
Gottir are exani worshipped as gods by the Jolnir peoples. Much like the devanic gods of the Eshtem, the exani worshipped by the Jolnir have formed coalitions and relationships with one another, though they, like all exani, exist in their own discrete realities. This is the result of long communication through the medium of their respective mortal worshippers and servants.


Among the gottir, there is a loose heirarchy, as understood by their followers. The three most powerful are Ragna, gottyan of the earth, Thera, gottyan of the sea, and Thalkun, gottun of the yellow sun, Thal.


Other major gottir are Eltan, gottun of storms and winds as well as the gottyan of the three moons, Vefa, Binda and Skulta. Aside from these major gottir, there are many minor spirits, subservient to one or another of the major ones. Outside this heirarchy is the wanderer Kynaz, gottun of the red sun, Kyn.


Different Jolnir tribes have taken one or another of the gottir as their special patron, usually relating to their means of subsistence, environment or tribal ethos. Most prominent among these are the Thalkunir, named for their chief gottun, to whom they believe they are descended. Others include the peaceful Yngir, who are exclusively devoted to Thera, as well as the wandering Skaltir, who follow Kynaz.


The personalities of the gottir vary, but there are some commonalities. They tend to have an intensity in their interactions with mortals concerning matters they deem important. The gottir, aside from Kynaz, are not remote or cryptic and communicate directly their desires and opinions to their followers. This manner is encouraged in their followers as well. Cringing, fearfulness or fawning is at best ignored and at worst severely punished.


Kynaz's nature breaks this mold. He speaks in riddles and will show false visions to his people, or disquise his being or purpose, expecting his followers to use their wit to arrive at conclusions. Some believe he delights in this since often his followers will then arrive at wrong, but creative, interesting and surprising conclusions.


Of all the exani who communicate with mortals, they appear the most human-like. Some theologians believe it is because they are believed to be the beings most continuously worshipped for the longest time by humans, which either has humanized them or more cynically, allowing them to perfect their human-like personas.

Divine Classification

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