History of Shanai

  • 2184

    Independant Elections in Hawai'i
    Diplomatic action

    In preparation for segregating from the United States, Hawai'i conducted their own elections for independent leaders. Each island of the island chain elected its own governor, and began initial set up of its republic, complete with its own constitution. Using abandoned United States naval ships and equipment, Hawai'i began to establish its own trade networks with multiple Pacific island nations.

    Additional timelines
  • 2214

    Hawai'i declares independence from the United States
    Political event

    Due to worsening conditions across the globe from the rise of the dragons, the Hawai'i Islands declare independence from the United States on July 4th and cite the country's past forced take over of their territory, mistreatment of native islanders, and current lack of support from attacks. Due to being so isolated and nearly all of the nation's military personnel being deployed against the dragons, the severance goes peacefully. Hawai'i begins efforts to settle their own political system shortly after and begins forging their own ties to other nations, cutting off many ties with mainland North America.

  • 5367


    War of the Majors
    Military: War

    The Major Gods, the god of wind, fire, earth, and water, declare war upon one another and struggle for control over the world, claiming vast swaths of land as their domains. In their warring with one another, the Major Gods cause mass destruction across their battlefields, and many are killed and replaced during the conflicts.   Lapi, The God of Earth and the Fire God move the continents, crashing them together to make their own travel easier and block access to some of the oceans from Nagi, God of Water, meanwhile Nagi and the God of Wind creat devastating storms and permanently change weather patterns across the globe. The gods' actions cause many extinctions in their wake, permanently scarring the world.   In 5892, the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupts, thought by most to be directly caused by Fire God Vega and Lapi warring over the location, both having claimed it as their own, causing the War of Black Ash.   The conflict ended due to direct intervention of Shia, the God of Death, and Mora, The God of Life, coming to an agreement that if the war continued, all life in the world may be destroyed. The Majors were threatened that if they did not come to peace, the gods of life and death would slay all of them, and never again have Major Gods.

  • 5892


    War of Black Ash Eruptions
    Geological / environmental event

    The eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano, which started both a mass extinction and a war between dragons, humans, and the omnia.

  • 5893


    The Great Global Flood
    Geological / environmental event

    Due to multiple factors; the Yellowstone Eruption, worsening climate change, and regional destruction, areas across the globe see devastating flooding from the ocean. Tsunamis caused by earthquakes from the eruption hit the Gulf of Mexico particularly hard and flood out many of the interior states across the former United States that had sunk below sea level as a result of the eruption.   Globally, millions are killed in the devastation and it is thought to be a primary contributing factor to the extinction of the human race due to not just the high death toll, but complete eradication of up to an estimated 65% of farmland across the world.

  • 6000

    The Omnia's Revolt

    Due to the dragon's weakening from constant war, the Omnia revolted, slaying the dragons controlling them en mass, and escaping their territories.

  • 6205

    Vega Relocates to Hawai'i / Shanai
    Life, Relocation

    Aiming to use the volcanoes on the island chain as a weapon, Fire God Vega relocated to the island chain of Hawai'i as a weapon against the other gods during the War of the Majors. On his arrival, he began to heat the volcanoes' magma chambers and pour more material into them, with intent to use the volcanoes more akin to bombs, luring the other gods to the isolated islands.   This did not come to pass, however, the volcanoes were now requiring Vega's full attention to slowly drain their magma chambers to prevent massive destruction of the islands he was beginning to call home.

    Shanin Islands
  • 19826

    Fire Mana Regulation Act Passes
    Cultural event

    Due to numerous accidents, tragedies, injuries, and even deaths over centuries, an act was passed by the Major Gods to regulate the training of Fire Mana users, requiring all users to be trained and to pass with high marks in safety and control. Accidents related to fire mana's use sharply declined, and within 20 years, 94% of fire mana were trained to a mastery level.   Although having severely decreased the amount of accidents related to the magic, the act is thought to have directly caused The Stagnation of the Art of Fire Mana.

  • 19965

    14 /9

    Soliairs is Born
    Life, Birth

    Soliairs Taeyang, a mortal to one day become the Goddess of Cranes, is born in the City of Shanai.

  • 19980

    Soliairs develops new form of Fire Mana
    Technological achievement

    Soliairs developed a new fire mana technique, the Flame Rail, as preparation for their mastery exams.

  • 19982

    Soliairs graduates as a Fire Mana Master
    Life, Education

    As an exceptional user of Fire Mana, Soliairs Taeyang graduates as a master early at the age of 17, and routinely begins to participate as a trainer of younger fire mana in Shanai.

    Additional timelines
  • 19990

    Yung makes Soliairs Immortal
    Life, Relationship change

    Yung Pagoni makes their lover, Soliairs Taeyang, immortal without their knowledge in a bid to salvage their failing relationship.

  • 19991

    5 /13

    Ira escapes the Cult of Hilathu
    Life, Relocation

    Ira Burman, a naga born in India within Hilathu's Cult, developed the ability to use Fire Mana, and relocated to the Republic of Shanai for training with her brother, Nirav Burman. Upon her arrival, she pleaded with Fire God Vega to stay on the islands in order to escape her family and the cult, for her own safety and that of her unborn child, Asher Burman. Vega granted this, giving personal protection over Ira and her family.

  • 19992

    Soliairs becomes the Crane Goddess
    Religious event

    Due to their immortality, and the crane god having no heirs, Soliairs is chosen to take their place as the Goddess of Cranes

  • 19992

    9 /6

    Asher is Born
    Life, Birth

    Asher Burman is born in the City of Shanai.

  • 19994

    13 /6

    Jon is Born
    Life, Birth

    Jon is born in the City of Shanai.

  • 20004

    Jon is chosen for priesthood
    Life, Identity

    Jon, due to his exceptional talent as a user of Fire Mana, is hand picked to become a priest of Fire God Vega. His parents, however, do not allow this, offering themselves in his place.   Vega accepts the deal, and Jon's parents are relocated to the Temple of Vega, and Jon is placed under supervision of Shanai's Child Protective Services. Having heard about the situation from her son, Asher, one of Jon's classmates, Ira appeals Jon's case so that he may be placed under the care of her and her brother rather than that of a stranger. Shanai's government allows the case to be approved, and Jon grows up alongside the Burman family.

  • 20008

    Jon graduates as a Master Fire Mana
    Life, Education

    An exceptionally talented user of Fire Mana, Jon graduates early at an exceptionally young age, being nominated by his peers and teachers as a Fire Mana Master at only 14 years old. One of his teachers, Soliairs Taeyang, advocates that he should open his own school when he is older, and that they will personally provide funds for him to do so.

  • 20020

    5 /6

    War of the Moon Begins
    Military action

    Neia Lun De Draco and the Lunar Dragonflight declare war on all gods associated with the moon, which quickly becomes a declaration of war on the entire pantheon, mortals, and omnia alike.

  • 20020

    15 /12 04:00

    The Death of Vega
    Life, Death

    In the Battle of the Moon's Rage, Vega is killed by sustaining massive injuries and using the last of his power in a desperate attempt to kill Neia for good. His death causes an eruption of Mount Shanai

  • 20020

    15 /12 07:00

    4 /1

    Eruption of the Pacific
    Disaster / Destruction

    With Vega's death there was a short window of time in which there was no god of fire, before Shia was able to allow Maka, God of Fire to ascend due to shi being preoccupied with battle. In this short timeframe, the dozens of volcanos across the Pacific Ocean that Vega had personally been controlling began to erupt, and once started, could not be stopped by the new fledging god.   Mount Shanai, being so close to major cities such as the City of Shanai and its suburbs, caused massive destruction with lava flows and earthquakes leveling homes, adding dozens of acres of land to the islands, and caused the island of Ni'iahu to once more rise out of the ocean as an island again. Many of the eruptions lasted weeks, continuously spewing lava and noxious gasses from the volcanos.   The death toll from the eruptions is said to be in the thousands and that an accurate count may never be collected due to just how much destruction was caused. Thousands are reported missing and among smaller islands, many fled into the oceans where it is likely they were taken out to sea by rip currents and the tides.

    Shanin Islands
  • 20020

    15 /12 08:00

    Ascension of Fire God Maka
    Life, Supernatural

    Due to her father's death, Maka, God of Fire, one of his daughters, took his place as his heir to become the new god of fire, the first changing of major gods seen in centuries.

  • 20020

    15 /12 9:00

    Soliairs and the Temple of the Crane Retreat
    Military action

    Once the news broke to the front of Shanai's eruption and following destruction across the Pacific, Soliairs and their crew elected to retreat in order to gather survivors and assist in a recovery effort. Among Soliairs' crew was Ludovic, still recovering from his injuries and Namen, Soliairs' heir.

    Additional timelines
  • 20020

    16 /12

    Pacific Nations launch Eruption Response
    Diplomatic action

    In almost immediate response, nations the least affected by the Pacific eruptions begin to gather and deploy forces to assist more disaster stricken areas. In particular, great focus is placed on sending food, medics, and supplies to the Republic of Shanai due to the decades of assistance the nation had given to its neighbors in similar circumstances.   With nearly 4 million first responders and volunteers mobilized, it is the single largest emergency response event the world has seen.

  • 20021

    12 /1

    Temple of the Crane arrives in the Shanin Islands
    Military action

    The Temple of the Crane and her crew arrive in Shanai and immediately begin to assist in a recovery effort for survivors of the eruptions, to give medical care, and shelter to those who lost their homes. Despite pushing the ship and fleet to their limits, Soliairs arrives to find that many have succumbed to their injuries and illnesses from a lack of remaining infrastructure.

    Additional timelines
  • 20021

    24 /1

    Fire God Maka creates the first Shanin Military
    Military action

    Following the assistance from Soliairs, Maka begins to recruit Shanine people and begin their training for the first military group in the nation since the reign of dragons. Most begin training for combat directly under Soliairs' crew and priests, utilizing fire mana for combat for the first time.

  • 20021

    1 /12 02:00

    Temple of the Crane breaks down
    Disaster / Destruction

    Due to the extreme stress on the ship's engines and having been pushed far beyond its operating limits, the Temple of the Crane breaks down upon its arrival in Shanai. It is repurposed for shelter on the islands, and Soliairs named The Bamboo as their temporary lead ship in their fleet in its place.

    Shanin Islands
  • 20021

    5 /13

    Ludovic assists with recovery efforts in Shanai
    Diplomatic action

    Due to his allyship with Soliairs and presence on the Temple of the Crane broken down in Shanai's harbor, the god of polecats begins to assist in the recovery efforts in Shanai, mainly assisting with procuring food and supplies. He bargains with the Kingdom of Scotland to send aid.

    Shanin Islands
  • 20022

    6 /1

    Shanai and Scotland enter diplomatic aid deal
    Diplomatic action

    Due to negotiations made by Ludovic, Soliairs Taeyang, and their governments, Scotland and Shanai enter a deal to mutually aid one another. Scotland begins sending disaster relief to Shanai along with medical supplies, doctors, aid workers, and food.