Dead Man’s Stand

Dead Man’s Stand, also known as Eiyse Na’Kyonach, is an oasis town in southern Qamenkas. The town is named for the petrified giant situated in the middle of the Sword Oasis in the centre of the settlement. For the past few decades, it has been ruled by a shady individual known as The Elder and their despotic oligarchy.  

Government and Defences

Since 1330 MT, Dead Man’s Stand has been controlled by the mysterious Elder. Nobody knows who the Elder is, or what species they are, but it has been confirmed that they do exist. Instead, most citizens of Dead Man’s Stand interact with their government through the three figures of the Elder’s council. Duer Leorin, an insensitive and prudish male Gwerish Water Genasi, runs the bureaucracy of the town. Ayag, a female Gnoll and occult practitioner, is the leader of the Lunar Devils, the gnoll warband that acts as the town’s militia. Verthisathurgiesh Narseth, who manages the town’s mines, appears as a flamboyant and charismatic male Kuyuiri Dragonborn, but it is an open secret in the town that this is some sort of magical disguise.   The town’s military force is the Lunar Devils, a gnoll warband under the command of Ayag. An imposing wall known as the Elder’s Wall encircles the town, as much for the purpose of keeping the citizens of the town in as keeping attackers out.  


Dead Man’s Stand’s primary industry is its mines, and most of its residents are employed as miners there. There are plentiful deposits of iron and copper in the town’s surrounding area. As well, deposits of the deadly mineral Abysium have been found as well, and disobedience in the town’s limits gets one sent to mine it.  


Dead Man’s Stand is situated in southern Qamenkas. It is near the divide where Qamenkas becomes the Nyekomvu Desert of Chikelu. Dead Man’s Stand surrounds the Sword Oasis. To the town’s south and east is also the much larger oasis of Lake Yumeldo. The town is also situated on top of the ruins of Reldrio, a Turathian city. Landmarks in Dead Man’s Stand include:
  • The Giant - The eponymous giant of the town. It is petrified, kneeling in the center of the Sword Oasis, supported by a greatsword that has been stabbed into the ground. The petrification and weathering of the giant has made identifying its lineage near impossible, and there are no records of its existence prior to the Great Charybdis.
  • Moonlit Mirage Tavern - an inn and tavern run by the male Anua Elf Eiravel Yumeldo, and his wife, the Jaar human Ankita. Eiravel is a former adventurer and one of the original founding residents of the town. Ankita is known for her greed and loyalty to the Elder. The establishment has a stage, which is occupied most nights by the female Kane human dancer Naswa.
  • Fire and Brimstone Smithy - the smithy that processes the ores from Dead Man’s Stand’s nearby mines, as well as producing metalwork of its own. It is run by the male Skorelser Dwarf Zelkhad Freehelm, who is loyal to Narseth.
  • The Invisible Mark - a general store run by the elderly Rathin human sorceress Esmerelda Vanetas and her husband Magnus. There are whispers that they also sell a few magical wares that they have in the back.
  • Silk & Sandalwood - a silk, clothing, carpet, and incense store run by the female Khiravi Tiefling Mithvari Phoca. She is a devout Niranist, but is hiding her faith, since the council made it illegal.
  • Abathenon Ruins - the ruins of the Niranist church destroyed by the Elder after the revolt of 1341 MT. A few devotees still try to use the ruins in worship, but do it discreetly, as Niranism is outlawed in Dead Man’s Stand.
  • Shrines of the Earth - a Seldarine temple with shrines to Darahl and Rallathil. It is the oldest temple in Dead Man’s Stand, built from sandstone around the original Rallathil shrine erected by the Yulmado clan, with the shrine to Darahl placed there after the mining boom of the early 1300s MT. It is attended by Hina Sipayung, a female Pelavish human khannu of Rallathil, and Mitro Renshu, a male Half-Elf khannu of Darahl.
  • Reldrio - underneath Dead Man’s Stand is the remnants of the ancient Turathian city of Reldrio. It was discovered by miners in 1321 MT. Ever since the original mine entrance to the city collapsed, the only known entrance into Reldrio is situated underneath Lake Yulmedo, and is guarded by members of the Lunar Devils.


Dead Man’s Stand was founded by a group of Anua elves of the Chikelan Yumeldo clan in 1286 MT. While travelling, they found the petrified giant, and founded a town there. They named the town Eisye Na’Kyonach, Elvish for “Giant’s Rest” or “Resting Place of the Giant”.   In the early 1300s, mineral deposits of iron and copper were discovered. In 1310 MT, the first mines were set up around town, leading to an influx of workers. It was around this time that the town was renamed to Dead Man’s Stand.   In 1321 MT, deposits of Abysium were discovered around the area. One of the attempts to mine this deposit revealed the underground ruins of the Turathian city of Reldrio. Five years later, that entrance collapsed.   In 1330 MT, there was a coup against the Elvish leaders of the town, led by the mysterious individual known as the Elder, with most of his military power coming from the gnoll warband known as the Lunar Devils. The Elder defeated the former governors of Dead Man’s Stand, and became the despotic ruler of the settlement.   In 1341 MT, a revolt was led against the town’s autocrats by the female Tavanuan dragonborn Niranist priest Forthuuth Quilwyn. The revolt failed, and the Abathenon, the Niranist church of Dead Man’s Stand, was torn down. Niranism, as well as Shamashine, was outlawed.
Founding Date
1286 MT
Alternative Name(s)
Eisye Na'Kyonach
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

Cover image: by BisBiswas
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