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Red Hawk ⸸

Red Hawk

A former Star Ranger Core captain turned pirate, Red Hawk possessed a repurposed Rexian spelljammer that he used as a cruel weapon of war in every campaign he fought in. Before his fall to piracy, the ex-star ranger champion was famed for fighting the varied monsters of the multiverse. Red Hawk grew disillusioned with the idealism and morality of the Star Ranger Core and sought to build a true power for himself. Defeated in battle by Kliiks' father, he eventually became a feared pirate with powerful spellcasting abilities and combat skills.   In 1052, Red Hawk was recruited by Fisk to work for the Cult of Ragnarok and destroy the eastern seal. Although achieving this goal, his spelljammer was destroyed by Torgier when the sorcerer sacrificed himself destroying the ship's engines. Seeking revenge, Red Hawk worked for The Dragon Clan. He was defeated in the Fall of Oskunstrond when Kliiks sacrificed themselves by catching a fireball he was casting, destroying them both.   A formidable villain and rouge, Red Hawk holds the dubious honour of slaying two members of Doomed 2 Die, Torgier and Kliiks. Although no body was found, he is believed to be dead.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Scattered remains in the Drekenheim wind

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A former hero of the Star Ranger Core, Red Hawk was a legendary warrior and ranger who fell to greed and power. Betraying his order, Red Hawk had been using the assets of extraplanular creatures such as devils and demons to enhance his own power. Being found out, Red Hawk was hunted by the Star Ranger Core and was narrowly bested by Kliik's father in battle. Presumed dead, Red Hawk had actually escaped to the lower planes before his apparent death.   His power only grew in the lower planes, making deals with devils, demons, and yugoloths to gain spells and strength. He came into posession of a Rexian spelljammer and repurposed it into a flying fortress capable of flying deep into the astral sea. In the astral sea, he became an infamous space pirate and gun for hire. In 1052, he was hired by Fisk on behalf of the Cult of Rangarok to find and destroy the eastern seal. He began his bombardment of the seal, which happened to be hidden under an outpost of the Star Ranger Core and home of his former enemy.   Following Fisk's death, Red Hawk assumed control of the cult and continued his assault on the seal. By assaulting the outpost, the Star Ranger Core confirmed their suspicions he was alive and sent Doomed 2 Die to defeat him. In the battle that followed, his Flying Fortress was destroyed by Torgier who sacrificed himself to blow up the engines. Red Hawk escaped and found himself in need of new employment.   It was in Aedrinar that the Dragon Clan approached him. Red Hawk accepted the job, keen to enact revenge on the adventurer's who destroyed his ship. Using what ships he had left, Red Hawk took part in the Fall of Oskunstrond, assaulting the town's defences and civilian population. During the battle, Red Hawk was attacked by Kliiks, Azura, and Captain Vand. Nearly besting them, Red Hawk was only defeated when Kliiks through themselves at his fireball, catching the spell and detonating them both. Red Hawk is believed killed in action alongside kliiks, but no body was ever found.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Red Hawk did not escape the flying fortress but was instead killed aboard it when Kliiks and Auran in the endeavour rammed into his engines, destroying both ships and all hands on board.

Morality & Philosophy

Red Hawk believes in survival of the fittest. He beleives the weak should bow to his might and by his strength he should rule. He holds a cruel and tyrannical philosophy of oppression and social darwinsim, with little regard for those who he steps on. This ideology of superiority would lead to his downfall, as he grossly underestimated his enemies.
Status Deceased   First Appearance: Session 15, Finding Home
Date of Death
29th Applefall
Circumstances of Death
Kamakazied by Kliiks
Place of Death
Bright Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fire red feathers
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 4
  • Session 15: Finding Home
  • Session 16: Red Hawk
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God


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