
Goldcross, also called the Anthill and Sheikh’s Domain, is an oasis town in western Qamenkas. Most of the town’s infrastructure is built into a large vertical butte at the settlement’s centre.  

Government and Defences

For the entirety of its existence as a settlement, Goldcross has been owned by the enigmatic Sheikh Reza, the Shepherd of Stone. The pale-skinned Reza constantly wears a headcovering and blindfold from injuries they sustained digging through the dungeons and ruins of the desert. However, they also have great magical abilities over the control of stone. Goldcross’ militia, the Lithian Garrison, is made of creatures of Elemental Earth (such as gargoyles, dust mephits, and earth elementals) that Sheikh Reza created. In addition, the Sheikh can also use their power to summon sandstone walls that protect the settlement in the case of an attack.  


Goldcross’ largest export is, as the name of the town would suggest, gold. The town’s gold mine, called the Veins, is a system of caverns and underground gullies situated underneath the settlement. The Veins were theorized to have been formed by an underground river and lake network that dried up at the summoning of The Great Charybdis. Ores mined at the Veins are taken to the Smouldering Tower outside of the town limits to have the gold within them extracted and formed into bars for easy transport.   Goldcross has a much smaller agricultural operation around the Akaistos Oasis when compared to the production of other oasis towns. This is mostly as a result of the lesser quality of goods from the pollution created from the gold mining. Sheikh Reza has set up a system to keep the lake mostly pure, but the system itself is still lacking. Arduli has offered to send in mages from the town of Sum, who specialize in purifying water of mining runoff to make them suitable for agricultural purposes, if the town would join with the Dynasty.   Goldcross also serves as an important trade town. It is the first point of entry into Qamenkas for many of those travelling from Ahagwuena.  


Goldcross is in western Qamenkas, near the boundary between Qamenkas and the Desert of Oromaal. Most of the settlement is built into the large butte at its center. To the northwest of the town is the Akaistos Oasis, named after the Tyfilian settlement that Goldcross is built on top of. To the southeast of the town is the Smouldering Tower, where the ores from Goldcross’ mines are processed.   There are no constructed walls around Goldcross. When the town requires defenses, Sheikh Reza summons massive sandstone walls that encircle the settlement.


There are five unofficial districts of Goldcross: the Alcazar, the Shrine Crescent, the Timber Coil, the Rambles, and the Outskirts. The Alcazar, the Shrine Crescent, and the Timber Coil are all positioned solely on the butte, while half of the Rambles are constructed on the butte, with the other half spreading out into the desert. The Outskirts refers to all areas of the town not contained on the butte.  

The Alcazar

The Alcazar refers to Sheikh Reza’s palatial area. It is the highest district on the butte, being situated near the very top. Landmarks in the Alcazar include:
  • The Alcazar - the eponymous Alcazar is the personal palace of Sheikh Reza. Most of the building is completely off-limits, with only Sheikh Reza’s closest companions being allowed in. The public areas of the palace are set aside for housing and holding guests and diplomats looking for an audience with the Sheikh.
  • The Lithian Garrison - the fortress that houses the militia of the same name. The Lithian Garrison houses many of the elementals that protect Goldcross, as well as jailing those that broke its laws.

Shrine Crescent

The Shrine Crescent is a small area of the town dedicated to the shrines and temples of the religions of its citizens. Many small monuments dot the Crescent, as well as a few attended parishes. Many of the shrines, monuments, and temples in the Shrine Crescent have been carved directly into the butte of Goldcross. Landmarks in the Shrine Crescent include:
  • House of the Butte - a Dorkasan Morndinsamman temple dedicated to Skadi and Garl. It is attended by the male Skagondi gnome Xothnor Calmorn Glitterheart and the male tanarukk Vuhdnor Brazzog. Along with the Radiant Pillars, it is the largest house of worship in Goldcross.
  • The Radiant Pillars - a Congregationalist temple to Iyaloja. It is attended by the female Kenku cleric Barker. The Radiant Pillars is at the lowest elevation of the Shrine Crescent, and Barker will often go down to the Rambles and set up a small shrine there during the day, as Iyaloja is the patron of markets and merchants to the Congregation of the Firstborn. While not a church of their faith, Urbnatists will often use the Radiant Pillars as a house of worship.
  • Cell of Equilibrium - a tiny Tuhaoist hermitage housing the Anua Weretiger elf Anastrianna Cithrendras. While mostly acting as a cell for the hermit, it also doubles as a shrine to the Liantuhao Way. It is a location of note because there are very few Tuhaoist monuments in this region of Tuatha.

The Timber Coil

The Timber Coil is a primarily residential quarter of Goldcross, located underneath the Shrine Crescent. Its name refers to the mostly wooden buildings that dot the district. Landmarks in the Timber Coil include:
  • The Dusty Cloak - a general store run by the male Rathin human Albus Willowwood. The Dusty Cloak’s ownership has been passed down through his family since it was established in the early days of the settlement. Assisting him with the store is his wife, the Anwyn elf Kiacena Willowwood. While an assortment of goods can be procured at the Dusty Cloak, the store mostly specializes in carrying supplies for travelling through the desert
  • The Lanternlight - a tavern frequented by the miners of the Veins. Named after the large lantern hung outside its door, the Lanternlight is tended to by the female Nimadu human Adaobi Suntumah Goliad. Unlike many other buildings in the district, the Lanternlight is carved directly into the butte of Goldcross.

The Rambles

The Rambles is a residential and market quarter of Goldcross. It is located at the bottom of Goldcross’ butte, and parts of the neighbourhood spill out from it. The Rambles is often seen as the lower-class region of the city. Landmarks in the Rambles include:
  • Snake’s Run - a tavern and inn frequented by travellers and adventurers. The Snake’s Run is on the butte of Goldcross, but located close to the surface of the desert. It is run by the female Yuan-Ti Malison Zsahtla Elui’izel. There are few stairs in the Snake’s Run, in order to help Zsahtla access as many parts of her establishment as possible.
  • Finder’s Keepers - an antique and scrap shop run by a Nothic known as The Finder. Originally from Hukyrix Dikmiza, the Finder set up their shop in a ramshackle lean-to in the Rambles. Anything from useless junk to magical artifacts can be found in their store.

The Outskirts

The Outskirts is the name given to the area outside of Goldcross’ butte. Many of the town’s agricultural and mining operations take place in this district. Landmarks in the Outskirts include:
  • The Veins - the gold mine underneath Goldcross that gives the settlement its name. It consists of caverns and underground gullies theorized to have been formed by a river and lake network underneath Akaistos that dried up when the Great Charybdis was summoned. Unlike many of the mines in the nearby Desert of Oromaal, the Veins consist mostly of only gold ores, as opposed to electrum. Despite popular belief, Sheikh Reza is not the owner of the mine; in fact, they seem somewhat disagreeable towards the whole project.
  • The Smouldering Tower - the gold smelting facility of Goldcross, located southeast of the butte. It is a tower of stone that was conjured by Sheikh Reza. Reza chose to construct it outside of the town limits as to prevent the smell of the foundry affecting most of Goldcross. The head of the Smouldering Tower is a male orc named Jutuul.


Goldcross is constructed upon the remains of the Tyfilian settlement of Akaistos. Around the mid-1100s MT, Sheikh Reza began using it as a domain. A few decades later, the butte began being used as a trade stop of travellers and traders going through Qamenkas, which Reza allowed and helped set up facilities for.   In 1294 MT, gold was discovered underneath the town. Sheikh Reza was hesitant to start mining the Veins, but a male halfling named Wiltrand Embereyes convinced them otherwise, arguing it could be a massive boost to the town’s economy. The gold mining brought in a massive influx of migrants, and the settlement was renamed from “Sheikh’s Domain” to “Goldcross”.   Within the past few years, Arduli has been courting Goldcross to join the Dynasty. Secretly, Ahagwuena has also been in similar talks with the Sheikh. However, Reza seems to loathe the idea of giving up control of the town to one of the greater powers.
Founding Date
Mid to Late 1100s MT
Alternative Name(s)
The Anthill, Sheikh's Domain
Inhabitant Demonym
Goldcrosser, Akaistosi
Location under

Cover image: by BisBiswas
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