
Theotan is the title held by the heads of Jolnir clan or tribes, aeting. It is normally an inherited position and exclusively male, except for among the Ostland clans. In the independent kingdoms of the Brynir, Skjoldir and Thalkunir cultures, the Rik is chosen from the ranks of the theotans to rule the @rikja until their death.

The Vandir and Ostlandir have no rik to rule them, and theotans are the ultimate source of authority in matters concerning their people, except those concerning women, children, spirituality and magic, which are the domains of the Daenir and Saedir societies.

In the Kalmasan Samraj colonial province of Rotskjoldland, the role of theotan has been reduced to one of administration and tax collection and have no influence over choosing the rik, which has become merely a provincial governor.

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