BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Players Primer

Welcome to the City of Brahl

The city of Bral is situated on an asteroid that is gravitationally locked to Selûne the moon of Toril. Here you will explore the vastness of wildspace in magic powered ships called Spelljammers, interact with every sapient race in the known spheres, navigate the quasi-anarchy that is indicative of interstellar politics, and maybe even drop in on your groundling cousins for some tea and biscuits.
We begin in a city that is recovering from the excesses of an inefective monarch, and while his successor is capable, the Guilds do not relinquish power easily. The city is full of intrigue of the cold war amongst the factions of the city, and the rules can change from street to street. Will you join up with HAMMER and crew a trade ship that plies the aether between the massive dwarven Citadel ships, or will you enlist in the Elven Armada and fight to keep peace across the spheres, or will you sign on and run up the black flag of a pirate vessel, Or will you strike out in a ship of your own design and make your own destiny.


When you are planetside and look up into the night sky, everything you see is Wildspace. But that is just the beginning. That unfathomable distance and all the planets and stars that you see exists inside one crystal sphere. Outside of this speres is the rainbow ocean; the extremally flammable Phlogiston. In the Phlogiston, there bobbing like corks are the other crystal spheres, and in each of them another solar systems. We inhabit a sphere that is colloquially known as Realmspace, but the brave spelljamming pilots from other spheres do call on our ports. The two most common spheres that residents hail from are Greyspace and Krynnspace. Once you are in a new sphere, reality conforms to the rules dictated by the divinity of that sphere.


The vast distances both inside a sphere and outside require special magical transportation; Spelljammers. These ships, either retrofitted groundling watercraft or purpose built ships for navigating amongst the stars; can cross over 100 million miles in a day for the low cost of a Spell slot. But such travel is not without danger. Gravity while given planet-side, is always a consideration in wildspace. Most ships have a plane of gravity that bisects the ship, and everything falls towards this plane. With some ships the top deck and bottom deck gravity is orientated 180 degrees from each other. Breathable atmosphere is another consideration; a ship that strains it's air envelope will soon find itself in real trouble as it's crew slowly asphyxiates. Then there's the locals, as some creatures can and do live in the void.

Common Knowledge


The major beats of recent history are overshadowed by the Inhuman War. This conflict defined elven dominance in wildspace and perpetrated near genocide on the "savage" ancestries. After this war there are no more independant Orc, Kobold, Goblinoid, or Ogre nations in the known spheres.
In the background of the war a small "haunted" asteroid was settled by a pirate captain named Bral. As it grew it morphed into a monarchy. Five generations into this monarchy a fop of a king, Prince Frun, wasted what was left of the institutions and power of the crown, allowing the city to fall into anarchy. It all came to a head when Frun spurned a Neogi envoy, who then dropped a metorite on the city of Bral.
When Frun's children returned they found their city in ruins and their father drinking himself to death. The eldest brother Calar, took the crown then disapeard after 6 days. After his body was found floating is space his younger brother Andru took over and deftly started to rebuild the city.

Monsters Under the Bed

  • Illithids - The Mindflayers have probably the largest organized fleet that is hostile. While they are not engaged in open aggression they make no pretense at their ambition to enslave all the known spheres. They're dietery needs automaticly put them at odds with most societites.
  • Beholders - The Beholder nations could be the most terrifying force know to existance, if they could put aside their pety xenophobic differences and unify. But lucky for the rest of us they cannot seem to do this.
  • Neogi - The Neogi see the world as binary, you are a slave or a master, and with this mentality all there is is comerce. The Neogi run a loose flotilla of trade ships and will trade with anyone who can stomach dealing with them.

Who's Who

  • The Elven Armada - The largest organized military in the known spheres. Doesn't activly control any teritory but is ever present in the background to enforce their will.
  • Hardstone Astronomical Mercantile, Mineral Extraction, & Refining - Also known as HAMMER. A cartel of citadel ships, trade fleets and business ventures. Pragmatic and opertunistic there isn't anything that is metal or stone that has not passed through one of their channels.
  • House Cozar - The ruling family of the Rock.

Player Options


All the common ancestries are available to choose from, as well as a couple of uncommon ones are treated as common in wildspace. Below is a short list of ancestries and included in the link is any heritages that are unique to Spelljammer campaign setting. If you want to play any other race let's discuss.
  • Dwarves - Stout and insular. Most dwarves live in their citadel kingdoms and engage in mercantilism.
  • Elves - Haughty and superior. The Elven Armada is the biggest navy on the block and everyone knows it.
  • Gnomes - The vast majority of Gnomes in wildspace come from Krynn. "Tinker Gnomes" are ubiquitous in wildspace and they have never found a technology they couldn't "improve"
  • Goblins - Down but not out, Goblins have bounced back from the Unhumanoid Wars and are now thriving in the city, They inhabit much the same ecological niche as Gnomes.
  • Halflings - As on the ground, as in space. Anywhere there are humans, there are halflings.
    • The universally loathed but good natured Kender of Krynn are a heritage that never escape the watchful eye of the local authorities
  • Humans - Ever present and adaptable, Humans are the most populous race in wildspace.
    • Half Elf are usually treated well by humans, but are second class citizens within Elven society.
    • Half Orc are rare in wildspace. The Orc nations in wildspace are still hunted by the Elves so any half orc is probably a groundling that made it off the dirt
  • Kobolds - Kobolds have not bounced back from the Unhumanoid Wars as well as Goblins have, but they still have a presence in wildspace.
  • Lizardmen - No one knows how they made it to wildspace, but Lizardmen have thrived up here. Just as passionate as their groundling cousins they have adapted to "civilized" culture
  • Orcs - Hunted and put down; Orc society does not exist at any real scale in the known spheres. Any orc encountered is probably alone and closely watched; prejudice dies hard.
  • Vanara - Pious and Family are the two words that come to mind when describing the monkey like Vanara.
    • The Hadozee are a common sight on most ships, where the "deck apes" adopt their ship and it's crew into their extended family
  • Planar Scions - Anyone who can count blood from extended reality in their lineage does not fair well when cut off from that extended reality. This means that when a Planar Scion leaves a shell they become ill.

Character Building

A few considerations;
  • Due to our inability to actually play regularly, we will be using the Quick advancement rules. This will make each level 800xp (or 20 on level monsters defeated)
  • I'm considering also adding the Free Archetype rule, we should talk through if we want this added complexity when we're all learning the system. (Archetypes are how PF2e handles multi-classing, this rule basically gives you a free subclass to go w/ your main class)
  • Don't worry about making bad design choices, I plan to be pretty liberal w/ retraining as we are all learning
  • It is not required, but if we spend any time on a ship you will want your character to be at least trained in Sailing Lore
  • Paizo just dropped the Kineticist class, basically benders from ATLA. I'm cool with them in the game, just be aware that you will loose your abilities outside of a shell.

Backstory Questions

If you could, it'd be helpful for you to have an idea on these questions.
  • Where were you born
  • What was your day job
  • Why did you start adventuring


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