rayes

Cassie Rayes is the wonderlust younger sister of Falia Rayes and daughter of Amidrillia and Maethir Rayes. The only other sibling bar Falia to work at the family cartopgraphy store in the Lightwater district of Jameleska, Cassie came across as quiet but charming and impressed with her sister's stories of adventuring.   In Duskfall of 1052, 3e, Cassie would join a party of Jameleskans led by Leonard, and composed of a half-orc fighter named Arvis, a gnome cleric named Myra, and a halfling wizard named Milton, these adventurers were all inspired by Doomed 2 Die to become heroes after the group's deeds in Jameleska.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Born to Maethir and Amidrillian Rayes in 1004, 3e, as their third child Cassie was given the name of Amidrillia's Marcian grandmother, Cassandra di Vanaro, an opera singer from the Holy Goose States. Cassie was born a full elf unlike her older sister, Falia, but like her other siblings Damin and Sarn. Cassie would live to see her father die in 1024, 3e and became more quiet afterwards. She would continue to work at her family shop, a cartographer's and adventuring supplies store in the Lightwater district of Jameleska from 1038 onwards.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

Cassie first met Doomed 2 Die when they visisted her shop for a family dinner at the invitation of her mother, Amidrillia Rayes, alongside her sister Falia, who had been spending time with the party during the Four Week war between the Duchy of Jameleska and The Snow Lord†. Cassie would serve the food and was quiet during the whole affair, but looked impressed and shocked when Falia finally stood up to their mother.  

The White Will Arc

Gallus, Val, and Falia would visit Cassie again in Duskfall of 1052 when visiting Jameleska to seek answers from the draconist monks about The White Will †. The dinner more peaceful this time, Cassie was in awe of Falia's deeds and her recent resurection by Fr. Tomos Siegfried.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

After Falia left her in Jameleska again, Cassie began to feel wonderlust and searched for an excuse to leave the city and have adventures on her own. When Leonard and the Jameleskan adventuers entered the Cartography store searching for supplies to aide them in exploring a newly unearthed ruin in Krakenpost, she convinced them to take her along thanks to her knowing Doomed 2 Die and her knowledge of exploring. She left imediately without telling her mother and sailed for the town.   In Krakenpost, she was discovered by Shan and they initially begged him not to tell Falia. They would relent when Shan expressed Falia would simply be concerned for their safety and not angry. Falia would not get a chance to check in Cassie as she was assigned to escort Aera Furyborn to Ferenvire.   Cassie and her adventuring party were the last to enter the ruins, and like the others quickly discovered the tomb was a deathtrap temple to the Forgotten Gods. Three of her party would be downed by the Gorgon, leaving Cassie to lead the remaining three through the last two trials. She would be forced to complete it alone after their wizard, Milton, was slain and their fighter, Arvis, was heavily wounded.   Figuring out how to destroy the dungeon and save her friends, Cassie was unable to finish her plan after being fatally wounded by the Guath in her final test. Found unconcious nearly a day later by her sister and Doomed 2 Die, Cassie explained how to destroy the dungeon and was taken to safety by Falia.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate universe created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Cassie was present in Jameleska when Falia's body was found by Gallus alongside the other alternate heroes of Jameleska. Their fate remained unknown, but were likely killed Jormagandur during Rangarok.
First Appearance
Session 66: Tales of Jameleska pt.2
Date of Birth
19th Newsun
Current Residence
Rayes Cartography
Medium, loose, blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Appearances: 5
  • Session 66: Tales of Jameleska Pt.2
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)
  • Session 90: Return to Jameleska
  • Session 112: Vaniri Seas and Changeling Daggers
  • Session 128: Temple of the Forgotten Gods


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