Full History of Terra

The full history of the world, condensed onto one timeline.


... 12000

The age of humans, starting at the dawn of human civilization, and ending with the rise of the dragons.

  • 30000

    Dragons Disappear
    Disaster / Destruction

    For unknown reasons, dragons across the world begin dying in mass quantities, devastating populations globally and lead to the extinction of many individual species. All species that did not possess some form of immortality died out, while survivors that did entered retreated to essence form and hibernated. Records from this era are sparse and mainly speculation as to what occurred, but it is mainly agreed upon that a plague paired with changing gobal climates may have been the cause.

  • 12000

    Beginings of Human Civilization

    Additional timelines

Human Era

11999 2028

  • 1982

    Talv is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 1983

    Maria is born
    Life, Birth

    Maria Hanley is born in Puerto Rico

    Additional timelines
  • 1994

    Lorenzo is Born
    Life, Birth

    Lorenzo McConnell is born in Florence, Italy.

  • 1999

    Sekhm is Born
    Life, Birth

    Sekhm McConnell is born in Sydney, Australia.

  • 2006

    Maria moves to the United States
    Life, Relocation

    Maria and her family move to Chicago

    Additional timelines
  • 2009

    Nitali is Born
    Life, Birth

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  • 2025

    The First Dragon Fossil Unearthed
    Discovery, Scientific

    In Germany, a fossil dating to the Jurassic Period is described and published. The find is nicknamed 'Norlands Drache' after the tale of the 'Dragon of the North' and thought to be a newly discovered lineage of early bird or form of pterosaur, being woefully incomplete and only consisting of the specimen's wings and parts of the tail.   Later re-analysis of the fossil found it to be an example of an early dragon.

  • 2027


    The Dragons Awaken
    Geological / environmental event

    Slowly at first, the Dragons begin to awaken from hibernation and venture into human areas. At first most of these dragons are young and feral, but more and more powerful sentient dragons awaken over the following months and begin attacking human settlements. The first attacks are thought of as hoaxes or elaborate pranks until it is too late and humankind's continued existence is already an uncertainty.

  • 2027


    Rise of the Dragons
    Era beginning/end

    When the dragons first awoke, and began to war with humans, placing themselves as the rightful rulers of the world by force.

  • 2028

    Burning of Rome
    Military action

    At first thought to be a terrorist attack, Rome is devastated from a massive fire, killing thousands. Rumors begin to spread that the city was under attack with videos and pictures showing Italian armed forces fighting against something, obscured by the smoke of the burning city.   Only later does it become clear that Rome's destruction was caused by the Lunar Dragonflight.

The Reign of Dragons

2029 5891

From the collapse of the human age to the begging of the god's age.

  • 2029

    Neia captures the Mediterranean
    Military action

    Neia Lun De Draco rampages across Italy and the Mediterranean, capturing humans by the hundreds and killing them by the thousands as a show of force. Most humans she captures are kept alive initially, to be fed to her growing offspring at a later date. Among those captured is Lorenzo McConnell. Italy and other surrounding nations are devastated by the destruction.

  • 2030

    Fracturing of Europe
    Political event

    As more and more land falls to being under Neia's control, the nations of Europe begin to fragment and fall apart. Many areas are run instead of as nations as city states and minor regions if not abandoned and conquered.

    Additional timelines
  • 2032

    Omnia begin to arise en mass
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Omnia begin to form for the first time en mass, transformed by the chaotic magic unleashed by the dragons. Initially this is thought to be a plague among the humans held captive by the dragons, as many do not survive the process, but humans who have not had contact with them also fall ill and transform. Not well understood, many flights, the Lunar Dragonflight in particular, begin to study them.   A similar process is seen in animals, thought to be the rise of the first Gods.

  • 2037


    First War of the Flights
    Military: War

    Seeking to ever grow their territory and power, and in a scramble to claim lands abandoned or falling out of humans' grasps, many powerful dragons began to war with one another. The modern dragonflights began to take shape as smaller family groups merged with one another, rallying behind powerful leaders, their ancestors, and allies. For many, those that were not driven to extinction were assimilated into much larger groups.

    More reading
    The Dragonflights
    Additional timelines
  • 2184

    Independant Elections in Hawai'i
    Diplomatic action

    In preparation for segregating from the United States, Hawai'i conducted their own elections for independent leaders. Each island of the island chain elected its own governor, and began initial set up of its republic, complete with its own constitution. Using abandoned United States naval ships and equipment, Hawai'i began to establish its own trade networks with multiple Pacific island nations.

    Additional timelines
  • 2214

    Hawai'i declares independence from the United States
    Political event

    Due to worsening conditions across the globe from the rise of the dragons, the Hawai'i Islands declare independence from the United States on July 4th and cite the country's past forced take over of their territory, mistreatment of native islanders, and current lack of support from attacks. Due to being so isolated and nearly all of the nation's military personnel being deployed against the dragons, the severance goes peacefully. Hawai'i begins efforts to settle their own political system shortly after and begins forging their own ties to other nations, cutting off many ties with mainland North America.

  • 2232

    The First Gods
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Animals mutated by magic unleashed by the dragons during their rise begin to get revered by humans. These animals often have unusual powers, intelligence, and power not found in their ordinary kin. Although their numbers are great initially, conflict with the dragons causes many of them to be killed, and later fights over resources dwindle these numbers further.

  • 2242

    First known appearance of Shia
    Life, Identity

    Shia, the god of death, was first spotted in Greece rising from an archaeology site.

  • 2302

    California secedes from the United States
    Diplomatic action

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  • 2302

    Splintering of the United States
    Political event

    Due to its large size and destruction caused making keeping up with dragon forces spreading across the nation difficult, the United States cracks under the pressure and different needs of its many states. Multiple states declare independence at the same time and quickly begin to form alliances with one another, fueling bitter rivalries between the regions. The eastern seaboard, although reluctant to split from the United States, maintains that they are still the same nation, even as different regions begin to operate as their own entities.   The split between the Eastern and Western states, later fueled by the great flooding of the interior, becomes the foundation of what later becomes Appalachia and Laramidia and their political spheres.   Similar political fracturing is seen throughout the world, primarily in large countries.

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  • 2406

    Oregon joins the Republic of California
    Diplomatic action

    Due to other surrounding states joining the republic, food shortages, and trade pressures, Oregon officially joins the Republic of California.

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  • 2407

    Washington joins the Republic of California
    Diplomatic action

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  • 2618


    California Mexican War
    Military: War

    Attempting to invade Arizona to force it to join the republic, California sent troops across the Mexican border. Believing that it was instead the target of the attack, Mexico retaliated with force to drive California's military back, seizing significant portions of land in the process. California abandoned the attempts to invade Arizona, instead viewing Mexico's attacks as unfounded, and began seizing land and attempting to buy out neighboring regions.   The war ended in 2631 with a mutual treaty and non-aggression act, though Mexico forged a strong alliance with Arizona following, in order to prevent further use of their land for California's expansion.

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  • 2625

    Appalachian Union forms
    Diplomatic action

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  • 2811

    Flights merge to create the Kindal Flight
    Diplomatic action

    Among the devastation caused by the War of the Flights, many smaller flights across eastern Europe merged as a powerful stag named Herkirt courted and claimed their leaders for her harem. Following their ewes, this group became the foundation of the modern Kindal Dragonflight.

    More reading
    The Dragonflights
    Additional timelines
  • 3012


    The Great Bombardment
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Due to power failures, lack of upkeep, and the collapse of many space exploration organizations, satellites around the world had been failing for centuries and were no longer kept in their proper orbits. Satellites, orbiters, and space stations in low earth orbit around the world began to fall back to the earth en-mass following the collision and breakup of two major orbiters, causing space debris to rain down on the planet consistently for nearly a century.   Much of the debris was small and burned in the atmosphere, causing numerous false meteor showers, however, larger pieces of debris is still occasionally found to this day from the event.

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  • 3018

    International Space Station Falls
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Long since abandoned, the International Space Station fell from orbit, burning in the atmosphere. It is believed that much of the surviving wreckage fell into the Mediterranean Sea. Worldwide, the event was taken as a symbol of the end of humanity, with a global surge in doomsday cults following the event.

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  • 3045

    Extinction of the Rivanu Flight

    As the Flights continued to war with one another, smaller flights were devastated by their competitors. The Rivanu Flight, named after their patriarch, went into extinction following his battle to hold onto the last of their territory against the Solar and Lunar flights. It is believed that surviving members of the Rivanu were captured and became the mates of highly ranking Solar Flight members.

    More reading
    The Dragonflights
  • 5290

    Birth of Vega
    Life, Birth

    Birth of Vega, and his ascension as the God of Fire

  • 5367


    War of the Majors
    Military: War

    The Major Gods, the god of wind, fire, earth, and water, declare war upon one another and struggle for control over the world, claiming vast swaths of land as their domains. In their warring with one another, the Major Gods cause mass destruction across their battlefields, and many are killed and replaced during the conflicts.   Lapi, The God of Earth and the Fire God move the continents, crashing them together to make their own travel easier and block access to some of the oceans from Nagi, God of Water, meanwhile Nagi and the God of Wind creat devastating storms and permanently change weather patterns across the globe. The gods' actions cause many extinctions in their wake, permanently scarring the world.   In 5892, the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupts, thought by most to be directly caused by Fire God Vega and Lapi warring over the location, both having claimed it as their own, causing the War of Black Ash.   The conflict ended due to direct intervention of Shia, the God of Death, and Mora, The God of Life, coming to an agreement that if the war continued, all life in the world may be destroyed. The Majors were threatened that if they did not come to peace, the gods of life and death would slay all of them, and never again have Major Gods.

  • 5768


    War of the Rabbit / Rage of Ferventi
    Military action

    The time period when the myth, The Rage of Ferventi, and the The War of the Rabbit is believed to have taken place.
      Although sources vary, it may have occurred earlier or later by several hundred years.

War of Black Ash

5892 6030

  • 5892


    War of Black Ash Eruptions
    Geological / environmental event

    The eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano, which started both a mass extinction and a war between dragons, humans, and the omnia.

  • 5893


    The Great Global Flood
    Geological / environmental event

    Due to multiple factors; the Yellowstone Eruption, worsening climate change, and regional destruction, areas across the globe see devastating flooding from the ocean. Tsunamis caused by earthquakes from the eruption hit the Gulf of Mexico particularly hard and flood out many of the interior states across the former United States that had sunk below sea level as a result of the eruption.   Globally, millions are killed in the devastation and it is thought to be a primary contributing factor to the extinction of the human race due to not just the high death toll, but complete eradication of up to an estimated 65% of farmland across the world.

  • 5899

    Chiiri Is Born
    Life, Birth

    Chiiri Hanley is born in Chicago.

  • 5900

    A new ice age begins
    Geological / environmental event

    Following the volcanic winter caused by Yellowstone's eruption, a new ice age befalls the planet. Glaciers begin to form and creep south in the northern hemisphere, dropping the sea level in many regions and exposing new land. The UK is once again connected to mainland Europe. Despite the drop in sea level, the much of the midwestern and central areas of the former United States remains under water.

  • 5910


    Great Atlantic Earthquakes
    Disaster / Destruction

    Caused by warring between the gods of earth and fire, the Altantic Mid-ocean ridge erupted, causing massive yearly earthquakes for many years in a row. These quakes were caused by intense volcanism, greatly expanding the Altantic ocean. Although the volcanism and expansion of the Atlantic lasted for centuries, if not many thousands of years, this period is remembered as their most intense.

    Atlantic Ocean
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  • 5918

    Abandonment of the North
    Diplomatic action

    Due to spreading glaciers, never ending winters, and food shortages, many of the most northern reaches of the world are abandoned by humankind and their populations begin to move south. Alaska and much of northern Canada are all but uninhabited.

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  • 5918

    Chiiri is kicked out
    Life, Relocation

    Chiiri's mother, Maria Hanley, chases him out of her territory. Chiiri finds and travels with a group of humans, and loses contact with his mother.

  • 5936


    Second War of the Flights
    Military: War

    Due to scarcity of food and resources, as well as continued pressure from mortals and the fledgling pantheon, the dragons went to war amongst one another once again. Spearheaded by two of the most powerful flights, the Lunar and Solar Dragonflights, the two groups reigned destruction upon one another as brutal enemies, often raiding lands claimed by other flights in order to secure resources for the continuation of their war. Starving and with little choice, many other flights caught in the crossfire began to turn to cannibalism in order to survive. The war ended with a peace treaty between Neia and Aien to prevent such devastation between their own kind following a battle between the flight's leaders, in which neither could triumph over the other.

    More reading
    The Dragonflights
    Additional timelines
  • 6000

    The Land of Gods is founded

    Due to many areas having become uninhabitable to humans, large swaths of Russia, Canada, and the former United States, now split into Laramidia and Appalachia, fall under the influence of the minor gods. The region claimed by them begins to get called the Land of Gods.

  • 6000

    The Omnia's Revolt

    Due to the dragon's weakening from constant war, the Omnia revolted, slaying the dragons controlling them en mass, and escaping their territories.

  • 6000


    Lorenzo Escapes the Lunar Flight
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After months of planning after hearing the news of omnia revolting against the dragons, Lorenzo McConnell puts a plan into motion to gravely wound Neia Lun De Draco if not outright kill her with the help of her daughter, Rikta. He makes a bomb he uses in his escape to temporarily blind Neia and gets away from her.

  • 6000



    The Lunar Flight Relocates

    Following the War of Black Ash and being wounded by Lorenzo McConnell, Neia relocates her entire flight due to pressure from humans, omnia, gods and rival dragons alike to the Arctic, far out of reach of her enemies. Following this, all major activity from the Lunar Dragonflight on the world stage ceases.   The Lunar Flight begins building a massive compound in the ice as their new base of operations and changes their main focus from warfare to research quietly, and begins to put out propaganda against the omnia.

  • 6005

    Construction Finishes on the Lunar Flight's compound
    Construction beginning/end

  • 6012

    Lorenzo And Sekhm Meet
    Life, Relationship change

    Lorenzo and Sekhm meet, and become allies. Not long after, they begin a relationship with one another.

Age of Gods

6031 20019

  • 6205

    Vega Relocates to Hawai'i / Shanai
    Life, Relocation

    Aiming to use the volcanoes on the island chain as a weapon, Fire God Vega relocated to the island chain of Hawai'i as a weapon against the other gods during the War of the Majors. On his arrival, he began to heat the volcanoes' magma chambers and pour more material into them, with intent to use the volcanoes more akin to bombs, luring the other gods to the isolated islands.   This did not come to pass, however, the volcanoes were now requiring Vega's full attention to slowly drain their magma chambers to prevent massive destruction of the islands he was beginning to call home.

    Shanin Islands
  • 6385

    5 Sola

    Ferventi solidifies The Pack's traditions

    At a yearly meeting between his cult, The Pack Of Ferventi, the wolf god enforced different traditions from across his massive cult as a part of their collective culture. This was done bring the massive group closer in culture, to have consistent traditions, and rituals.   The Trials for career members of the pack become enforced across all sects.

  • 6822

    Neia and Aien become paired
    Life, Relationship change

    Due to neither being able to triumph over the other in battle, the leaders of the Lunar and Solar flights, Neia and Aien, become a mated pair, declaring one another equals.

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  • 6854

    Emergence of the Blood Dragonflight
    Diplomatic action

    The survivors of many smaller flights devastated from the many wars between dragons came together and formed an entirely new flight, the Blood Dragonflight.

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  • 8035


    Plague of 8035
    Plague / Epidemic

    A disease spread throughout many parts of the world, causing lesions, vomiting, shortness of breath, and eventual death before seemingly going away after many years of coming back on a seasonal cycle. It is unknown what disease actually caused the plague itself, as it appears to have gone extinct prior to the modern era. Primarily, Lycans and Vampires are those most affected by the disease, leading to a theory that the pathogen was likely human in origin, stemming from a common ancestor between the groups. Lycans saw a massive fall in their population and the plague is thought to have been a massive contributing factor in their eventual decline and eventual change into the modern race of Werewolves.

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  • 9000

    Extinction of Human Kind

    Following a long and slow decline where in humans had not been seen for several decades, the race was declared extinct. Numerous isolated sightings suggest that whatever pockets of humankind remained, they died out in isolation, struggling to adapt to the new world.

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  • 11892

    Dragonfire is outlawed
    Political event

    The Bangladesh Ethics of War Commission, an international organization overseeing the trials and laws surrounding war and warfare known for investigating and conducting trials for war crimes, passed a vote to outlaw the use of dragonfire in combat against humanoids. All further uses of dragonfire against humanoids would be tried as a war crime, due to its incredibly devastating effects. Although many flights were furious with the change in law, citing favor to mortals, the law was enacted by many members of notable flights themselves.

  • 12181

    5 Apho

    18 Phospho

    Animal Actor's Strike
    Political event

    Due to frustrations with low pay, poor safety, and little protections for animal handlers, crew, and poor treatment of animals on film sets, the Appalachian Film Guild went on strike for better conditions. Animal handlers and film crews had routinely been subject to extremely poor safety conditions with animals on film sets in many major studios, many of which animals were barely trained, resulting in severe injury and occasionally even death. Many animals used in film also had been treated extremely poorly, being subject to abuse, cruel training methods, and often were illegally trafficked for their use in media.   Once the strike began, it was quickly joined by the Laramidian Film and Movie Association, North Africa Crew and Actor's Guild, and many smaller unions. The strike ended when sweeping reforms were put in place, many coming from studios themselves as way to end the strike, later being adopted into law. As a result, the vast majority of film studios no longer use live animals in film, instead making use of trained illusion and transformation actors to play the parts.

  • 16308

    Apostles of Appylon absorb other sects
    Religious event

    Other sects of the Deer Cult, which had still stood despite Appylon's position as the god of Deer, had seen decades of decline until this point, in which remaining members absorbed fully into Appylon's specific cult or left their own sects entirely, leaving the Apostles of Appylon as the one remaining sect.

    Additional timelines
  • 17963

    Pagoni is born
    Life, Birth

    Pagoni, Fallen God of Peacocks, is born to a previous peacock god, whose name was later erased during her reign.

  • 19014

    7 Teros 21:00

    Nitali is killed
    Life, Death

    In a territorial dispute, Nitali is killed by another rival omnia. Omnia in and around Nottingham, New York panic as this rival omnia began to attack them as well and drive them out of their new territory.   In the attack, Chiiri Hanley is badly wounded, one of his arms being severed in the fight and the other badly broken. Afterwards, he begins to suffer the effects of some kind of poison or venom, resulting in the amputation of his other arm by Talv Milner

  • 19014

    7 Teros 23:00

    Talv takes over Nottingham
    Population Migration / Travel

    Talv Milner, a powerful omnia, killed the omnia seeking to take control over the Nottingham territory and took control over it herself. Talv notably to omnia in the region, took on a similar stance to Nitali in allowing other omnia to coexist in the territory despite her claim over it as long as they remained peaceful with one another, only taking action to drive other omnia out if they began to get too territorial and start fights with one another.

  • 19014

    17 Teros

    Sepsis nearly takes Chiiri's life
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    As a result of his wounds and likely having been envenomated in a previous attack by a rival, Chiiri developed sepsis that spread from the wounds on his lower left arm to his elbow. The infection refused to respond to antibiotics brought by Talv Milner, and continued causing massive damage to his body. In a state of delirium, shock, and incredible pain, Chiiri asked Talv to amputate his arm to keep it from spreading further.   Initially, Talv refused to do so, trying to convince him that if he sought medical treatment, he would be okay. Chiiri revealed that his mother had been a trauma nurse, and he knew enough that the infection was slowly killing him and would have one of two outcomes: he would suffer a long, slow death until reforming, or he would be stuck in that state, unable to recover at all. Reluctantly and after a failed attempt to break his arm himself, Talv severed Chiiri's arm above the site of the infection herself.   Against his wishes, Talv brought Chiiri to the Nottingham Underground in order to get treatment before he developed another infection. He was later fitted with basic prosthetics.

  • 19017

    Chiiri develops his first set of prosthetics
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Frustrated by multiple sets of prosthetics that limited his mobility, career, and quality of life, Chiiri began developing a prototype prosthetic arm that he could control with his muscles left in his arm. In 19,017, he got a prototype that worked significantly better than his previous set and reproduced it for use with both his left and right arm. The prototype became the basis for later models he developed and continues to use in the present day.   Chiiri released the schematic and software that makes the prosthesis work for free as an open source model and code set for others to further develop through the Nottingham Underground and later internet as a whole anonymously.

  • 19316

    Eleteros Joins the Gods
    Religious event

    Eleteros, the leader of the Lightning Flight, made argument that there should be a god of lightning, and he to take that role. He was the first, and last, god of Lightning, and also the first and last dragon to ever be a god.

  • 19823

    Eleteros is removed from the Pantheon
    Religious event

    After many near wars as a result of dragons vying for the position of a god, Eleteros is removed from the pantheon, and stripped of his power. His followers and cult are executed or imprisoned, and worship of him becomes criminal.

  • 19826

    Fire Mana Regulation Act Passes
    Cultural event

    Due to numerous accidents, tragedies, injuries, and even deaths over centuries, an act was passed by the Major Gods to regulate the training of Fire Mana users, requiring all users to be trained and to pass with high marks in safety and control. Accidents related to fire mana's use sharply declined, and within 20 years, 94% of fire mana were trained to a mastery level.   Although having severely decreased the amount of accidents related to the magic, the act is thought to have directly caused The Stagnation of the Art of Fire Mana.

  • 19965

    Yung Pagoni is Born
    Life, Birth

    Yung Pagoni, heir to Pagoni, the god of Peacocks, is born in Athens.

    Additional timelines
  • 19965

    14 Teros

    Soliairs is Born
    Life, Birth

    Soliairs Taeyang, a mortal to one day become the Goddess of Cranes, is born in the City of Shanai.

  • 19970

    Chiiri bargains for the life of Setsuko
    Life, Death

    Following her death after a difficult battle with cancer, Chiiri bargains for the life of his girlfriend, Setsuko Nakamura to be restored. Chiiri's subversion in his status as an omnia and denying her a proper burial at first make Shia deny his request, and only grants it out of irritation knowing she would deny him.   Chiiri becomes bound to Shia as payment for foolishly offering his life for hers, and upon revival as Shia's Dead, Setsuko breaks up with him, demanding he never see her again. Setsuko moves away from Nottingham as a result, and Chiiri lives on the roof of their apartment complex.

  • 19970

    Pagoni, The God of Peafowl, dies
    Life, Death

    After a decently long reign, Pagoni, Fallen God of Peacocks, asks for the god of life to end her own after having a suitable heir in the form of her son, Yung Pagoni, God of Peacocks. Mora obliges and allows for her to peacefully pass away.

  • 19972

    9 Putri

    The God of Bulls Falls
    Life, Death

    The God of Bulls, Gugulana, made a final stand during a local war between the gods, defending their temple. Their enemies had rallied against the bull out of fear that their forces were too great to take on alone, and so for a time, put aside their differences to take out a common enemy. Surrounded on all sides and knowing it would be a losing battle, the God of Bulls sacrificed themself as a distraction to allow their followers and priests to escape before their temple was sieged.   Tales of the battle say that the Bull refused to back down, even against numerous enemies, even when gored, speared, and torn asunder by hounds and beasts of war, remaining standing still as stone, determined to give every second to their people. Even when long dead, the bull's corpse stayed standing.

  • 19975

    Yung Pagoni takes over as God of Peacocks
    Religious event

    Old enough to understand their duties, Yung begins to act as the god of peacocks.

  • 19980

    Soliairs develops new form of Fire Mana
    Technological achievement

    Soliairs developed a new fire mana technique, the Flame Rail, as preparation for their mastery exams.

  • 19982

    Soliairs graduates as a Fire Mana Master
    Life, Education

    As an exceptional user of Fire Mana, Soliairs Taeyang graduates as a master early at the age of 17, and routinely begins to participate as a trainer of younger fire mana in Shanai.

    Additional timelines
  • 19990

    Yung makes Soliairs Immortal
    Life, Relationship change

    Yung Pagoni makes their lover, Soliairs Taeyang, immortal without their knowledge in a bid to salvage their failing relationship.

  • 19991


    Svrar kills the God of Cranes
    Military action

    Svrar, Goddess of Tigers, as part of a long lasting war between the tigers and cranes, kills the Crane God, all of his heirs, and much of his cult, leaving no one to take his place.

  • 19992

    Soliairs becomes the Crane Goddess
    Religious event

    Due to their immortality, and the crane god having no heirs, Soliairs is chosen to take their place as the Goddess of Cranes

  • 20000

    Soliairs' Children are Born
    Life, Birth

    Soliairs gives birth to Gulana and Heritai, their children with Yung Pagoni.

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  • 20000


    Svrar attacks Soliairs' Fleet
    Military action

    The Goddess of Tigers attacked Soliairs' fleet, which was away due to Soliairs being busy with their newborn children. Soliairs' right hand, Benjamen Stridde, dies in the attack.

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  • 20000


    Soliairs barters for Benjamen's life
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Bartering with Shia, the God of Death, Soliairs gets Benjamen Stridde revived as a Shia's Dead at the cost of them both having to serve Shia.

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  • 20009

    28 Sola

    Creation of the Montana Memo
    Life, Career

    Despite joining the Pack of Ferventi, Ryoten continues to vlog, having gained a small but active following during his travels. He creates a new series, The Montana Memo, centered around his new lifestyle among the Montanan Mountains Pack, The vlog quickly gains avid followers among other members of other sects of the pack and gains more popularity, becoming Ryoten's career.   The Montana Memo becomes particularly popular with younger viewers and parents, due to Ryoten's focus on education on wildlife, the wilderness, and general survival and safety. He begins to host semi-frequent livestreams from the pack's camps.

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  • 20014

    16 Sola

    Talv helps Chiiri create his prosthetics

    Chiiri lost one arm in the attack on Nitali, the other badly damaged and infected. Talv amputated the sick arm, and helped Chiiri make his first set of prosthetics.

  • 20016

    7 Verdure

    "Choking Hound" appears in the Yellowstone Gulf Park
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    A strange wolf, nicknamed Choking Hound, appears in the Yellowstone Gulf National Park. The wolf appears to be alone and attacks and kills several large animals via suffocation. Park staff elect to tranquilize him as a candidate for the park's GPS and satellite tracking program in order to better study the behavior of dispersal wolves. The wolf is tranquilized by Wren and Weiss Beckett, two of the park's rangers, and fitted with a radio collar. Choking Hound, as it turns out, is none other than Ryoten, a member of the Pack of Ferventi, using the boon as part of his trials to advance as a hunter for the group. Ryoten demands an apology from the park and the two rangers refuse to give it, citing he was hunting in restricted territory and indistinguishable from a regular wolf. Ryoten refuses to give back the radio collar, and also refuses to admit Choking Hound was actually him despite evidence.

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  • 20018

    Ludovic's Heir is born
    Life, Birth

    Ludovic's Heir, Domhnuich, is born and the polecat god declares him as such.

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  • 20019

    Chiiri's building burns
    Disaster / Destruction

    Due to an electrical issue, Chiiri's apartment building burns down while he is at work. In a panic, Rigby, Lorenzo, and Sekhm think he was attacked by someone else.

  • 20019

    21 Verdure

    Chiiri moves in with the McConnells
    Life, Relocation

    After a few months of couch surfing, Sekhm convinces Chiiri to move into him and Lorenzo's spare bedroom in their house outside the city.

War of the Moon

20020 and beyond

A war declared by Neia Lun De Draco against all who would use the symbol of the moon, the pantheon, and all who follow them.

  • 20020

    Chiiri starts dating Lorenzo & Sekhm
    Life, Relationship change

    After having been living with the McConnells for some time, Chiiri realizes that the two of them have been acting differently in how they treat him. This is due to them giving him space after the fire and stopped flirting with him. The trio began dating after Chiiri confronted Lorenzo and Sekhm on this, leading to the two of them confessing they both indeed did have feelings for him.

    Additional timelines
  • 20020

    5 Sola

    War of the Moon Begins
    Military action

    Neia Lun De Draco and the Lunar Dragonflight declare war on all gods associated with the moon, which quickly becomes a declaration of war on the entire pantheon, mortals, and omnia alike.

  • 20020

    6 Sola

    Ryoten hides the Pack's children
    Life, Relocation

    Fleeing the potential destruction that could come to areas under control of the gods, Ryoten gathers the children of his sect of the pack and transports them to the Yellowstone Gulf Park where they are secluded.

    Additional timelines
  • 20020

    9 Sola

    The Lunar Flight attacks the Pantheon's Temples
    Military action

    Across the northern Land of Gods, the Lunar Dragonflight begins to attack many of the pantheon's temples and shrines. Most attacks are conducted without notice in the dead of night, leaving no survivors. Rumor begins to spread that the lunar dragons may be using dragonfire in their attacks.

  • 20020

    12 Sola

    The Death of Aien
    Life, Death

    In an attempt to put a stop to the war before it can truly begin, Pivon attacks Neia and Aien alone several times, sustaining massive injury. In a final conflict, Pivon manages to slay Aien, but is too weakened to defend himself from Neia's counterattack and is killed as well.   Pivon's last act is to grant the omnia their draconic forms, to hopefully sway the war in their favor.

    More reading
    War of the Moon
  • 20020

    17 Sola

    Dragonfire use is confirmed in the War of the Moon
    Criminal Activity

    Following the death of Aien, Lunar and Solar dragons begin to ramp up their attacks on areas affiliated with the pantheon. An attack on one of Mora's shrines confirms the suspicions that dragonfire was being used in the attacks as it is captured on video and consistent with reports from survivors. Multiple nations begin to send aid to the pantheon, and charter their participation in the war formerly.

  • 20020

    1 Verdure

    NSMHH Goes Public about the Omnia
    Cultural event

    The Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History, led by Victor Valentine II as its director, opens a new exhibit on the history of the Omnia, downfall of humankind, and most importantly, the numerous crimes of the lunar dragonflight and Neia herself to counteract propaganda before it can be spread. Notably, entry to the museum is entirely free from this point on.

  • 20020


    Lorenzo, Sekhm, and Chiiri go to the front

    Due to joining the war effort, Lorenzo and Sekhm begin making the journey to the battlefront in the Land of Gods to assist during the War of the Moon, first stopping in Shanai in attempt to make Chiiri seek safety. Instead, Chiiri travels with them to the front along with their friend, Cecilia.   Victor stays behind in Nottingham with Rigby and his family.

  • 20020

    7 Teros

    Formation of the Eclipsion Flight
    Cultural event

    Admist the conflicts between the dragons and mortals, deserters and dissenters from both the Solar and Lunar flights petitioned to be recognized as their own distinct grouping- the Eclipsion Dragonflight, asking that they not be dismissed of their wrongdoings, heritage, and legacies, but be distinct from their ancestors in their attempts to put an end to the bloodshed. The motion was recognized by the leaders of the Putri, Haliac, Rivu, and Kindal flights.

  • 20020

    15 Luna 04:00

    The Death of Vega
    Life, Death

    In the Battle of the Moon's Rage, Vega is killed by sustaining massive injuries and using the last of his power in a desperate attempt to kill Neia for good. His death causes an eruption of Mount Shanai

  • 20020

    15 Luna 05:00

    Ludovic is greviously wounded / Ludovic becomes the God of Survival
    Military: Skirmish

    Ludovic, the polecat god, is wounded and thrown from Temple of the Crane during the Battle of the Moon's Rage. The god was charged and thrown from the ship in a suicide attack by a lunar dragon he pierced through the neck, and he nearly drowned before being pulled from the icy waters by Soliairs' crew.   Following the event, he became known as the god of survival, gaining massive following due to the publicity of the event. Some time after being resuscitated, Ludovic made a pact with Soliairs to become allies.

  • 20020

    15 Luna 05:00

    Battle of the Moon's Rage
    Military action

    Neia, in a desperate bid to gain footing, uses Lunar Mind Control on the god's forces and takes control over Ferventi, God of Wolves. Ferventi enters a state of rage and unbridled fury not seen since the legendary myth of his most precious mate's death and reaps destruction on all sides, not able to tell friend from foe, and not controlled by Neia.   In the battle, Wolfmother Akinra loses her life trying to stop him, among dozens of other casualties. While attacked by one of the oldest omnia to slow him down, Ferventi lashes out at Neia as well, severely wounding her and causing her to retreat for immediate medical care.   Fire God Vega dies, using the last of his willpower to try and take one final shot at the lunar dragon and dies, his death causing a massive eruption of Mount Shanai.

  • 20020

    15 Luna 07:00

    4 Apho

    Ferventi is mind controlled
    Criminal Activity

    Not long into the battle, Neia Lun De Draco mind controls Ferventi, God of Wolves and turns him against the god's forces. He rampages across the battlefield, killing anything in his path, friend of foe.   His daughter Wolfmother Akinra is killed in the skirmish, attempting to stop his rampage. The omnia Casina sacrifices herself attempting to stop him, and tears out Ferventi's throat, being decapitated in the process. Confident in her control over the wolf god, Neia is grievously wounded when he turns on her as well and flees the battle. Ferventi was eventually restrained by the pack, but still under the effects of the mind control and taken to the Land of Gods by his cult to attempt to break the spell and prevent him from killing more of the god's forces.   He remained under the mind control for months, eventually being broken from it fully by Kizu

  • 20020

    15 Luna 07:00

    4 Hailac

    Eruption of the Pacific
    Disaster / Destruction

    With Vega's death there was a short window of time in which there was no god of fire, before Shia was able to allow Maka, God of Fire to ascend due to shi being preoccupied with battle. In this short timeframe, the dozens of volcanos across the Pacific Ocean that Vega had personally been controlling began to erupt, and once started, could not be stopped by the new fledging god.   Mount Shanai, being so close to major cities such as the City of Shanai and its suburbs, caused massive destruction with lava flows and earthquakes leveling homes, adding dozens of acres of land to the islands, and caused the island of Ni'iahu to once more rise out of the ocean as an island again. Many of the eruptions lasted weeks, continuously spewing lava and noxious gasses from the volcanos.   The death toll from the eruptions is said to be in the thousands and that an accurate count may never be collected due to just how much destruction was caused. Thousands are reported missing and among smaller islands, many fled into the oceans where it is likely they were taken out to sea by rip currents and the tides.

    Shanin Islands
  • 20020

    15 Luna 08:00

    Ascension of Fire God Maka
    Life, Supernatural

    Due to her father's death, Maka, God of Fire, one of his daughters, took his place as his heir to become the new god of fire, the first changing of major gods seen in centuries.

  • 20020

    15 Luna 12:00

    4 Festival of Elements

    Ludovic is in recovery
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Following his near death, Ludovic recovers on the Temple of the Crane until well enough to return to battle

  • 20020

    15 Luna 23:00

    The way to Limbo is opened
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After delivering the fatal blow to Fire God Vega, Hilathu fled the battle to places unknown. While the god's forces were distracted by Neia and a mind controlled Ferventi, he shattered Limbo's Crossing and forced the plane of death to remain open, allowing the dead to freely cross into the mortal realm.

  • 20020

    15 Luna 24:00

    Kizu returns
    Life, Supernatural

    Kizu, the fallen god of foxes, returns from Limbo

    Additional timelines
  • 20020

    16 Luna

    Pacific Nations launch Eruption Response
    Diplomatic action

    In almost immediate response, nations the least affected by the Pacific eruptions begin to gather and deploy forces to assist more disaster stricken areas. In particular, great focus is placed on sending food, medics, and supplies to the Republic of Shanai due to the decades of assistance the nation had given to its neighbors in similar circumstances.   With nearly 4 million first responders and volunteers mobilized, it is the single largest emergency response event the world has seen.

  • 20020

    27 Luna

    Chezira becomes the wolf god
    Life, Career

    Due to Ferventi being mind controlled. his mate Chezira takes on his duties as the god of wolves, the first known case of there being two gods simultaneously. This is allowed as Ferventi is not yet dead, however unable to perform his duties and considered a massive risk to the Pantheon should Neia be able to control him.

  • 20021

    24 Hailac

    Fire God Maka creates the first Shanin Military
    Military action

    Following the assistance from Soliairs, Maka begins to recruit Shanine people and begin their training for the first military group in the nation since the reign of dragons. Most begin training for combat directly under Soliairs' crew and priests, utilizing fire mana for combat for the first time.

  • 20021

    1 Luna 02:00

    Temple of the Crane breaks down
    Disaster / Destruction

    Due to the extreme stress on the ship's engines and having been pushed far beyond its operating limits, the Temple of the Crane breaks down upon its arrival in Shanai. It is repurposed for shelter on the islands, and Soliairs named The Bamboo as their temporary lead ship in their fleet in its place.

    Shanin Islands
  • 20021

    5 Festival of Elements

    Ludovic assists with recovery efforts in Shanai
    Diplomatic action

    Due to his allyship with Soliairs and presence on the Temple of the Crane broken down in Shanai's harbor, the god of polecats begins to assist in the recovery efforts in Shanai, mainly assisting with procuring food and supplies. He bargains with the Kingdom of Scotland to send aid.

    Shanin Islands
  • 20022

    6 Hailac

    Shanai and Scotland enter diplomatic aid deal
    Diplomatic action

    Due to negotiations made by Ludovic, Soliairs Taeyang, and their governments, Scotland and Shanai enter a deal to mutually aid one another. Scotland begins sending disaster relief to Shanai along with medical supplies, doctors, aid workers, and food.

  • 20022

    2 Dimensio 05:00

    Hilathu shatters Limbo
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Enacting his true plan, Hilathu shatters Limbo upon his arrival to The Crossing. Akin to jamming open a one way door, thousands of undead flee the afterlife, seeking shelter from the destruction he has wrought, or joining his side.   The balance of life and death is shattered.   Those meant to die will not.   Those meant to live will not.  

    Something is wrong.

  • 20022

    2 Dimensio 17:00

    Batterion is raised from the dead
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As part of his true plan to ultimately betray Neia, Hilathu begins raising the mythical dragon Batterion from the dead- long thought just a myth, even among dragons, the great beast that nearly ate the world, erupts from Limbo and proves to be an unstoppable force.   Larger than any dragon to ever live, dwarfing even Aien Sol De Draco and Neia Lun De Draco herself, the undead monstrosity is an army in of itself, seemingly under Hilathu's control and with a hunger unstoppable for anything that falls under its immense shadow.