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Serena Bearheart

Serena was a member of the Justicars who took her duty and her oaths very seriously. She was nearly present at the Slaughter of Bygate, but was sent away before the battle began. Serena narrowly escaped death once more when she somehow managed to survive Lord No One's Royal Massacre at the Great Keep

Serena also managed to get the young Damon Rainhald out alive and she suddenly found herself responsible for the last remaining heir to the Amber Throne. With her whole order in ruins at the hands of the Inquisition, she and Damon went on the run, slowly making their way across Sanroth as Serena sought somewhere Damon would be safe. She had read of Ishurad's Vault while with the Justicars and believed it to be the only place she thought Damon would be safe from Lord No One and the Inquisition both.   She and Damon ended up in Riverside where a surprise ambush by acolytes of the Nameless Order, assisted by Imp-Peccable mercenaries, cost Serena her sword hand and Damon was captured, taken to the White Water Warehouse. Serena reached out to one of the few she believed could help her, Zordon Smolboi, who had worked with other members of the Justicars she had trusted before their purge at the hands of the Inquisition. Zordon and the Party saved Damon from his captors, discovering his true identity as a member of the royal family. Serena pleaded with the Party to help get Damon out of Riverside and to Ishuard's Vault, wherever it may be.   Together they escaped Riverside and made their way to Mirstone, where Serena believed her old friend and comrade Geron Solson was holed up. Geron was in possession of the Noble Compass, which could be used to find the Vault. They discovered the town was full of vampire spawn who had granted Geron sanctuary, although Geron himself had perished in the Mirstone Mines while defending against a phase spider swarm. After dealing with the local situation between the vampires of Mirstone and the Phoenix Chapter, the Party eventually cleared the phase spiders and recovered the compass, which led them north towards the Smokethorn Woods.   Along the way, Serena was outfitted with a prosthetic sword arm, allowing her to begin to fight properly again. After dealing with several other complications along the way, the Party and Serena finally made it to Ishuard's Vault, where they fought off a horde of chaos elves so that Damon could use his inherent powers to grant them entry. Within, they had to navigate a time-looped simulation of the Bygate slaughter and eventually gained access to the Vault itself.   After fighting off an attack by the Nameless Order, who had been unwittingly granted access by Gust Ragedrum, Serena was willing to execute Gust for his betrayal but was talked down by Damon. While the Party left the Vault to continue the fight against Lord No One, Serena remained within the Vault to continue to protect her charge and also to train him for the inevitable battles to come.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Last Justicar
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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