
Asceticism, or the "Way" is an decentralized religion that arose long ago, especially compared to the teachings of The Seer Collective or Imperialism. It is wrapped around the idea cosmic "filaments" tie the universe, and people together. They believe that Psionics is a direct expression of the "Way".  Ascetics believe in moderation of the use of the filament, and point towards examples of Karak and Thondor of times the "Way" was abused. Their beliefs arose as more and more Psionics came to arise, and saw as overindulgence in the "Way" would cause corruption and death to not only themselves, but all around them. Thus, they taught restraint, balance, and inner peace. Historians are ready to point out that those of the Be'Teu Order have been technically following a similar belief system to thelong before the Silence, and that their beliefs are closely intertwined.   While technically religious and spiritual, the Way of Balance does not worship a singular diety, nor does it have a set of traditions one must ardently follow to be a believer. Instead, it revolves around core pillars that teach about how one should live one's life in order to achieve ultimate fufillment. These core pillars revolve around moderation, service, and liberation. How one manifests these beliefs can be radically different.   What has caused for the spring in this religion has been the work of several aggressive missionaries all hailing from corners of Free Space and some planets in Sovereign Space. The ascetics are welcome among the socialists, so long as their beliefs adhere to the pillars of the Union. In Free Space, the Republican Remnant tolerates those that follow the way on a planet by planet basis. Chandrill is home to the largest concentration, and they are welcome on planets like Koen. But, on planets like Mauna Loa, local authorities regularly harrass and discriminate against those who follow the "Way".   The Way maintains a friendly connection to the Be'Teu Order, and they regularly interact. Many times, a traveling Be'Teu nomad or pair will find refugee with followers of the Way, should they need it. Many times, the Way will smuggle oppressed Psionics to the Be'Teu order. In return, if a Temple comes under threat from raiders or pirates, the Be'Teu will often rush to their aid, lending defensive forces to protect the temple or help the members flee.   Because it is so decentralized and widespread, the "Way" has taken many forms, and spreads to all corners of the galaxy. It is difficult to determine the origin of the "Way", but it is heavily practiced among the Mercandol and Wanderer peoples especially. They remain a relatively harmless organization as a whole, though their presence is welcome among your average galactic working man.


Asceticism is a flat structure. Most temples are isolated and generally only exist for those wishing to practice extreme temperance, or for volunteers looking to improve the lives of those around them. These can range from craftspeople to musicians to doctors and even legal experts. All are welcome to serve the Way, and service is actively encouraged as one of the pillars.   Many do not spend their entire lives in service to the temple, and instead choose to serve at different portions of their life. The young are favored for their tenacity and ingenuity, while the older members are revered for their patience and wisdom. Most temples operate independently, though they are welcome to ask for assistance from others if they are in need. The temples that can afford to give, like those on Koen or Straatos tend to give freely to those that need assistance.   There has been a growth of temples at the edges of Pacifica and The Great Expanse , which are usually backed by temples in Free Space. Most of these temples are peaceful, though there are rumors of more and more taking up arms against oppressive dictators or cruel oligarchs.
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
The Way of Balance
Successor Organization


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