Hukyrix Dikmiza

Hukryix Dikmiza, formerly and colloquially known as Twin Lakes, and once known as Tullas, is an oasis town in Qamenkas. It is situated between, and named after, two adjacent lakes in the desert. In 1362 MT, Hukryix Dikmiza joined the Arduli Dynasty.  

Government and Defences

When still an independent settlement, Twin Lakes was an elective dictatorship. This dictator was known as an khedive. When an khedive died or retired, a general democratic election was held to select the new khedive. Throughout its history, Twin Lakes had four khedives: its founder, Khedive Agnarissa Tullas, Abbot Rangrim Stormblood, who was also the abbot of Tywarus Monastery, Khedive Xephyrbahnor Pijjirik, who only ruled for a decade before retiring, and Zanryias Proudfoot, the current leader of Hukryix Dikmiza.   Hukryix Dikmiza is now a satrapy under the Arduli Dynasty. Its leader is the male satyr Satrap Zanryias Proudfoot. Since his election, he has become a controversial and disliked figure by the general populace. Rumours say Zanryias initiated joining with Arduli because he wished to become a member of the aristocracy.   Hukryix Dikmiza has four allagia of the Dicarian Legions protecting it, and a small contingent of Asteramlioi keeping order within the town. Before its incorporation into Arduli, Twin Lakes was protected by a militia of cenobites from Tywarus Monastery known as the Monastic Minutemen.  


As a result of its expansive greenery from the two oases, Hukryix Dikmiza is one of the primary exporters of dates and palm tree products. The harvesting has traditionally been done by the hermits of Tywarus Monastery. In addition, its position at the center of an important crossroads in northern Qamenkas makes the town an excellent trade hub.   Since joining Arduli, new industries have come to Hukryix Dikmiza. Arduli has been assisting in expanding the capacity of the water reservoirs in the town, and is both exporting sand to Arduli for, and setting up an industry in Hukryix Dikmiza for, glassblowing.  


Hukryix Dikmiza is situated in the north of the Qamenkas desert. The settlement itself is located in the area between the northern Lake Tullas and the southern Monastery Lake, the two oases that give the town its name. Having the two lakes allows for the soil surrounding Hukryix Dikmiza to be incredibly fertile when compared to other Qamenkasian oasis towns, and as a result, Hukryix Dikmiza is one of the largest in terms of population.   Three walls encircle Hukryix Dikmiza: the Tywarus Wall, the Sandstone Wall, and the Palm Wall. The Tywarus Wall encircles the eponymous Tywarus Monastery. The Sandstone Wall, made of sandstone as the name would suggest, surrounds most of the settlement. The Palm Wall, made of palm wood, encompasses the two lakes. Many sections of the palm wall have been recently knocked down in the construction of the expanded reservoirs.


Hukryix Dikmiza is divided into three districts: Tullas, Monastery’s Edge, and the Crossroads Bazaar.  


Tullas is the northern district of Hukryix Dikmiza, established on the coast of Lake Tullas. It is the oldest district in the town, retaining the name that the settlement had before it unified with the nearby monastery. Many of the residential buildings of Hukryix Dikmiza are located here. Landmarks in Tullas include:
  • Satrap’s Manor - the manor of the resident satrap of Hukryix Dikmiza, the position of which is currently held by Satrap Zanryias Proudfoot. Originally built for the founder of Tullas, Khedive Agnarissa Tullas, it was abandoned and became dilapidated after Abbot Rangrim Stormblood became Khedive. Zanryias renovated the mansion when he came to power.
  • Exarch’s Inn - a tavern and inn run by tiefling Pasha Rumination “Rumi” Thrasea. Originally part of the House of Thrasea in Yuva, Rumi moved to Hukryix Dikmiza after it joined Arduli to open a tavern, knowing that they were unlikely to inherit much as a younger sibling. He is assisted by the Njaronse dwarf Branleen “Bran” Goldentankard, who formerly ran a speakeasy in her home during the reign of Abbot Rangrim Stormblood.

Monastery's Edge

Monastery’s Edge is the southern district of Hukryix Dikmiza, next to Monastery Lake, and based around Tywarus Monastery. Most of the industry of the borough is based around the harvesting of dates and other palm products. Landmarks in Monastery’s Edge include:
  • Tywarus Monastery - a major Niranist monastery in Qamenkas. It is dedicated to the Aynarhai. The current abbot of the monastery is the tiefling Abbotess Harmony Kizilkaya. The monastery’s former abbot, Abbot Rangrim Stormblood, also acted as the khedive of Twin Lakes for a time.

The Crossroads Bazaar

The Crossroads Bazaar is the central district of Hukryix Dikmiza. Stalls and stores dot the roads that make up the borough. Landmarks in the Crossroads Bazaar include:
  • Gallipot of the Invisible - an alchemist, apothecary, bookstore, and magical components shop run by the Miwrehu Tabaxi Ameneneith. They are known to be an expert on the occult, and many adventurers have come to them for assistance with texts discovered in desert ruins.
  • Eastern Sparks Smithy - a smithy specializing in weapons and armour run by the Tsekito elf Sarro Kiarali. If provided the correct materials, he can produce magical arms and armour.
  • Shrine of the Pond - an Urbnatist chapel dedicated to Avandra. It is situated at the exact intersection of the many roads through Hukryix Dikmiza, spaces that many Urbnatists consider sacred to the Changebringer. The priest of the chapel is the half-elf Vicar Lorqarim Dreamsteel.
  • Hukryix Dikmiza Glassblower’s Workshop - the primary glassblower’s workshop for Hukryix Dikmiza. Established by Arduli when they incorporated the town, the glassblower’s is run by the Kane Air Genasi Rusem Zeinna. Water used in the production of glassblowing is provided by the Hantula elf Del Yaeldrin, a Gyswalite of St. Mishala the Seafarer.


Hukryix Dikmiza was founded in 1252 MT when traders found a space within the receding Circles that revealed two oases within close proximity to each other. One of the members of the caravan, Agnarissa Tullas, founded the settlement of Tullas next to the northern lake, and became the first Khedive of the settlement. Soon afterwards, Tywarus Monastery was built near the southern lake.   Originally, the two establishments intended to remain separate, with Tullas having ownership over the area surrounding the northern lake, and the monastery having ownership over the area surrounding the southern lake. This changed when Agnarissa died in 1284 MT, and Abbot Rangrim Stormblood was elected to replace her. Rangrim united the two settlements, and the town was renamed to Twin Lakes. Rangrim’s reign as khedive was fair, but very much based around his deeply religious convictions. As such, bars and gambling houses were illegal at the time.   After Rangrim’s death in 1347 MT, the Tavanuan dragonborn Xephyrbahnor Pijjirik ruled the town, but retired after a decade. The Satyr Zanryias Proudfoot was then elected Khedive in 1357 MT, despite the rumours of his meddling in the election.   When Arduli began courting Twin Lakes, Zanryias was immensely eager to join them, and the settlement united with Arduli in 1362 MT. The settlement was officially rechristened as its Ardulese Infernal name, Hukyrix Dikmiza. Zanryias kept his position as leader of the settlement, becoming the new satrap.
Founding Date
1252 MT
Alternative Name(s)
Twin Lakes
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Hukyrians, Lakers, Tullasi
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by BisBiswas
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