History of the Dragons

Full history of everything known about the dragons


... 12000

  • 30000

    Dragons Disappear
    Disaster / Destruction

    For unknown reasons, dragons across the world begin dying in mass quantities, devastating populations globally and lead to the extinction of many individual species. All species that did not possess some form of immortality died out, while survivors that did entered retreated to essence form and hibernated. Records from this era are sparse and mainly speculation as to what occurred, but it is mainly agreed upon that a plague paired with changing gobal climates may have been the cause.


Human Era

11999 2028

  • 2025

    The First Dragon Fossil Unearthed
    Discovery, Scientific

    In Germany, a fossil dating to the Jurassic Period is described and published. The find is nicknamed 'Norlands Drache' after the tale of the 'Dragon of the North' and thought to be a newly discovered lineage of early bird or form of pterosaur, being woefully incomplete and only consisting of the specimen's wings and parts of the tail.   Later re-analysis of the fossil found it to be an example of an early dragon.

  • 2027


    The Dragons Awaken
    Geological / environmental event

    Slowly at first, the Dragons begin to awaken from hibernation and venture into human areas. At first most of these dragons are young and feral, but more and more powerful sentient dragons awaken over the following months and begin attacking human settlements. The first attacks are thought of as hoaxes or elaborate pranks until it is too late and humankind's continued existence is already an uncertainty.

  • 2027


    Rise of the Dragons
    Era beginning/end

    When the dragons first awoke, and began to war with humans, placing themselves as the rightful rulers of the world by force.

  • 2028

    Burning of Rome
    Military action

    At first thought to be a terrorist attack, Rome is devastated from a massive fire, killing thousands. Rumors begin to spread that the city was under attack with videos and pictures showing Italian armed forces fighting against something, obscured by the smoke of the burning city.   Only later does it become clear that Rome's destruction was caused by the Lunar Dragonflight.

Reign of Dragons

2029 5891

  • 2029

    Neia captures the Mediterranean
    Military action

    Neia Lun De Draco rampages across Italy and the Mediterranean, capturing humans by the hundreds and killing them by the thousands as a show of force. Most humans she captures are kept alive initially, to be fed to her growing offspring at a later date. Among those captured is Lorenzo McConnell. Italy and other surrounding nations are devastated by the destruction.

  • 2037


    First War of the Flights
    Military: War

    Seeking to ever grow their territory and power, and in a scramble to claim lands abandoned or falling out of humans' grasps, many powerful dragons began to war with one another. The modern dragonflights began to take shape as smaller family groups merged with one another, rallying behind powerful leaders, their ancestors, and allies. For many, those that were not driven to extinction were assimilated into much larger groups.

    More reading
    The Dragonflights
    Additional timelines
  • 2811

    Flights merge to create the Kindal Flight
    Diplomatic action

    Among the devastation caused by the War of the Flights, many smaller flights across eastern Europe merged as a powerful stag named Herkirt courted and claimed their leaders for her harem. Following their ewes, this group became the foundation of the modern Kindal Dragonflight.

    More reading
    The Dragonflights
    Additional timelines
  • 3045

    Extinction of the Rivanu Flight

    As the Flights continued to war with one another, smaller flights were devastated by their competitors. The Rivanu Flight, named after their patriarch, went into extinction following his battle to hold onto the last of their territory against the Solar and Lunar flights. It is believed that surviving members of the Rivanu were captured and became the mates of highly ranking Solar Flight members.

    More reading
    The Dragonflights

War of Black Ash

5892 6030

  • 5892


    War of Black Ash Eruptions
    Geological / environmental event

    The eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano, which started both a mass extinction and a war between dragons, humans, and the omnia.

  • 5893


    The Great Global Flood
    Geological / environmental event

    Due to multiple factors; the Yellowstone Eruption, worsening climate change, and regional destruction, areas across the globe see devastating flooding from the ocean. Tsunamis caused by earthquakes from the eruption hit the Gulf of Mexico particularly hard and flood out many of the interior states across the former United States that had sunk below sea level as a result of the eruption.   Globally, millions are killed in the devastation and it is thought to be a primary contributing factor to the extinction of the human race due to not just the high death toll, but complete eradication of up to an estimated 65% of farmland across the world.

  • 5900

    A new ice age begins
    Geological / environmental event

    Following the volcanic winter caused by Yellowstone's eruption, a new ice age befalls the planet. Glaciers begin to form and creep south in the northern hemisphere, dropping the sea level in many regions and exposing new land. The UK is once again connected to mainland Europe. Despite the drop in sea level, the much of the midwestern and central areas of the former United States remains under water.

  • 5936


    Second War of the Flights
    Military: War

    Due to scarcity of food and resources, as well as continued pressure from mortals and the fledgling pantheon, the dragons went to war amongst one another once again. Spearheaded by two of the most powerful flights, the Lunar and Solar Dragonflights, the two groups reigned destruction upon one another as brutal enemies, often raiding lands claimed by other flights in order to secure resources for the continuation of their war. Starving and with little choice, many other flights caught in the crossfire began to turn to cannibalism in order to survive. The war ended with a peace treaty between Neia and Aien to prevent such devastation between their own kind following a battle between the flight's leaders, in which neither could triumph over the other.

    More reading
    The Dragonflights
    Additional timelines
  • 6000

    The Land of Gods is founded

    Due to many areas having become uninhabitable to humans, large swaths of Russia, Canada, and the former United States, now split into Laramidia and Appalachia, fall under the influence of the minor gods. The region claimed by them begins to get called the Land of Gods.

  • 6000


    Lorenzo Escapes the Lunar Flight
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After months of planning after hearing the news of omnia revolting against the dragons, Lorenzo McConnell puts a plan into motion to gravely wound Neia Lun De Draco if not outright kill her with the help of her daughter, Rikta. He makes a bomb he uses in his escape to temporarily blind Neia and gets away from her.

  • 6000



    The Lunar Flight Relocates

    Following the War of Black Ash and being wounded by Lorenzo McConnell, Neia relocates her entire flight due to pressure from humans, omnia, gods and rival dragons alike to the Arctic, far out of reach of her enemies. Following this, all major activity from the Lunar Dragonflight on the world stage ceases.   The Lunar Flight begins building a massive compound in the ice as their new base of operations and changes their main focus from warfare to research quietly, and begins to put out propaganda against the omnia.

Age of Gods

6031 20019

  • 6822

    Neia and Aien become paired
    Life, Relationship change

    Due to neither being able to triumph over the other in battle, the leaders of the Lunar and Solar flights, Neia and Aien, become a mated pair, declaring one another equals.

    Additional timelines
  • 6854

    Emergence of the Blood Dragonflight
    Diplomatic action

    The survivors of many smaller flights devastated from the many wars between dragons came together and formed an entirely new flight, the Blood Dragonflight.

    Additional timelines
  • 11892

    Dragonfire is outlawed
    Political event

    The Bangladesh Ethics of War Commission, an international organization overseeing the trials and laws surrounding war and warfare known for investigating and conducting trials for war crimes, passed a vote to outlaw the use of dragonfire in combat against humanoids. All further uses of dragonfire against humanoids would be tried as a war crime, due to its incredibly devastating effects. Although many flights were furious with the change in law, citing favor to mortals, the law was enacted by many members of notable flights themselves.

  • 19316

    Eleteros Joins the Gods
    Religious event

    Eleteros, the leader of the Lightning Flight, made argument that there should be a god of lightning, and he to take that role. He was the first, and last, god of Lightning, and also the first and last dragon to ever be a god.

  • 19823

    Eleteros is removed from the Pantheon
    Religious event

    After many near wars as a result of dragons vying for the position of a god, Eleteros is removed from the pantheon, and stripped of his power. His followers and cult are executed or imprisoned, and worship of him becomes criminal.

War of the Moon

20020 and beyond