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Igraine Aramour

Captain Igraine Aramour- Boreas

Igraine Aramour is the mother of Gallus and war hero of the Fury Uprising and the 40 Year War. A now retired battlemage, Igraine spends her time with her family, weaving fabrics, and spending time debating the local elders council of her new home in Icespire. A nuturing woman, Igraine cares deeply for her children and despite being a stern authority figure, she is known to be humerous and mischievous at times.   Igraine was born on the island of Furunheim and watched her home be occupied by King Olaf III Kingmaker in 522. As still a young elf, she joined Elder Tiristar Furyborn† in the Fury Rebellion, her acts in the war passing her rites of adulthood. In the aftermath of the conflict, she would leave the island to move to Icespire where she met Galon.   As of Duskfall, 1052, 3e, Igraine is living in exile in Ferenvire after The Piper had the rest of the Aramour's arrested for treason. They have vowed to return when the time is right to help free their family alongside their eldest child, Gallus.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Igraine was born in Krakenpost in 488, 3e. Her family were merchants by trade, but she would spend time learning basic spellcraft from the local elders and became fascinated by ice magics. She and her brother, Terias, would witness Krakenpost's occupation and the slaughter of the town's militia at the hands of the invading Olaf III in 522, living under Aedrinaran occupation as a Thaneship.   In 580, when Elder Tiristar Furyborn and Zedithir smuggled themselves into Krakenpost and began the Fury Uprising, she would join up alongside her brother. The two would become high ranking members of the rebels, answering only to the captains and the Elder himself. Igraine understates her role in the uprising, but was remembered fondly by Elder Tiristar.   During the conflict she would grow more concerned about her brother's dark streak. Terias came up with a plan to give falsified documents implicating the High King in a scheme against the Northern Houses of Aedrinar, inviting a prominent member of House Winter-Shield. When the nobleman realised it was a fake, he left and sought to share the fraud with his countrymen and rally them to Olaf's cause. Teris instead planted an explosive on his longship, detonating it - so that when the Wintershields found the body and shipwreck any imperfections in the note could be explained by the explosion. His actions did see the northern houses turn against the monarchy and pull out of the uprising, but to many in the rebellion it crossed a line. Igraine would also regret how her brother made deals with Skallen and other criminals.   After the uprising, Igraine decided to move from the island for a new beginning. Travelling to the cultural centre of Icespire, she became a militia member and met with a local ice sculptor named Galon. The two would fall in love and marry in the 600s. Igraine spent her time training in ice magics and to be a battle mage. They would have their first child, Galanthus Aramour, in 956, and their second child, Gwen a decade later.   When Asrinheim entered the 40 Year War, Igraine and Gallus would travel with the northern houses as warriors for House Ardiylir. Igraine was a captain in the raiding parties, fighting mainly in Tumbria. She would return home in 1034, not returning after falling pregnant with her third child, Wynn. Igraine would not spend much time with Gallus after the war, as they became a house guard to the heir of Thevensyne. The last they heard of their eldest, they had run away after a 'political faux pax.'  

The White Will Arc

After joining Doomed 2 Die in Jameleska, Gallus sent a letter home to Gwen. This would arrive within a week, and Igraine was 'furious but concerned' when Gwen told them Gallus had been in touch.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

As a native of Furunheim and veteran of the Fury Uprising, Igraine travelled to Ferenvire to attend the funeral of Elder Tiristar Furyborn. Whilst in a mournery procession outside Harpy Tower, Igraine saw Gallus walking to the keep with Doomed 2 Die and Arystyr Furyborn. Calling them other, Igraine fussed over the child and was invited into the keep by Arystyr.   Igraine would spend the next few hours with Gallus, catching up on their adventures and approving of their relationship with Falia Rayes. After visiting the town's temple of Frigga, Gallus asked Igraine about Teris's 'unforgiveable' past. Gvien the circumstances, Igraine told the full story.   To her surprise, Tiristar invited her to be in the honour guard for the funeral, which she accepted. During the attack after his assenscion, Igraine stayed at the Pyres of Arvandor to help defend the civilians and look after Gallus alongside Falia, Einar, and Ivar. As the controlled feywild creatures grew more agressive and overwhelming, Igraine witnessed Zedithir's return and him help save the party. She would stay with a wounded Aera Furyborn whilst her child and their companions went to save Arystyr from The Dark Enchanter.   Igraine remained in Ferenvire during the siege of Marthiel, but attended the celebrations and aftermath before planning to return home. Her plans would be interrupted by a courier sent by The Piper, informing her and Gallus that the rest of the family had been branded as traitors and arrested. Igraine was granted refuge by Arystyr and allowed to remain on the island.


Family Ties

Igraine's parents are long deceased and she doesn't mention them at all. It is likely they died during the Aedrinaran occupation of Furunheim in the 6th century. Her brother, Terias, is still alive but they are not on speaking terms after what happened in the war. Terias has two children, Furnagh and Urmas, who Igraine did allow to stay over at her home for Ice Festivals when they and Gallus were younger.   Igraine has been married to Galon Aramaour, an Icespire sculptor, for 400 years. They have three children, Gallus, Gwen, and Wynn.

Religious Views

Igraine does not worship the traditional seldarine, but mainly worships the mother of Ice Elves, Frigga. In honour of Frigga, she helps look after the Honoured Gods temple in Icespire and has owned cats her entire life.
First Appearance
Session 115: Ferenvire
Current Location
Date of Birth
Light bluish green
Long, blue, braided in the middle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Appearances: 4
  • Session 115: Ferenvire
  • Session 116: Funeral Faracas
  • Session 126: Tales from Ferenvire
  • Session 127: Regatta to Survive


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