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The only daughter of Shan and his late wife Em, Eva vanished at the age of 14 under unknown circumstances. Believed to have been taken by the Winter Witch, Eva was rescued by Teng and trained as an assassin. With no memory of her former life, she nearly killed her own father in Oskunstrond. A powerful warrior and rogue, with lethal skills in the blade and short-ranged weapons, Eva is dextrous and trained in several martial arts.   As a liutenant in The Dragon Clan, she is known to go by the name of The Hexblade. She is only surpassed in rank by Teng himself, serving as the second in command to the entire guild. Silent but deadly, Eva is a foe not easily beaten. During the fall of Oskunstrond, she destroyed the Lucky Mountain Casino and left Danilia Fuego, a powerful warlock, for dead.   Eva is still working for the Dragon Clan, and is beleived to still be on Drekenheim with her surrogate father, Teng. It was alluded by Cressida the Fate Spinner that Eva is beggining to regain her memories after finding her old owlbear stuffed toy near Kliiks's deathsite.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eva was born to Em and Shan in 1030 whilst the warrior monk and his family moved to Aedrinar as part of the war. Spending her early years with her mother in a small home in Knut's Landing, Eva never saw her ancestral homeland but was raised in its culture by her mother. Scarcely seeing her father during the war, Shan would only live with her properly after the war when she was 12.   In 1043, she was rescued from a housefire by Shan but her mother died in the flames. In a rebuilt home, she trained under her father in the art of the Kensei, until vanishing at the age of 15 in 1045. It is believed she was taken by the Winter Witch, but was found in the spirit world by Teng Silverjaw, who took her on as an apprentice in the Dragon Clan under the name "The Hexblade."   Trained as an assassin, Eva has little memory of her time before Teng. In 1052, she was reintroduced to her father during the Dragon Clan invasion of Oskunstrond. Following the battle, Eva found the burnt remains of the owlbear stuffed toy she had as a child on the broken bow of a now deceased Kliiks. It was alluded by Cressida the Fate Spinner that Eva is beginning to remember her former life, but she still serves Teng loyally.  

The White Will Arc

A rumoured ship heading from Drekenheim to the Western Hold had been reported to Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee who passed this information on to Doomed 2 Die. Upon the party's arrival in Knut's Landing they learnt this ship contained Eva and several other Dragon Clan members. Eva, having rememebered some of their past, went to their former childhood home and now church of Fr. Tomos Siegfried.   In the church she threatened the Tumbrian priest who was barely able to calm her down. Recognizing her from the family portrait he kept in storage, Fr Tomos showed Eva hers and her family's former belongings. She took a single portrait of her younger self with Shan and Em - leaving the owlbear behind. Eva then travelled on the road to Westwatch where they waited in ambush from a group of Ysgard's Warriors recruits.   Eva and the others killed the recruits and took their positions and infiltrated Pilgrim's Rest - seeking entrance to the peak of Mount Valhalla. With their secret exposed by Doomed 2 Die and Organvor, the dragon clan members slaugthered several warriors and broke into the peak themselves to steal the Eye of Vecna from the head of mimir. They were chased by Doomed 2 Die alongside Fr. Tomos Siegfried, Sven the Godslayer †, and Erika. In the battle, Shan and others attempted to break through to her. Eva rejected them and ordered her mage to summon reinforcements.   The arrival of The Piper allowed her the space to continue her mission. Shan would be nearly killed and fell through the teleportation circle to their hideout, with Eva placign a lock of her hair within a locket in his pocket to 'torture' him as per the Piper's instructions.    

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Eva was never lost as a child. Thanks to Teng helping rescue her mother from the housefire, she had a normal life in Knuts Landing until the family would move to Imminyas in Asrinheim. Eva was with her father before he left to fix the timeline, her scraf being taken by him. The Prime Universe version of Shan managed to retain this scarf.


Eva was educated in the Kensei style by her father, Shan. This was accomponied by a traditional Wulin education from her mother, learning to read, write, and practice skills. Since joining the Dragon Clan, Eva has been trained in assassinations and the art of war.
Status Alive   First Appearance: Session 19, Traitor at the Gates
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born on a ship to Aedrinar during the war
Aligned Organization
Appearances: 4
  • Session 20: Rabble in Oskunstrond (endscene only)
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)
  • Session 102: Fathers


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