The Omnia's Timeline

Events and histories covering the Omnia.

  • 1982

    Talv is born
    Life, Birth

    Additional timelines
  • 1983

    Maria is born
    Life, Birth

    Maria Hanley is born in Puerto Rico

    Additional timelines
  • 1994

    Lorenzo is Born
    Life, Birth

    Lorenzo McConnell is born in Florence, Italy.

  • 1999

    Sekhm is Born
    Life, Birth

    Sekhm McConnell is born in Sydney, Australia.

  • 2006

    Maria moves to the United States
    Life, Relocation

    Maria and her family move to Chicago

    Additional timelines
  • 2009

    Nitali is Born
    Life, Birth

    Additional timelines
  • 2032

    Omnia begin to arise en mass
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Omnia begin to form for the first time en mass, transformed by the chaotic magic unleashed by the dragons. Initially this is thought to be a plague among the humans held captive by the dragons, as many do not survive the process, but humans who have not had contact with them also fall ill and transform. Not well understood, many flights, the Lunar Dragonflight in particular, begin to study them.   A similar process is seen in animals, thought to be the rise of the first Gods.

  • 5893


    The Great Global Flood
    Geological / environmental event

    Due to multiple factors; the Yellowstone Eruption, worsening climate change, and regional destruction, areas across the globe see devastating flooding from the ocean. Tsunamis caused by earthquakes from the eruption hit the Gulf of Mexico particularly hard and flood out many of the interior states across the former United States that had sunk below sea level as a result of the eruption.   Globally, millions are killed in the devastation and it is thought to be a primary contributing factor to the extinction of the human race due to not just the high death toll, but complete eradication of up to an estimated 65% of farmland across the world.

  • 5899

    Chiiri Is Born
    Life, Birth

    Chiiri Hanley is born in Chicago.

  • 5900

    A new ice age begins
    Geological / environmental event

    Following the volcanic winter caused by Yellowstone's eruption, a new ice age befalls the planet. Glaciers begin to form and creep south in the northern hemisphere, dropping the sea level in many regions and exposing new land. The UK is once again connected to mainland Europe. Despite the drop in sea level, the much of the midwestern and central areas of the former United States remains under water.

  • 5918

    Chiiri is kicked out
    Life, Relocation

    Chiiri's mother, Maria Hanley, chases him out of her territory. Chiiri finds and travels with a group of humans, and loses contact with his mother.

  • 6000

    The Omnia's Revolt

    Due to the dragon's weakening from constant war, the Omnia revolted, slaying the dragons controlling them en mass, and escaping their territories.

  • 6000


    Lorenzo Escapes the Lunar Flight
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After months of planning after hearing the news of omnia revolting against the dragons, Lorenzo McConnell puts a plan into motion to gravely wound Neia Lun De Draco if not outright kill her with the help of her daughter, Rikta. He makes a bomb he uses in his escape to temporarily blind Neia and gets away from her.

  • 6012

    Lorenzo And Sekhm Meet
    Life, Relationship change

    Lorenzo and Sekhm meet, and become allies. Not long after, they begin a relationship with one another.

  • 19014

    7 /9 21:00

    Nitali is killed
    Life, Death

    In a territorial dispute, Nitali is killed by another rival omnia. Omnia in and around Nottingham, New York panic as this rival omnia began to attack them as well and drive them out of their new territory.   In the attack, Chiiri Hanley is badly wounded, one of his arms being severed in the fight and the other badly broken. Afterwards, he begins to suffer the effects of some kind of poison or venom, resulting in the amputation of his other arm by Talv Milner

  • 19014

    7 /9 23:00

    Talv takes over Nottingham
    Population Migration / Travel

    Talv Milner, a powerful omnia, killed the omnia seeking to take control over the Nottingham territory and took control over it herself. Talv notably to omnia in the region, took on a similar stance to Nitali in allowing other omnia to coexist in the territory despite her claim over it as long as they remained peaceful with one another, only taking action to drive other omnia out if they began to get too territorial and start fights with one another.

  • 19014

    17 /9

    Sepsis nearly takes Chiiri's life
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    As a result of his wounds and likely having been envenomated in a previous attack by a rival, Chiiri developed sepsis that spread from the wounds on his lower left arm to his elbow. The infection refused to respond to antibiotics brought by Talv Milner, and continued causing massive damage to his body. In a state of delirium, shock, and incredible pain, Chiiri asked Talv to amputate his arm to keep it from spreading further.   Initially, Talv refused to do so, trying to convince him that if he sought medical treatment, he would be okay. Chiiri revealed that his mother had been a trauma nurse, and he knew enough that the infection was slowly killing him and would have one of two outcomes: he would suffer a long, slow death until reforming, or he would be stuck in that state, unable to recover at all. Reluctantly and after a failed attempt to break his arm himself, Talv severed Chiiri's arm above the site of the infection herself.   Against his wishes, Talv brought Chiiri to the Nottingham Underground in order to get treatment before he developed another infection. He was later fitted with basic prosthetics.

  • 19017

    Chiiri develops his first set of prosthetics
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Frustrated by multiple sets of prosthetics that limited his mobility, career, and quality of life, Chiiri began developing a prototype prosthetic arm that he could control with his muscles left in his arm. In 19,017, he got a prototype that worked significantly better than his previous set and reproduced it for use with both his left and right arm. The prototype became the basis for later models he developed and continues to use in the present day.   Chiiri released the schematic and software that makes the prosthesis work for free as an open source model and code set for others to further develop through the Nottingham Underground and later internet as a whole anonymously.

  • 19970

    Chiiri bargains for the life of Setsuko
    Life, Death

    Following her death after a difficult battle with cancer, Chiiri bargains for the life of his girlfriend, Setsuko Nakamura to be restored. Chiiri's subversion in his status as an omnia and denying her a proper burial at first make Shia deny his request, and only grants it out of irritation knowing she would deny him.   Chiiri becomes bound to Shia as payment for foolishly offering his life for hers, and upon revival as Shia's Dead, Setsuko breaks up with him, demanding he never see her again. Setsuko moves away from Nottingham as a result, and Chiiri lives on the roof of their apartment complex.

  • 20014

    16 /6

    Talv helps Chiiri create his prosthetics

    Chiiri lost one arm in the attack on Nitali, the other badly damaged and infected. Talv amputated the sick arm, and helped Chiiri make his first set of prosthetics.

  • 20019

    Chiiri's building burns
    Disaster / Destruction

    Due to an electrical issue, Chiiri's apartment building burns down while he is at work. In a panic, Rigby, Lorenzo, and Sekhm think he was attacked by someone else.

  • 20019

    21 /7

    Chiiri moves in with the McConnells
    Life, Relocation

    After a few months of couch surfing, Sekhm convinces Chiiri to move into him and Lorenzo's spare bedroom in their house outside the city.

  • 20020

    1 /7

    NSMHH Goes Public about the Omnia
    Cultural event

    The Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History, led by Victor Valentine II as its director, opens a new exhibit on the history of the Omnia, downfall of humankind, and most importantly, the numerous crimes of the lunar dragonflight and Neia herself to counteract propaganda before it can be spread. Notably, entry to the museum is entirely free from this point on.