Ghost's Hollow

Ghost’s Hollow is an oasis town in Qamenkas. The settlement is built atop the haunted ruins of a Tyfilian settlement, and encounters with the undead are common there. Most of the inhabitants are Ahagwuenan, to the point that it is sometimes considered an Ahagwuenan territory.  

Government and Defences

Ghost’s Hollow has no official leader; as such, the de facto ruler is an Anua Elf named Ikenbat Keahorn Sheila, a noble from The Osrita. After undergoing their Wanderlust, Keahorn was fascinated by the supernatural occurrences in Ghost’s Hollow, and decided to stay there. They are considered a good leader by the small population residing in the town.   Ghost's Hollow is defended by a volunteer militia calling themselves the Defenders of the Hollow. Some of its members are intelligent undead.  


Ghost’s Hollow is mostly used as a waystation for those trading in Qamenkas; there are few exports that the community provides. Most of the town’s food is imported from Osurik, as the oasis around Ghost’s Hollow is less fertile than other oasis towns as a result of the effects of the undead aura pervading the area.  


Ghost’s Hollow is in southwestern Qamenkas, near the boundaries of the Desert of Oromaal and the Nyekomvu Desert. It is situated next to the Hidden Oasis, most of which is covered by the surface of the desert.   Ghost’s Hollow is built on the ruins of the Tyfilian settlement of Saravona. When The Great Charybdis descended, Saravona was caught in a storm of necromantic magic, killing many of the residents and making them undead. These necromantic effects still pervade through the town, causing ghosts to appear, dead bodies to rise as zombies, and giving the residents unsettling dreams.   Landmarks in Ghost’s Hollow include:
  • Hollow’s Caravansary - the first structure built upon the ruins of Saravona, Hollow’s Caravansary is a caravansary, tavern, and temple. The tavern portion is run by Nello Tassin, a male Thyan human from West Khidiana. Shrines to the Congregationalist deities Yewa, Oyafua, and Iyaloja rest in a western room of the caravansary. A residence in the caravansary is set aside for Ikenbat Keahorn Sheila.
  • The Dusty Tomb - an inn and tavern run by two intelligent undead citizens of Ghost’s Hollow. The owner is Grenmyra, a female gnome Ghoul who starved to death in the desert and eventually made her way to the Hollow looking for sanctuary. She wears a muzzle in order to keep her cravings in check. Helping her run things is Cannonbait, a Flameskull who once served the deathknight Ickkiz the Grim. The death of Ickkiz the Grim freed them from servitude, and they chose to help out Grenmyra with their establishment. Cannonbait is infamous for being a little bit too outgoing and aggressive towards customers.
  • The Bazaar - the plainly-named market where many of the merchants travelling through Ghost’s Hollow sell their wares. Most of the residents of the town get their food here, since crops do not grow well in the surrounding area.
  • Amphion Manor - an old, ruined Tyfilian manor, eerily preserved from the magicks of the region. The manor is haunted by the eponymous Wraith Amphion. Filled with an unending hatred of the living, the manor is known by locals as an incredibly dangerous location. However, the ruined building is filled with old maps of Qamenkas, revealing potential dungeons and treasure spots that tempt adventurers.


Ghost’s Hollow originated as the town of Saravona in 823 MT within the Qamenkas territories of Tyfilion. When The Great Charybdis was summoned, a Circle of necromantic energy descended on the town, many of its residents were trapped within, becoming some form of undead.   Some time after the Circle lifted, caravaners from Osurik constructed the Hollow Caravansary in 1331 MT. The spot was known to be haunted, but the potential as a trading waystation provided to outweigh the negatives for the settlers. In the proceeding years, other structures were erected around the Caravansary, and the area became recognized as the settlement of Ghost’s Hollow.   In the year 1346 MT, a female Aarakocra death knight known as Ickkiz the Grim conquered Ghost’s Hollow. She was defeated by adventurers in the year 1350 MT.   Over the past few years, the town’s politics have become closer and closer intertwined with Ahagweuna.
Founding Date
1331 MT
Alternative Name(s)
The Hollow, Saravona
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by BisBiswas
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