Quick & Dirty NPC Summary in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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Quick & Dirty NPC Summary

The Lion

Akodo Akane : Bushi. Optimistic & naive. Akodo Kosei's Gunso. Can’t speak after injury inflicted by Shosuro Yoshinori, AKA Brother Yoshi.   Akodo O-Shoen : Bushi. Gruff & greasy. Gunslinger. Former Matsu Bushi. Joined the Red Company bandits after being banished. Now a member of Akodo Takemoto's household.   Akodo Yamagata : Bushi. Huge & assertive. AKA “The Mountain.” Former Hida. Escaped execution for war crimes. Took over Red Company bandits. Now works for Akodo Takemoto, and under Akodo Kosei's direct command .   Akodo Takemoto : Bushi. Old but assertive. Forced to come out of retirement. Friendly, but bigoted against gaijin. A talented commander. His daughter, Akodo Tamiko is his chief concern.   Akodo Tamiko : Teenager. Daughter of Akodo Takemoto. Skittish but kind. Formerly cursed by the creature in Bairei’s coffin. Cured by Utaku Akasha & Doji Sachiko . Now shares a soul with an ancient wolf spirit. Hangs out with Eiko a lot.   Ikoma Tarou : Courtier. Short and stocky. A master storyteller, but a drunken, brawling, lecher. Openly dislikes Daidoji Sumiko. Friends with Doji Izanami. Was a supporter of Doji Akihito's draconian policies.  

The Crane

Asahina Tsuneo : Shugenja. Fire & brimstone preacher. Believes Rokugan deserves the coming darkness as punishment for their sins. Has a small but dedicated following in town.   Daidoji Sumiko : Courtier & artisan. Governor of Haven. Detached & aloof. Skilled engineer. Rumored connection to spy networks. Nearly killed in terrorist attack. Badly burned.   Doji Izanami : Courtier. Famous actress. Beautiful, popular, and talented but shallow and crass and a notorious gossip. Unhappy with Sumiko’s leadership. Friends with Ikoma Tarou. Was a supporter of Doji Akihito, but mostly in a shallow way.    Kakita Izumi : Bushi & artisan. Small, shrewd, & bespectacled. Trained as an architect. Fought & wounded at Desolation Ridge, which ender his duelist career. Friends with Daidoji Sumiko.  

The Phoenix

Asako Chihiro : Phoenix clan artisan of some renown. Has a shadowlands-tainted lung. Student of Doji Sachiko.   Isawa Mamoru : Shugenja. Young, shrewd, and idealistic. Worked as a doctor and helped the underground railroad. Talented at divination but plagued by nightmares.   Kaito Daishi: Shugenja. AKA “The Ghost Bear.” Has lived in the woods around Haven for many years. Lived in Prosperity, but does not remember that time. Knows the Forest King.  

The Unicorn

Ide Miyoko : Bushi. Retired. Worked as a ferryman. Now is first mate on the Airship Horizon. Definitely too old for this shit. Works with Daidoji Sumiko and Agasha Arikimede on the Horizon Airship.   Moto Batu : Courtier. Short, portly, and an irrepressible flirt with a gaijin appearance. Was on a trade mission to the Burning Sands and missed the start of the war. Brother Takeo was his apprentice.   Utaku Hideyoshi : Artisan. Utaku stable master. Koji the stable boy works for him. Friends with Utaku Akasha .   Mbali : Warrior. Bodyguard to Moto Batu . A lean and lithe half-Mweneta woman. Uses a spear and shield.  

The Brotherhood

  Brother Aki : A shy and cowardly monk   Brother Jin : A shrewd and worldly monk   Brother Takeo : Monk. Formerly Mantis Courtier of the Yoritomo. Was apprenticed to Moto Batu. Didn’t know the war had started. Foul-mouthed. Good at math and has a trained pet ferret (Kichiro).  

Order of the Lucky Cricket

Akemi : Wife of Kei . Former prostitute from Ryoko Owari. Cares for their two children Noa and baby Norio (the first child born in Haven).   Chieko : Assistant to Agasha Arikimede . Hazel eyes. Worked on mines & railroads for 20 years (is only 29). She has a wry wit, but is deferential to samurai. Drinks & tells stories.   Kaede : Order of the Lucky Cricket  leader. Skinny and long-faced. Deferential, but brave and clever. Good with money. Often overlooked. Dislikes former Red Company samurai. Takes care of her hopeless sake-merchant husband.   Kei : Woodcutter. Husband of Akemi . Was nearly killed by the Forest King. Rescued by Red Company . Strong, patient and doesn’t say much. Father of Noa and baby Norio.   Koji : The stable boy. Was in love with a samurai girl, but she was killed by the Forest King. He respects former Red Company  samurai. Hates the Forest King. Works for Utaku Hideyoshi .    

Other Peasants

Chiyo : Aging governess to Doji Sachiko . Served the Doji all her life. Gifted organizer. Good memory, but superstitious. The local children love her and call her Granny.   Eiko : Leatherworker. Former burakumin. A former slave, rescued by Kakita Jihi. She lost her foot in the razing of Heiwa Toshi. Rescued by Toku Kazehime . They flirt now. Is a friend to Akodo Tamiko  Dr. Daisuke : Doctor of middling skill. Works for Asako Chihiro .     Noa : Son of Akemi and Kei . Works as a messenger for the Order of the Lucky Cricket  and Toku Kazehime   Shin : A kid. Works as a messenger for the Order of the Lucky Cricket  and Toku Kazehime.


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