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Session 6 Recap - Prison Break

  We last found our heroes on planet Toril infiltrating the famous Revel's End in Icewind Dale. They were looking for Prisoner Thirteen who was a known associate of Vocath. Prisoner Thirteen helped Vocath steal spelljamming helms from Neogi warships and sell them back to unsuspecting buyers. This would put a target on the backs of anyone naive enough to perform a back alley deal with the Arcane. Our heroes have been hunting Vocath for the sabotage of the Spellajmming Academy and to stop him from creating any more harm. They hoped Prisoner Thirteen had a key to enter Vocath's lair allowing them to slip in and take the Arcane by surprise.  
Eye of the Lotus
  Before arriving at the prison, our heroes encountered a nasty mind flayer bounty hunter seeking Chk-Chk for past crimes against a jewelers guild on Farworld. The bounty hunter called himself Ratdrath and had been apparently investigating the Three-Krin's "death" at Spelljammer Academy. While growing impatient with the conversation, Ratdrath killed the Dohwar named Dalo and attacked the heroes with the help of a mysterious group of blindfolded individuals. After defeating the mind flayer, the heroes fled to the dry dock of the Rock of Bral to board a ship sailing for Toril.  
Action First, Plan Later
  Disguised as guards of Revel's End they climbed aboard the Loyal Watcher and infiltrated the snowy prison only to find a dwarf who was content where she was. Prisoner Thirteen had no plans of leaving Revel's End and felt safe from Vocath as she commanded her thieves' guild telepathically. After a quick discussion, our heroes learned that Prisoner Thirteen wanted them to break into the warden's office and steal a ledger containing all the names, crimes, and prisoner numbers of everyone ever incarcerated at Revel’s End. The only caveat was that she needed the documents outside her cell. After a quick dispel of abjuration magic our heroes procured the prison files and poisoned Prisoner Thirteen so she could read documents within the safety of the infirmary. Once she was satisfied with the document's contents she transferred one of her tattoos to a piece of paper which she explained will open a portal to Vocath's lair.   Before leaving Revel's End, the druid Luna tore into Prisoner Thirteen killing her and allowing them to make off with the documents and her body. In the dead of night, our heroes stole the Loyal Watcher by attuning to the helm and flying the ship out of Toril, but not before T'larn used her familiar to unleash every prisoner within Revel's End. Chaos rained down upon the prison as Realmspace's most dangerous criminals found their cells unlocked and devoid of magical protections. Below are some of the current prisoners that were released:   Prisoner Six
Prisoner Sixteen
Prisoner Twenty-Four
Prisoner Four
Prisoner One
Prisoner Twenty-Three
Prisoner Seventeen
Prisoner Fifteen
Prisoner Seven
  Will our heroes be able to track Vocath to his lair and stop him from hurting more innocent lives? What mysteries lay dormant within Chk-Chk's past and how many of those mysteries want to kill us? Will Boatswain Tarto and by extension the Spelljammer Corps be able to rationalize the recent behavior of our heroes? Find out next time on...  


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